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科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Children in America like Halloween (万圣节前夕) very much. In the evening on October 31.
they put on special (特别的) clothes. Sometimes they dress like witches (巫婆) and ghosts (鬼).
Sometimes they dress like kings and queens. They go to their neighbours' houses and knock on the
door. A neighbour opens the door. The children say, "Trick or treat (不给糖果就捣乱)." The
neighbour gives them chocolate or some fruit. Sometimes people don't give the children any food.
Then the children play a trick on them. They put soap on their windows. Children like this special
day. They like their large bags of sweets.
1. Halloween is celebrated (庆祝) by _____ on _____.
    A. adults (成年人); December 31
    B. the old; November 31
    C. young people; September 31
    D. children; October 31
2. Children wear _____ to celebrate Halloween.
    A. school uniforms (校服)
    B. nothing
    C. special clothes
    D. suits
3. If they can't get what they want from their neighbours, they sometimes _____.
    A. put soap on their windows
    B. break their windows
    C. put paper on their windows
    D. draw pictures on their windows
4. Children go to their neighbours' houses and knock on the doors, asking for _____.
    A. sweets
    B. chocolate
    C. fruit
    D. all of the above
5. Children like Halloween very much because they can _____.
    A. play tricks on their neighbours
    B. get something delicious to eat
    C. put soap on their neighbours' windows
    D. have a day off school


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

     If someone says to you: "give me five", do not search your pocket to get five yuan! It will make others
  laugh! The person's not asking for your money, but your fingers.
     In the US, "give me five" or "give me the high five" is a popular gesture (动作). You can see it often in
 films or on TV. It means the slapping (拍) of each other's raised (举起的)  right hands together.
     People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens.  For example, a student
 has good marks in exams or wins a lottery ticket (彩票). If a football team wins a game, the players will
 give high five to everyone around to celebrate.
     This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the emperor (皇帝).
 This showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword (JJ)  in his hand. Why not try to give
 the  high five to your friends?
1. "Give me five" is a gesture to _____.
    A. make people laugh                      
    B. ask for money
    C. celebrate success                    
    D. search one's pocket
2. The gesture "give me five" is the clapping of _____.
    A. toes          
    B. hands        
    C. arms          
    D. legs
3. When you _____, you give your friends high five.
    A. lose your money                          
    B. go back home
    C. win a football game                      
    D.  do badly in exams
4. The gesture started in _____ according to the story.
    A. Rome        
    B. America    
    C. China        
    D. Britain
5. Why did the Romans raise the right arm for the emperor? Because _____.
    A. they were proud of their emperor
    B. they were happy to see the emperor
    C. they wanted to show there were no swords in their hands
    D. we don't know


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Everyone knows the smart black-and-white dog that sits on top of a red doghouse with his
best friend-a bird called Woodstock.          
       This year Snoopy tums 60.
       Created by the American cartoonist Charles Schulz in 1950, the clever dog is loved by
generations of kids and adults. He speaks more than 20 languages and appears daily in 26,000
newspapers around the world.
       When Snoopy first appeared, he was just like other pet dogs. But two years later, he had
begun to speak with simple words and sounds.
       By 1957 he could walk on two legs and was going to school with his master, Charlie Brown,
who failed at just about everything.
       Snoopy has done lots of jobs. He has been a bow-tie wearing lawyer, a tennis player and
Olympic figure skater,a world famous grocery cashier, a pilot and even the first astronaut on the
       However,Snoopy has always dreamed of being a famous writer. The beginning of his story is
always, "It was a dark and stormy night..." Unluckily for him no one has ever wanted to publish
the story.
       Snoopy easily falls in love but always has his heart broken. He eats to forget,but it never
       Snoopy is an insightful, feel-good and sometimes sad dogs. If you think a little about his
words , you might find them full of life lessons. Among his most famous lines are " To live is to
dance , to dance  is to live. "  And  " Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll
probably still be a dog. "
1. How many cartoon characters are mentioned in the passage?
A. Two.                        
B. Three.    
C. Four.                        
D. Five.
2. How can we know Snoopy is popular in the passage?
A. He appears daily in 26 ,000 newspapers.    
B. He's just like a human.    
C. He has done all kind of jobs.    
D. He's unlucky in life.
3. From the passage we can leam that      .
A. Snoopy has a successful master    
B. Snoopy is a lucky dog in love    
C. Snoopy is a success as a writer    
D. Snoopy can teach us life lessons


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Hello,everyone,  today I'd like to tell you something about London.  London is the capital of
England. The population of London is more than 7,000.000. It's the biggest city in Britain. It's also
one of the most important cities in the world. You can find some of the best theaters and museums
in the world 'there.  There are many high buildings and beautiful parks, too.  In London, you may
visit many interesting places. The River Thames is a very beautiful river. There are many boats and
ships coming and going on it. Many people from other countries go on boat trips on the river. One
of the best trips is from Tower Bridge to Westminster. Tower Bridge is near the Tower of London.
       Most of the famous old buildings are on the north bank  of  the  river.  There are some fine
modern buildings on the south bank, such as the Royal Festival Hall. The new National Theatre
is also on the south bank. The Queen opened it on 26th October,1976.
(     )1. There are over seven million people in London.
(     )2. London is the most important city in the world.
(     )3. People can go from Tower Bridge to Westminster by boat;
(     )4. There are lots of old buildings on the south bank of the River Thames.
(     )5. Maybe the writer of the passage is a tour guide.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     (Chen Hong and Peter Johnson are talking about two American cities:  New Orleans and San
       Francisco. )
Peter: New Orleans and San Francisco are my favorite cities. Have you ever been there?
Chen: No. I've been to neither of them.
Peter: Well,  New Orleans is one of the most interesting cities in the United States. It has a French
          Quarter (地区 ), with narrow streets and little old shops.  Many of the shops and restaurants are
Chen: There's a lot of jazz (爵士) music in New Orleans, isn't there?
Peter: Yes. You can hear wonderful jazz there.
Chen: And San Francisco?
Peter: It has lovely views and one of the most beautiful bridges in the world—the Golden Gate Bridge.
          It's   a very hilly (多山丘的) city. The hills are in the middle of the town, so you have to walk up
         and down hills when you go anywhere. When you drive, your car needs good brakes (刹车).
Chen: Do you have to drive? Can't you take buses?
Peter: Well, most visitors to San Francisco ride in cable cars (缆车). A cable car goes on tracks (轨道),
          and a strong cable pulls it up the hills.
Chen: That doesn't sound very safe.
Peter: Don't worry. Hundreds of people ride in cable cars every day.

1. Chen Hong has been to San Francisco.
2. You can hear wonderful jazz in New Orleans.
3. The Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco.  
4. When the tourists visit San Francisco, most of them drive cars.
5. There are lots of hills in New Orleans.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy lean? It leans because of a mistake. It has leaned almost
 since the day the tower was built
. (1) In 1174, the people of Pisa, Italy wanted to build a bell tower.
 They wanted the tower to be the most beautiful bell tower in Italy. The city also needed a bell tower
 because the church did not have one.
     As soon as the first floor of the building was finished, the tower started to lean. Builders tried to make
  the building straight by adding more floors, but the Leaning Tower only got worse as the tower grew
 180,years, it, took, to, almost, the, tower, finish (2) Like all old buildings, it is also falling apart.  If
 someone cannot figure out a way to save the tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa will fall down in less than
 200 years.
1. 请将( 1) 处划线句子翻译成汉语。
2. Why did the people of Pisa build the Leaning Tower?
3. What action did the builder take to make the tower straight?
4. 请将( 2) 处划线部分排列成一个通顺的句子。
5. What's the Chinese meaning of "figure out"?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know about the history of
the Internet?
     Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time,
computers were large and expensive. Computer networks (网络) didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system (系统) had to be set
up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not
working, information could be sent through another part. In this way the computer network system would keep on working all the time.
     At first, the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals
and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still expensive and the Internet was
difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had
also developed software (软件) that made "surfing (浏览)" the Internet more convenient (方便).
     Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.
     The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people's life.
1. The Internet has a history of ________ years.
A. about 40           
B. less than 30
C. more than 45      
D. nearly 35
2. Scientists set up a new network system to ________.
A. make the computer cheaper    
B. make the system work well
C. make the computer go well    
D. develop new softwares
3. The Internet was widely used in the ________.
A. 1960s  
B. 1970s    
C. 1980s    
D. 1990s
4. The underlined words "get on-line" in Chinese mean ________.
A. 上机    
B. 上网
C. 接线    
D. 买电脑


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     As you research music, you will find music that is familiar to you. You will find music which tells of
interesting places and exciting things to do. You will find music which expresses feelings that are often of
your own.   
     Music is an expression of the people. As you research you will find music at work and play. You will
find music expressing love of the country, love of nature, and love of home.   
     Music is also an expression of the composer (作曲家).The composer expresses his own musical ideas. He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them. He looks for new kinds of musical
     Music can suggest actions and feelings which we all share.We can enjoy playing and singing music,
dancing and listening to the music of the people and the composers of different times and places.
1. In the first paragraph, the author tells us to              .            

A. find entertainment in music       
B. be friendly to music           
C. express your feelings in music         
D. discover the things and places in music      

2. From the second paragraph, we know that _          .            
 A. if we love music,we will love the country,  nature and home     
 B. music sings of the country, nature and home      
 C. you may listen to music at work or at play         
 D. music can express how people live, work and think
3. By means of music,  the composer wishes that____.              
A. you would study with them          
B. you would share his feelings and ideas        
C. you would express your own feelings          
D. you help discover ways of using music and new kinds of musical expression
4. The last paragraph shows that music makes it possible      .            

A. that music can express actions and feelings at the same time      
B. to bring understanding between people of different times and places          
C. that people can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening tothe music at the same
D.that people of different time and places can   get together

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? Music expresses        .              

 A. the feelings of our own     
 B. people's iove of the country        
 C. the composer's feelings          
 D. people's musical ideas


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:完形填空

  He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true  man. The US
President Barack Obama is a    1   man.
  Obama had a   2   days' visit to China from 15th to18th November, 2009. He
had a very busy schedule (日程). But he still spent   3 _visiting the Forbidden
City and the  Great Wall.     4   a leader visits another country, he or she
sometimes goes to the country's most   5   places. It is to show the respect(尊敬)
to the local    6   . For the leaders, it's also a good time to   7    during a tiring
foreign trip.
  Obama spent 50 minutes in the Forbidden City on the af ternoon of 17th
November. He thinks the Forbidden City is a wonderful place to visit. He said,
"I'11    8   with my girls and my wife. "
  On 18th November, he paid a quick visit to the Great Wall at Badaling.
There, he   9   a moment of peace.
  "It's magical. It reminds you   10   the course (进程)of history , " Obama
said about the Great Wall.
(     )1. A. true      
(     )2. A. two        
(     )3. A. sometimes  
(     )4. A. So        
(     )5. A. interesting
(     )6. A. culture    
(     )7. A. speak      
(     )8. A. come back  
(     )9. A. dreamed    
(     )10. A. of        
B. great    
B. three    
B. some times
B. When      
B. famous    
B. food      
B. discuss  
B. come up  
B. enjoyed  
B. at        
C. busy      
C. four      
C. some time
C. Though    
C. thrilling
C. sight    
C. relax    
C. come out  
C. understand
C. on        


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Homecoming Day is celebrated every year in many schools, colleges and universities of the USA.
The day falls on the 30th of October .There is always a celebration attended by the alumni, that is, those
who graduated from the same school ,the college or the university. In this way they meet and talk happily with their old friends. The alumni , mostly young persons ,would like to go to the streets wearing the
beautiful clothes they like most .Young children may even bring their pets along .Such people are called  
paraders . On Homecoming Day, the main street of the city is closed to make way for the paraders.
     It is said that Ronald Reagan once attended the celebration back at his primary school. You can
imagine how excited the teachers and children of that school were being with their president (总统).
1. Those who graduated from the same schools, colleges and universities are called ______.      
A. paraders    
B. alumni    
C. old friends    
D. old classmates
2. On the  30th  of  October, they usually ______.  
A. return and visit their old school
B. visit their classmates and old friends
C. celebrate their school's birthday
D. celebrate their Homecoming Day at home
3. This passage is mainly about ______.
A. American students and teachers
B. American president Ronald Reagan
C. American schools, colleges and universities
D. American Homecoming Day
4. When Reagan visited his primary school, the teachers and students must have been very ______. 
A. friendly  
B. thankful  
C. surprised  
D. happy
5. Which of the following is right according to this passage?
A. Homecoming Day is celebrated in all the universities of the USA.
B. The paraders and only walk in the main street of the city.
C. American presidents can also attend the celebration of Homecoming Day.
D. Young people are not allowed to bring their pets along on Homecoming

