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科目: 来源: 题型:








科目: 来源: 题型:

 Here’s a part of an e-mail a 1       from Joe,giving some a 2       to his son in college. “When I was young,I often met t 3       about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to w 4       about those things because I only did them once a year or once a lifetime. 15      ,I should try to do well those things which I do every day. For example,I need to eat every day,so

I should learn how to c 6       . I need to talk to o 7       every day,so I should learn how to work with d 8       people and know how to speak well. I walk every day,so my s 9        should be all right and comfortable (舒服).Every night I sleep,so my bed should let me have a good rest. Taking care of the e 10       things means that you do a better job of the one-in-a-lifetime things as well. ”

1.        2.        3.        4.       5.       

6.        7.        8.         9.       10.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

  It is easier to go downhill than to climb(爬)uphill,so it is easier to f 1       into bad habits(习惯)than into good ones.

Bad habits don’t come s 2       .  They  come little by little(逐渐地)w 3 people do not notice (注意)their danger(危险). Schoolboys first pick up little b 4       habit in school and on the streets. When they can’t finish their lessons,they copy(抄袭)from their c 5       . If they see bigger boys s 6      ,they also want to learn to smoke. When they get bigger,the habits become so s 7       that they can no longer get rid of(改掉)t 8      .  From  copying,they fall behind,then they learn to steal,and smoking is bad for their b 9       .  At last,they become worse and worse.

How necessary (有必要)it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the b 10      .

1.          2.          3.          4.       5.        

6.          7.          8.          9.       10.        


科目: 来源: 题型:

  One day,I happened to meet an Englishman in the street,and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English,the foreigner seemed to be very surprised. He gently shook his head and said,“You don’t say! You don’t say!” I was puzzled(困惑的)and thought, “Perhaps this is not a right thing to talk about. ” So I said to him, “Well,shall we talk about the Great Wall? Have you ever been there?” u Certainly,everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave here without seeing it. The Great Wall is wonderful!” “Yes,it is one of the wonders in the world. And people of many countries have come to visit it. ” As I went on telling him more about it,he stopped me again, “You don’t say!”

I couldn’t help asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it?”“Well,I didn’t ask you to do so,” he answered,greatly surprised.

“Didn’t you say ‘You don’t say’ ?” I asked again.

Hearing  this,the foreigner laughed loudly.  He began  to explain,    “'You  don’t  say  means  ‘Really’.  Perhaps  you  know little about English  idioms(惯用语). ” Wow!How foolish I was!Since then I have been careful with English idioms.

(   ) 1. The writer was puzzled because        .

A. the foreigner knew the Great Wall     so  well

B. the foreigner had some trouble in     understanding  him

C. the     writer himself didn’t understand the  meaning of    “You  don’t  say”

D. the     foreigner was not polite

(   ) 2. What made the foreigner laugh?

A. The wonder of the world.  B. The English idiom.

C. The writer’s talking about the Great Wall. D. The writer’s question.

(   ) 3. When the foreigner used the idiom “You don’t say” , he meant        .

A. “Shut  up”  B. “Really”  C. “Stop talking”  D. “Look out”

(   ) 4. The story probably happened in        .

A.China B.America C.England D.Australia

(   ) 5. We can infer that the writer knows        about  English  idioms.

A. much     B. little  C. few     D. many


科目: 来源: 题型:


1) Dr Bethune went on working t       the night.

2) “Is this valuable painting m         for me?” This sentence means “Is the owner thinking of giving it to me”.

3) Do you r      where you put the key,I can’t find it now.

4) “More haste,less s       . ”This sentence means “Too much haste may result in delay”.

5) The sign r       “Keep Left'


科目: 来源: 题型:

 If you wish to become a better reader,here are four important points to remember about rate (速度)or speed of reading.

1. Knowing why you are reading. What you are reading to find out will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.

2. Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are the directions for making or doing something,arithmetic problems,science and history books,which are full of information. You must read such things slowly to remember each step and important idea.

3. Some things should be read rapidly throughout. Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyment,newsletters from friends,items or bits of news from the local paper,telling what is happening to friends and neighbours.

4. In some of your readings,you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast as you go along. You need to read certain pages rapidly,and slow down and do more careful readings when you come to important ideas which must be remembered.


(   ) 1) According to the passage,your reading speed depends on         .

A. whether the reading material is interesting or not

B. what you are reading and the time you can afford

C. what your purpose in reading something is

D. whether the information is long or short

(   ) 2) If one wants to enjoy oneself by reading,one should take up         .

A. an enjoyable story book     B. a book on science and technology

C. business letters from     work  D. some material full     of information

(   ) 3) Which of the following readings should you read slowly and carefully?         .

A. Fairy tales     B. Foreign novels

C. Product directions     D. An evening paper

(   ) 4) In suggestion 3,the word “items” means         .

A. useful objects B. pieces of news C. test questions D. local papers

(   ) 5) Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage?         .

A. How to decide your reading speed B. How to raise your reading speed

C. How to know your reading skills     D. How to choose your reading materials


(   ) 1) Better readers usually read very fast.

(   ) 2) The writer gives us four pieces of advice on reading.

(   ) 3) According to the passage,when you read some directions  for  making  or  doing something,arithmetic problems,science and history books,which are full of information,you must try to read slowly.

(   ) 4) In this passage,the writer suggests that when we read some simple stories for enjoyment,we can read rapidly throughout.

(   ) 5) In the last paragraph,the writer suggests that in some  of  our readings,we  should change our speed from fast to slow and slow to fast as we go along.


科目: 来源: 题型:

  Is it easy or  1      to learn English? Different  people may have  2      answers.  Have you 3      read ads(广告)of this kind in the newspapers  and magazines(杂志)? “Learn  English well in six weeks,4       mail your money back. . . ” “Easy  and fun!Our books  and tapes  5       you learn English well in a month. From the first day your spoken English will be 6      Just send. . . Of course,it 7      happens quite like that.

Think of what a small child does. He 8      to what people say. He tries as he hears. When he wants something,he has to 9      it. He is using the language,by talking and thinking all the time. Good teachers,tapes,books and dictionaries will help,but they can’t do the 10      work for him.

(   ) 1. A. different     B. difficult  C. difficultly     D. difference

(   ) 2. A. different     B. difficult  C. the same     D. difference

(   ) 3. A.  never  B. yet     C. ever  D. already

(   ) 4. A.  and  B. but     C. so  D. or

(   ) 5. A.  know  B. help     C. make  D. let

(   ) 6. A.  forgetful  B. careful     C. wonderful  D. helpful

(   ) 7. A.  ever  B. really     C. just  D. never

(   ) 8. A.  reads  B. listens     C. writes  D. comes

(   ) 9. A.  wait for  B. look for     C. ask for  D. send for

(   ) 10. A. student’s  B. students’  C. teacher’s  D. teachers’


科目: 来源: 题型:

Many people think the more time is spent,the more work will be done. So students have to spend the whole 1     doing school work except the three meals. It is 2      to see students struggle(挣扎,奋斗)in a sea of school work both at school and at home.

Modern students usually have many 3     . They love music and sports. They like reading and watching TV. A two-day weekend can get them 4      from too much school work,and they can do what they like. But still teachers do not think about it. 5      students have too much school work,they have no time to enjoy themselves. Students are really tired of their weekend homework. So they usually don’t do their weekend homework 6      Sunday night. And there is not enough time for so much work,so students have to finish it 7      The weekend homework makes teachers angry.

Things always get 8      without right ideas. Too much school work makes students lose interest in learning. It’s also bad for their health.

A horse runs faster after a 9      But for students only rest is not enough. So such a condition should be 10      to give students both pleasure and  knowledge.

Please give students less homework but leave them more free time.

(   ) 1. A.  day  B. morning     C. afternoon  D. week

(   ) 2. A.  never  B. common     C. glad  D. hardly

(   ) 3. A.  books  B. interests     C. sports  D. friends

(   ) 4. A.  busy  B. pleased     C.  away  D. tired

(   ) 5. A.  For  B. With     C. Though  D. Because

(   ) 6. A.  until  B. when     C. at  D. on

(   ) 7. A.  good  B. poor     C. carelessly  D. happy

(   ) 8. A.  better  B. afraid     C. worse  D. wonderful

(   ) 9. A.  minute  B. moment     C. meal  D. rest

(   ) 10. A. kept     B. changed  C. same     D. different


科目: 来源: 题型:


提示:1        学习班中有20个人;



Last week,I went to an English training class.__


科目: 来源: 题型:

  More and more people are e 1      the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail q 2      and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone a 3      in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world i4      seconds(秒).E-mail is easy to use and it s 5      time and money. It serves(服务)for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them,or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail b 6     .

Can you imagine(想像)the future without teachers b 7      computers? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of 1 8      .

Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at online libraries and w 9      lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something,they will ask other students online or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more p 10      indeed.

1.        2.      3.       4.      5.       

6.        7.      8.       9.      10.       

