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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Once in a city,there w 1        a lot of rats in all the houses. They were very big rats. They a 2       the food,fought the dogs and killed the cats!They made a lot of noise. People d 3       not know what to do.

One day,a man came to the city. He said that he could h 4       the people. He walked o 5       and began to play the violin. When the rats h 6       the music,all of t 7       ran out of the houses. Old ones,young ones,they all ran after the man. He w 8       down the street and crossed the field. When he got to the river,he s 9       But the rats did not stop. They all f 10       into the river and died.

1.          2.       3.        4.       5.           

6.          7.       8.        9.       10.         


科目: 来源: 题型:

Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can 1 1       and grow food there. They are 1 2       a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the t 3       Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in time.

Why is more and more land b 4       deserts? Scientists think that people make deserts. People are doing bad things to the earth.

Some p 5       on the earth do not get very much rain,but they still won’t become deserts. This is because some green p 6       are growing there. Small green plants and grass are very i 7      to dry places. Plants do not let the hot s 8       make the earth even drier. Plants do not let the wind blow the soil away. W 9       a little bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water. Without plants,the land will become a desert much more e 10      .

1.          2.          3.          4.       5.         

6.          7.          8.          9.          10.         


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Thirty years ago,Lake Ponkapog was full of life. Many birds and animals lived beside the water which was full of fish. Now there are few birds,animals and fish. The lake water is polluted. It is filled with strange plants.

How did this happen? First,Let’s see how water gets into Lake Ponkapog. When it rains,water comes into the lake from all around. In the past,there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog,so the water in the lake was clean.

Now there are many homes around the lake. People often use chemicals in their gardens. They also use chemicals inside their houses for cleaning or killing insects (昆虫). There are many businesses around the lake,too. Businesses use chemicals in their machines or shops. When it rains,the rainwater carries all the chemicals from homes and businesses into the lake. The polluted water kill the animals.

Boats on the lake are also a big problem. Lake Ponkapog is a popular place for motorboats. But oil and gas from boats also get into the lake. So more harmful chemicals go into the water in this way.

People around the lake love this lake and want to save it. Will it be possible? A clean lake must have clean rainwater going into it. Clean rainwater is possible only if people are careful about chemicals at home and at work. They should also plant more trees and flowers around the lake. And they mustn’t use motorboats any more on the lake. All these may change people’s lives. But only then can Lake Ponkapog be a beautiful clean lake again.

(   ) 1. In the past,the water in Lake Ponkapog was made clean by        .

A. hill     B. rain  C. animals     D. forests

(   ) 2. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us        .

A. people like to go boating on the lake

B. there are some bad chemicals

C. chemicals from motorboats also make the lake water dirty

D. how oil and gas get into the lake water

(   ) 3. To save the lake,people need to        .

A. be less careful about chemicals

B. use more gas and oil

C. grow fewer plants beside the lake

D. change their daily lives

(   ) 4. “Chemicals” in the story means “        ”.

A.化学家  B.污染品  C.药品  D.化学制品

(   ) 5. What makes the lake water dirty?

A. Chemicals.  B. Boats.  C. Fish.  D. Both  A and B.


科目: 来源: 题型:

In most parts of the world,many students help their schools make less pollution (污染). They join “environment club(环境俱乐部)”.In an environment club,people work together to make our environment clean.

Here are some things students often do.

No-garbage(无垃圾)lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch? Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again. Every week they will select the class that makes the least garbage and commend(表扬)it to the whole school!

No-car day. On a no-car day,nobody comes to school in a car—neither the students nor the teachers!Cars give pollution to our air,so remember:

Walk,jump,bike or run.

Use your legs!It’s lots of fun !

Turn off the water!Do you know that toilets can waste(浪费)twenty to forty tons of water an hour? In a year,that would fill a small river!In environment clubs,students mend those broken toilets.

We love our environment. Let’s work together to make it clean.


(   ) 1) Environment clubs ask students        .

A. to run to school every day

B. to take exercise every day

C. not to forget to take cars

D. not to throw away lunch bags

(   ) 2) From the passage we know the students usually have lunch        .

A. at school     B. in shops  C. in clubs     D. at  home

(   ) 3) On a no-car day,          will  take  a  car to school.

A. both students and teachers     B. only students

C. neither students nor teachers     D. only teachers

(   ) 4) After students mend toilets,they save        .

A. a small river     B. a club  C. a lot of water     D. a toilet

(   ) 5) The writer wrote the passage to ask students to        .

A. clean school     B. make less pollution

C. join clubs,D. help teachers


1) Many students help their schools make 1        pollution.

2) In an environment club,people work t        to  make our environment clean.

3) Every week they will choose the class that makes the least garbage and commend it to the w        school!

4) Cars g       our air.

5) We must work hard to m        our  environment  clean.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier than it was 1       years ago,but it has brought some new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. We can see it,smell it,drink it and even hear it.

Man has polluted the 2       . The more people,the more pollution. Many years ago,the

problem was not so serious because there were not so 3       people. When the land was used up(用光)or the river was not clean in a place,man went to 4       place. Now man is slowly polluting the whole world.

5       pollution is still the most serious. It’s bad for 6       things in the world. Many countries don’t let people burn(燃烧)  7       for air in houses and factories in the city.

Pollution by S02 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It’s caused by(由引起)heavy traffic. People say it’s 8       to ride bikes. When you are riding,there is no pollution. But even in developed countries,most people don’t go to work by bike. It’s not because bikes are expensive or people are tired if they ride to work. It’s because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger. So more people 9       their bikes and go to work by car,then things are getting worse and worse. We should have special roads only for bikes and make it 10       difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to use their bikes.

(   ) 1. A. hundred     B. hundreds of  C. hundred of     D. hundreds

(   ) 2. A.  moon  B. star     C. earth  D. sun

(   ) 3. A.  lot  B. little     C. many  D. much

(   ) 4. A.  others  B. the others     C. the other  D. another

(   ) 5. A.  Air  B. Food     C. Water  D. Noise

(   ) 6. A.  life  B. live     C. living  D. lives

(   ) 7. A. anything bad     B. bad anything

C. anything good     D. good anything

(   ) 8. A.  least  B. best     C. most  D. worst

(   ) 9. A.  put on  B. look at     C. put away  D. look up

(   ) 10. A. quite     B. such  C. very     D. so


科目: 来源: 题型:

Planting is the most 1      part of beautifying the surroundings(美化环境).remaking(改造) nature and developing the national economy (经济). It can 2       the country rich and people 3      . Planting can stop the wind from 4       the earth and sand away. It conserves(保存)water and keeps soil. It can care people’s 5       and property. It is good for 6       around us.

At present,the forest’s area(面积)of our country is very little. Its covered rate(率)is only 12.7       percent (百分).Among one hundred and sixty countries all over the world,it 7  one

hundred and twentieth place. Every person in China only covers two mu. It’s one eighth of the world’s average(平均)number. Our forest’s area is 8        than that of other countries.

In the recent years, we have met with natural calamities(灾害),like drought(旱),flood,wind and sand. They 9       much harm to people’s health,life and property. 10      ,we must think highly of planting. We want to plant many trees and cover the mountains with the trees. Everyone should love trees,care trees and look after trees well.

(   ) 1. A.  interesting  B. important     C. beautiful  D. wonderful

(   ) 2. A.  take  B. bring     C. make  D. keep

(   ) 3. A.  pleased  B. better     C. happy  D. young

(   ) 4. A.  blow  B. blows     C. blowing  D. blew

(   ) 5. A.  living  B. life     C. houses  D. health

(   ) 6. A.  everything  B. nothing     C. anything  D. something

(   ) 7. A.  reaches  B. gets     C. covers  D. makes

(   ) 8. A.  fewer  B. less     C. little  D. more

(   ) 9. A.  take  B. bring     C. give  D. get

(   ) 10. A. After that     B. From then on

C. From now on     D. Ever since then


科目: 来源: 题型:









科目: 来源: 题型:

In the past,women could only stay at home to do housework,such as w  1   clothes,looking after babies,cooking meals and so on. They were looked down upon and not a 2     to find a job outside.

In the 1960s,women b 3     to .fight for their rights. Women in China enjoy a b 4     life than before. They can get jobs e 5     and can do all kinds of jobs. For example,there are women police officers,women doctors,women teachers and women nurses. But it’ s more d 6     for women to get to the top of a company as they do more housework at home.

In the countryside,many people still p 7     to have boys because boys are stronger and are better at farm work than girls. I don’ t think it’ s r 8     In fact,women can do everything men can do.

In China,everyone knows “ Women hold up h 9     of the sky ”,but still the government must do a lot m 10     to improve women’s life.

1.        2.     3.      4.     5.         

6.        7.     8.      9.     10.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

For several years,Americans have enjoyed tele-shopping—watching TV and buying things by phone.

Now tele-shopping is becoming p 1     in Europe. In a number of  European countries,people can  turn on their TVs and s 2      for clothes,jewelry,food,toys and  many other things.

Tele-shopping is becoming popular in Sweden. For e 3    ,the  biggest  Swedish  company sells d 4     kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries,and in one year it made $ 100 million. In France there are two tele-shopping channels,and the F 5     spend about $20 million a year buying things t 6     those channels.

In Germany,until last year,tele-shopping was only p 7     on one channel for an hour every day.  Now the government (政府)a 8     more tele-shopping. Other  channels can o 9      tele business. And many companies,including(包括)the largest American tele-shopping company and a 24-hour tele-shopping will help them s 10     more things.

1.          2.          3.     4.      5.         

6.          7.          8.     9.      10.         


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Mr Brown was on his way home from the railway station. It was very late,and he was alone on the dark road. Suddenly he heard someone behind him. He began to walk faster. The man behind him walked faster,too. He walked more slowly,and the man moved more slowly,too. He began to run,and the man ran after him. Now he was sure the man was following him,and he was really frightened.

There was a wall on one side of the road,and Mr Brown quickly climbed up it and jumped down on the other side. “If he passes and doesn’t stop,” Mr Brown thought, “everything will be all right. ” But the man didn’t pass. He climbed up on the wall and jumped down. Mr Brown’s only thought was, “I’m in great danger!” So he stood up and shouted, “What do you want? Why are you following me?”

The man was so tired that at first it was difficult for him to speak. “I didn’t know that you are a very good runner,” he said at last. “I have to go to Mr White’s house,but I don’t know the way. A man at the station told me that you lived next to Mr White’s,and he told me to follow you. I’m too tired to go any farther. ”


(   ) 1) The story happened        .

A. in     the morning  B. at noon

C. in     the afternoon  D. at the night

(   ) 2) Mr Brown was really        .

A. in     great danger  B. a policeman

C. afraid of the man     D. too tired to move

(   ) 3) The man followed Mr Brown because        .

A. he wanted to frighten Mr Brown

B. he wanted to get some money from Mr Brown

C. Mr Brown lived next to Mr White

D. Mr Brown was one of his good friends 

(   ) 4) The man was        .

A. going to visit Mr White

B. a good runner

C. too tired to speak

D. very angry with Mr Brown 

(   ) 5) Which is wrong?

A. There were few people on the road.

B. The man didn’t know where Mr White lived.

C. Mr Brown thought he was in great danger.

D. Mr Brown didn’t know where Mr White lived.


1) Mr Brown was going home when he heard someone f        him.

2) Mr Brown thought he was in d        .

3) The man didn’t climb up the wall because he was t        tired.

4) The man thought Mr Brown ran so fast that he couldn’t c        up  with  him.

5)The man didn't know h     to get to Mr White's house.

