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科目: 来源: 题型:

 One day an American went to see his doctor. The doctor looked him over and said/'Medicine can't help you. You must have a good rest. Go to a quiet place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk,walk a lot and smoke(吸烟)only one cigar(烟)a day.”

  A month later the American came to see the doctor again. "How are you?" said the doctor, "I'm happy to see you again. You look much younger. " "Oh,doctor, I feel quite well now,"said the American, "I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank lots of milk. I walked a lot. You certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day,and that one cigar a day nearly killed(杀死)me at first. It was no joke(笑话)to begin smoking at my age."

(   )1.One day an American         .

A. wasn't feeling well B. went to see his friend

C. felt very tired    D. was very angry

(   ) 2. His doctor .

A. could not help him    B. was good to him

C. told him what to do    D. was happy to see him

(   ) 3. When the American came to see the doctor again         .

A. he was younger    B. the doctor was busy

C. the doctor looked him over    D. he felt well

(   ) 4. The American told the doctor      .

A. he liked doing all these things    B. he nearly killed him
C. to smoke one cigar a day    D. one cigar a day was very difficult at first

(   ) 5. From the story we can guess      .

A. the American was not a young man    B. the doctor was a bad one

C. the doctor liked the American    D. the American would smoke every day


科目: 来源: 题型:

  What should we do to keep us healthy? One important rule is to exercise 1 The Fang family try to exercise every day. Mr Fang 2 exercise in the morning because he must get to work at exactly(准确地)seven o'clock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, 3 . He walks to school every day,and after school he 4 different sports with his friends. Mr Fang goes to a yoga(瑜#i术)class.

  But it wasn't  6in this way. Last year Mr and Mrs Fang used to(过去常常)7 here and there in their car,even to the drugstore(药店)two blocks(街区)away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. They wouldn't walk.

  The Fangs all 8better now. And they believe they shouldn't be lazy. We 9 exercise every day, but we should try our 10 to exercise as often as possible.

(   ) 1. A. often    B. sometimes C. late    D. later

(   ) 2. A. may not    B. can not   C. would not    D. should not

(   ) 3. A. either    B. also    C. too    D. again

(   ) 4. A. watches    B. plays     C. loves    D. likes

(   ) 5. A. in two weeks        B. for two weeks

       C. after two weeks    D. twice a week

(   ) 6. A. always    B. usually    C. sometimes    D. no

(   ) 7. A. riding    B. drive     C. fly    D. walk

(   ) 8. A. had      B. make    C. feel    D. feel like

(   ) 9. A. needn't    B. don't    C. won't have to D. mustn't

(   ) 10. A. best    B. good      C. heart    D. better


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Mr Harris lived in a small house by himself. He was always 1 about what he ate and drank, and he never 2 when the weather was cold. He was always afraid that he was getting terribly ill, 3 he often went to his doctor. And the doctor was getting very 4of him,because he had more other work 5

  Then one day Mr Harries hurried 6 the doctor's office and told him he was sure he had the terrible illness which he had 7about in the newspaper. He showed the doctor the 8 . The doctor read it 9 and then said, "But,Mr Harris, people don't know when they have this illness!And they feel just well."

  "Oh,my goodness," said Mr Harris. "I thought so. That's just 10 I feel!"

(   ) 1. A. careful    B. worried C. worry    D. care

(   ) 2. A. went by    B. go by   C. goes out    D. went out

(   ) 3. A. because    B. and    C. so    D. though

(   ) 4. A. enjoying    B. enjoy   C. tired    D. tiring

(   ) 5. A. to do        B. do    C. doing    D. did

(   ) 6. A. into    B. from      C. out of    D. at

(   ) 7. A. see       B. read    C. look    D. write

(   ) 8. A. photo    B. book     C. article    D. informations

(   ) 9. A. careful    B. carefully   C. doubtful    D. quick

(   ) 10. A. what    B. all      C. the same    D. how


科目: 来源: 题型:



科目: 来源: 题型:

  My grandfather never watched TV. He thought that it took people too much t 1 to watch it. Some of his friends often talked about sports programmes, the f 2 and plays. My grandfather said to h 3 ," They never read any books or go out in the e 4 ". So he didn't buy a TV set.

  Two years ago my grandfather w 5 60 years old. He stopped w 6 in the factory. My father bought him a TV set. He began to watch all the n 7 programmes. He knows m 8 more about the world now. And he reads more books, too.

  Now my grandfather will get very a 9 if you trouble him while he is watching TV. I can't understand that one can change his i 10 when he is 60.

1.     2.      3.     4.     5.      

6.      7.      8.      9.      10.    


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Everyone has a cold sometimes. When you catch a cold, you should go to 1 a doctor.some medicine and have a good 3  . You should also 4 more hot water and take some 5 You shouldn't eat cool foods 6 ice cream. You shouldn't go to public (公共的)  ,either. It's important for you to keep 8 and eat a 9 diet, 10 .

1.     2.      3.     4.     5.    

6.      7.        8.       9.       10.    


科目: 来源: 题型:

  Some people say that laughter is the best medicine. Scientists are beginning to agree with this. They are studying laughter seriously(认真地,严肃地)and finding it is really good for us.

  So what happens when we laugh? We use fifteen different muscles(肌肉)in our face,and laughing is good for every organ(器官)in our body. When we laugh, we breathe quickly and exercise the face,shoulders(肩膀),and chest. Our blood pressure(压力)goes down,and our circulation gets better. Our heart beat is lower and our brain makes a natural painkiller (止痛药) called a beta-endorphin.

  Every minute we laugh is the same as forty-five minutes of relaxation. Many doctors around the world believe that laughter helps us get better when we are sick.

  Of course,there are many kinds of laughter. We may change the way we laugh in different situations. But we all have a laugh that is special to us. How do you usually laugh?
(   ) 1. Laughter is good to us because        .

A. scientists think so    B. everybody thinks so

C. study has proved so    D. doctors say so
(   ) 2. When we laugh, we exercise         .

A. fifteen muscles of the face    B. fifteen muscles of the chest

C. every organ of our body    D. fifteen organs of the body
(   ) 3. Laughter makes a natural painkiller         .

A. in our shoulder    B. in our heart

C. in our brain    D. in our blood
(   ) 4. One minute laugh equals forty-five minutes'        

A. exercise    B. rest

C. thinking    D. medical treatment

(   ) 5. According to the passage,           .

A.     people laugh in the same way

B.     one should learn different ways of laughing

C.     we need to laugh forty-five minutes each day

D. everyone has his own way of laughing


科目: 来源: 题型:

  Frequent(经常)hand cleaning is the most important thing you can do to prevent the spread(蔓延)of illness. It's especially important to clean your hands often during this time of year when germs cause influenza(流感),colds and diarrhea to spread easily by touching other people, furniture and equipment.

  Remember, clean hands can keep you healthy, so clean them often!Here's how:

*  Wash with soap and water if you can see the dirt on your hands.

*  Use alcohol hand gel(洗手液)for a quick cleaning when you can not see the dirt. Alcohol hand gel kills germs as well as washing with soap does,and it won't make your hands dry.

*  Be a role model——educate your kids and others close to you about the importance of frequent hand cleaning.


(   ) 1)         can prevent the spread of illness.

A. Making contact with doctors    B. Taking much medicine

C. Drinking water every day    D. Cleaning hands frequently
(   ) 2) In the first paragraph, the word "germs" means         .

A.基因   B.细菌   C.疾病    D.黏液

(  ) 3) What illness may be caused by touching other people,furniture and equipment?

A. Influenza,cough and diarrhea. B. Stomachache,colds and diarrhea.

C. Influenza, colds and toothache. D. Influenza, colds and diarrhea. 

(   ) 4) What do we need to keep our hands clean?

A. Water. B. Soap.

C. Alcohol hand gel. D. All of the above.

(   ) 5) What's the main idea of this paragraph?

A. Preventing the spread of illness is very important.

B. Cleaning hands frequently can keep you healthy.

C. Touching other people may cause illness.

D. Cleaning hands with water is important for kids.


1) What's the most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of illness?

2) Why do you need to clean your hands often?

3) Does alcohol hand gel kill germs as well as washing with soap does?

4) Is it right to wash with soap and water if you can see the dirt on your hands?

5) How many kinds of hand cleaning are mentioned in this paragraph?


科目: 来源: 题型:

  I have been trying to get sick. I don't have a sweater when I should, and two days ago I walked in the rain 1 my boots. But nothing has happened. Jerry 2told me about a girl in his class. She would rub the 3 of the thermometer(体温计)until it went up to 102. Then she put it 4 her mouth and the nurse would think she was really 5 . This morning I 6 doing that but it never went 7 94 though I rubbed it for ten more minutes. So I held the tip of the thermometer near to the light bulb(灯泡)on my desk and it went up to 105. Then I put it in my mouth and walked downstairs 8 that. My mother would take it out and she would be surprised when she saw what a high fever I had.

  The only trouble was I didn't know the thermometer would be so hot. 9 I put it into my mouth I burned my tongue (舌头).I spit the thermometer out. It 10on the floor but it didn't break.

(   ) 1. A. in    B. with   C. without    D. by

(   ) 2. A. always    B. often   C. once    D. never

(   ) 3. A. end    B. back    C. middle    D. front

(   ) 4. A. from    B. in    C. under    D. on

(   ) 5. A. unhappy    B. tired    C. sick    D. wrong

(   ) 6. A. stopped    B. practiced    C. enjoyed    D. tried

(   ) 7. A. above    B. for    C. up    D. over

(   ) 8. A. for    B. like      C. to    D. into

(   ) 9. A. Before    B. When    C. Since    D. While

(   ) 10. A. feel    B. felt      C. fall    D. fell


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Put your hand to the left side of your chest(胸).Try to 1 your heart beating(跳) The heart takes a little 2 after each beat. In boys or girls 3 your age,the heart beats about 90 4 a minute. A heart beats about 70 or 80 times a minute. But the heart beat is 6 in the same person at different times. 7   ,the heart beats 8 while we have sports. It is also faster 9 a person is angry 10 excited. During sleep,the heart beat slows down.
(   ) 1. A. find    B. see   C. feel    D. hear

(   ) 2. A. rest    B. move   C. jump    D. beat

(   ) 3. A. with    B. for   C. in    D. at

(   ) 4. A. minutes    B. times   C. beats    D. seconds

(   ) 5. A. bad    B. good     C. child's    D. grown-up's(成人的)

(   ) 6. A. the same    B. different   C. strong    D. weak

(   ) 7. A. Sometimes    B. But     C. And    D. For example

(   ) 8. A. stronger    B. weaker    C. faster    D. more slowly

(   ) 9. A. when    B. since     C,for     D. after

(   ) 10. A. and    B. or     C. nor    D. both

