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科目: 来源: 题型:

One day,Yu Mei  1      shopping with her mother. When they get 2       the supermarket,Yu Mei is very 3       There are many things and many people 4       it. Her mother tells Yu Mei 5       her. They walk here and there,and they 6       some things.

When they come to a shelf (货架) ,Yu Mei 7       some boxes of chocolate (巧克力) . She wants her mother to buy some 8        her.

Her mother gives 9       a box of brown chocolate. Yu Mei shakes (摇晃) her head and says, “I want a box of white chocolate. ”

“Why?” asks her mother.

“I won’t bite my fingers(咬着手指) when I eat them 10       night,” answers Yu Mei quickly.

(   ) 1. A.  goes    B. go    C. to  go    D. going

(   ) 2. A.  for    B. on    C. to    D. with

(   ) 3. A.  sorry    B. glad    C. sad    D. good

(   ) 4. A.  on    B. for    C. at    D. in

(   ) 5. A.  follow    B. follows    C. to  follow    D. following

(   ) 6. A.  buy    B. take    C. carry    D. make

(   ) 7. A.  looks    B. watches    C. reads    D. sees

(   ) 8. A.  with    B. for    C. to    D. about

(   ) 9. A.  her    B. to her    C. for her    D. with her

(   ) 10. A. in    B. on    C. at    D. for


科目: 来源: 题型:





two hamburgers,two eggs,an apple

rice,vegetables,a little meat,two bananas

rice,vegetables,a little chicken, two pears

Wang Fan’s Three Meals


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Jack likes his b 1      very much because he likes sleeping. Mike likes the living-room because he likes watching TV and doing o 2      things there. Mary likes the dining-room because she likes e 3     .

They are a 4      my best(最好的) friends. On Sundays they often come to my home. I have a big dining-room. There is a round t 5      and four c 6      in it. We often have m 7      and drink tea there. My mother often c 8      for us. She cooks nice dishes. S 9      I can do the cooking,but I don’t like doing that. I like to eat. My father d 10      like cooking at all.

1.          2.        3.      4.       5.         

6.          7.        8.      9.       10.         


科目: 来源: 题型:

 At s 1     ,I like English,history and music. I don’t 1 2      math. It’s difficult. I like basketball and soccer. I d 3      like volleyball. It’s not interesting. I don’t like tennis but I like table t 4      . A 5      home,I like watching TV and p 6      computer g 7      . I don’t like doing housework(家务活) . I like hamburgers,fruit and chicken for m 8      breakfast. I like rice,vegetables and fish for 1 9      .1 like noodles and chicken for s 10      .

1.          2.          3.      4.       5.         

6.          7.          8.      9.       10.         


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Look!There are many clothes on the clothes line in front of the Smiths’ house. The red sweater on the right is Tony’s. He is the Smiths’ little son. He likes red and red is his favourite color. The brown jacket in the middle is Mr Smith’s. He is a professor (教授) in the National Geological Institute(国家地质研究院) . He likes brown very much. What about the yellow T-shirt? Is that  Mrs  Smith’s? No,it is not hers. It is her daughter,Nancy’s.  Nancy likes  yellow. She often wears her  yellow T-shirt to school. Look at that light  blue  dress.  That’s  Mrs  Smith’s. It,s  a  nice dress and Mrs Smith likes it very much because she loves blue and blue is her lucky color.

(   ) 1 . There are many clothes on the clothes line        .

    A. behind the Smiths’ house

    B. between the Smiths,and the Browns’ houses

    C. in front of the Smiths’ house

    D. at the back of the Smiths’ house 

(   ) 2.          is  Tony’s.

    A. The red skirt on the left    B. The red T-shirt on the right

    C. The red jacket in the middle    D. The red sweater on the right

(   ) 3. Mr Smith is        .

    A. a teacher of English in an institute

   B. a student in a middle school

    C. a doctor in a hospital

    D. a professor in the National Geological Institute 

(   ) 4. The yellow T-shirt on the clothes line        .

    A. is Nancy’s    B. is     very  bad    C. is very dear    D. is not cheap

(   ) 5. From this passage we know that        .

 A. Mrs Smith doesn’t like blue    B. Nancy is not the Smiths’ daughter

 C. there are four people in the Smith family  D. red is Mrs Smith’s favourite color


科目: 来源: 题型:

There’s a big shopping center next to our school. It 1     a lot of things. You can 2      school things like pens,color pencils and 3      You can also buy drinks,vegetables,fruit and all kinds of food. 4      of them are cheap,5      some of them are dear. The 6      is open every day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. The 7      in it are very friendly. 8      work there all day. They’re glad to 9      your questions. They help  you find what you  10     .

(   ) 1. A.  have    B. has    C. is    D. there’s

(   ) 2. A.  need    B. sell    C. want    D. buy

(   ) 3. A.  sweaters    B. dresses    C. erasers    D. milk

(   ) 4. A. Some    B. Many    C. Much    D. Thirty

(   ) 5. A. but    B. so    C. or    D. for

(   ) 6. A. bookshop    B. shopping  center

    C. clothing store    D. school

(   ) 7. A.  teachers    B. boys    C. clerks    D. friends

(   ) 8. A.  We    B. They    C. You    D. The students

(   ) 9. A.  ask    B. write    C. answer    D. read

(   ) 10. A. have    B. bring    C. come    D. want


科目: 来源: 题型:

Tom and Kate are in the park. They are very thirsty (渴的) .They want to drink something. Tom wants some orange. Kate wants some tea. Their mother buys them some drinks. They ask their mother to drink first(先) .But she says she isn’t thirsty.

Tom and Kate think the drinks are nice. Tom gives Kate some orange and Kate gives Tom some tea. They look after each other(互相) . They are very happy.

1.根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1 ) Tom,Kate and their mother are in the park.

(   ) 2) Tom and his sister want something to eat.

(   ) 3) Tom wants some oranges.

(   ) 4) The mother and Kate don’t want to drink orange.

(   ) 5) Tom,Kate and their mother look after each other.


6) How are Kate and Tom in the park?

7) Do they want something to drink?

8) Does their mother drink anything?

9) What do they think of the drinks?

10) How are the family?


科目: 来源: 题型:



Doesn’t like









apples,ice cream


ice cream,salad,apples

tomatoes,French fries

(   ) 1.          likes  apples,but doesn’t like tomatoes or oranges.

A. Jill    B. Jenny    C. Bob    D. Bill

(   ) 2.          likes  salad,but doesn’t like apples.

A. Jill    B. Jenny    C. Bob    D. Bill

(   ) 3. Bob and Bill don’t like        .

A. salad    B. apples    C. oranges    D. ice cream

(   ) 4.          likes  broccoli,but doesn’t like ice cream.

A. Jill    B. Jenny    C. Bob    D. Bill

(   ) 5.          like  salad and apples,but don’t like tomatoes.

A. Jill and Jenny    B. Bob and Bill

C. Jenny and Bob    D. Bill and Jill


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is the middle of the day. Mother and Tom are sitting at the table. They are having their lunch. There is some rice,bread and meat on the table. “I don’t like any rice. I don’t want to eat it, ”says Tom. Mother says, “All right,don’t eat it. ”

After lunch mother and Tom work in the fields. In the evening mother gives a bowl of rice to Tom. “Oh,it is great!” says Tom.

“It’s the same rice, ”says mother.

“Is that so?” asks Tom.

(   ) 1. It is        and  Tom  doesn’t  want  to  eat  rice.

    A. in     the  morning    B. at noon

    C. in     the  afternoon    D. in the evening

(   ) 2. Tom and his mother are sitting        the  table.

    A. in    B. on

    C. at    D. under

(   ) 3. There is some        on  the table.

    A. bread    B. meat

    C. rice    D. all of the above

(   ) 4. After lunch,Tom and his mother work        .

    A. in     the  factory    B. at school

    C. in     the  fields    D. on a farm

(   ) 5. Does Tom like any rice at last?

    A. Yes,he  does.    B. No,he doesn’t.

    C. Yes,he  is.    D. No,he isn’t.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Teacher: Which meal do we need most,breakfast,lunch or dinner?

Tony: 1     

Teacher: Dinner is the big meal of the day. But I don’t  2       we need  it  most.

Tony : Is lunch the meal we need most?

Teacher: No,3      is the meal we  need most. But why?

Kate : Because it is a long time from  night to morning and  we  have no  4       during the time.

Teacher: Right!If we don’t have breakfast,we don’t feel 5     .  But  what  makes a good breakfast?

James : I think we can 6      milk,bread noodles or porridge (麦片粥) .  7     are good for breakfast.

Teacher: That’s right. We can eat some vegetables and fruits 8      the morning,too. They make us healthy.

David : I 9      Coca-Cola a lot. Can I have it in the morning?

Teacher: You’d better not. Water is good for you.

Danny : Mum says we can not eat too many things after 10     .

Teacher: Right,Danny. It may make you sick (不舒服) . After sports you need water and a rest first,not lots of food.

(   ) 1. A.  Breakfast    B. Lunch    C. Dinner    D. Dessert

(   ) 2. A.  think    B. know    C. like    D. have

(   ) 3. A.  breakfast    B. lunch    C. dinner    D. dessert

(   ) 4. A.  fruits    B. vegetables    C. food    D. water

(   ) 5. A.  good    B. bad    C. fine    D. well

(   ) 6. A.  take    B. have    C. make    D. drink

(   ) 7. A.  We    B. You    C. They    D. It

(   ) 8. A.  at    B. in    C. on    D. for

(   ) 9. A.  like    B. bring    C. take    D. eat

(   ) 10. A.  school    B. class    C. dessert    D. sports

