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科目: 来源: 题型:

Tony: Hi,Wendy!How w1    your weekend? 

Wendy:It was fun. I w2  out with friends. 

Tony: W3 did you do?

Wendy:We went singing a4     dancing. Then we h5     lunch at the Season Restaurant.

H6     about your weekend?

Tony: Oh,not very exciting, I just stayed at home and watched TV o7     Saturday. Wendy:Well,what did you do on S8    

Tony: Sunday w9     terrible!I waited all day for Jenny to call,b10     she didn't!

1.         2.        3.        4.     5.     

6.         7.        8.         9.     10.    


科目: 来源: 题型:

On the weekends, American students don't go to s1     P2     allow(允许) their children to play or w3     TV. On Saturdays, they u4    go shopping with their friends or h5     a trip with their family to v6     their grandparents or go to a park for a picnic(野餐) .On Sundays, most families go to church(教堂) in the morning and have a b7     lunch at about1:00 p. m. It is a g8     way to end(结束) the week for both parents and children before the s9     of a n10     week.

1.         2.        3.         4.         5.       

6.        7.        8.         9.        10.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

One night, Mr and Mrs Black went to a restaurant for dinner. There were many people in the street. Mr Black couldn't find a place to park(停放) their car. Finally, he came to a bus stop. He parked their car at the end of the bus stop. There was still room for a bus.

Mr and Mrs Black went to the restaurant. They had a wonderful dinner. Two hours later, they left the restaurant. They walked arm in arm along the street to their car. But their car wasn't there!

"Did I park our car here?" Mr Black asked.

"Yes," Mrs Black said.

"But where is it?" asked Mr Black. He was very worried.

"It must have been stolen(偷) ”,Mrs Black said in a low voice.

But it hadn't been stolen. Do you know what had happened to the Blacks'car?


(   ) 1) Why couldn't Mr Black find a place to park their car?

   A.He didn't know the way.

   B.There were many people in the street.

   C.He didn't bring his glasses.

   D.We have no idea.

(   ) 2) Where did he finally(最后) park his car?

   A. In front of the restaurant.   B. Next to the restaurant.

   C.  Near the shop.   D. At the end of the bus stop.

(   ) 3) How long did they stay at the restaurant?

   A. For half an hour.   B. For one hour.

   C.  For two hours.   D. For three hours.

(   ) 4) How did they walk along the street?

   A. They walked really fast.   B. They walked with books in arms.

   C.  They walked arm in arm.   D. They walked in a hurry.

(   ) 5) How did Mr Black feel when he saw the car was missing?

   A. He was angry.   B. He was not worried.

   C.He forgot their car.   D. He was worried.


1) Why did Mr and Mrs Black go out?

2) Were there any people in the street?

3) Was it easy or difficult to find a place to park their car?

4) Where did Mr Black park their car?

5) Do you know what had happened to the Blacks' car?


科目: 来源: 题型:

This is a story about a monkey. An old man had a monkey. The old man liked the monkey very much. The monkey was very clever. When the birds came to the garden, he drove them away. He also helped the old man in many other ways. The old man fell asleep in his chair. Then the monkey would sit at the old man's side and drive flies(苍蜆) away from the old man. One hot afternoon in the summer, the old man was asleep in his chair. A fly came and sat on the end of the old man's nose. The monkey drove it away. Soon the fly came back again and sat on the old man's nose again. Again the monkey drove it away. Again and again, the monkey became very angry. He jumped up,ran into the garden and picked a large stone(石头) .When he came back,the fly was on the old man's nose again. The monkey hit it hard with that stone. The fly fell off,but the old man's nose was broken.

Well, many people, even our friends, sometimes do things just like the monkey. They don't think much before they do things. They sometimes bring us trouble, even though they mean to do something good.


(   ) 1) The monkey        

   A.was always ready to help others

   B.could do a lot of things for the old man

   C.drove the chickens into the garden

   D.fell asleep with his friends

(   ) 2) What happened when the old man was asleep?

   A.A lot of birds came to the garden.

   B.The monkey was busy doing housework.

   C.A fly came and sat on the old man's nose.

   D.The monkey was looking for a stone. 

(   ) 3) Why did the monkey get angry?

   A.Because he couldn't find a stone.

   B.Because he was afraid of the old man.

   C.Because he drove the fly again and again, but the fly came back every time.

   D.Because his stone hit the old man's nose.

(   ) 4) What's the result(结果) of the story?

   A. The old man woke up.   B. The old man's nose was broken.

   C.The fly was dead.   D. A. B and C are all right.

(   ) 5) What can we learn from the story?

   A.The monkey can't help us.

   B.Don't be angry at any time.

   C.Everyone hates flies.

   D.We must think carefully before we do things. 2.根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。

1) The monkey was very c        and the old man liked it very much.

2) The monkey can        the old man in many ways.

3) The baby was a       . Please be quiet.

4) A fly came and sat on the dish. Tom d    it away.

5) We must think carefully b    we do things.


科目: 来源: 题型:

1    Saturday evening,we2    to the East Building. It was the last day of the year and 3     young people stood under the building clock. It would strike(敲响) twelve4 ten minutes. Five minutes5     and then at6     the clock7     .

We waited and waited, 8     the minute hand did not move. Suddenly a young man shouted, "It's one minute past twelve!" I looked9     my watch. It was true. The clock did not want to meet the New Year.

Just at that time all the young people began10     .

(   ) 1.A. In   B. At   C. On   D. To

(   ) 2.A. go   B. went   C. gone   D. goes

(   ) 3.A. a lot   B. lot of   C. much   D. lots of

(   ) 4.A. in   B. before   C. after   D. for

(   ) 5.A. passed   B. pass   C. past   D. passing

(   ) 6.A. five past twelve   B. five to twelve

   C.twelve past five   D. twelve to five

(   ) 7.A. stop   B. stops   C. stopped   D. stopping

(   ) 8.A. and   B. them   C. still   D. but

(   ) 9.A. in   B. at   C. on   D. for

(   ) 10.A. to laugh and singing   B. to laughing and sing

   C.to laugh and sang   D. to laugh and sing


科目: 来源: 题型:

On Saturday, I played soccer with my classmates all day,and I was really1     . I didn't want to do my homework and I needed to have a good rest. I invited my friend, Dave,to my house. First, we2     some popcorn(爆玉米花) .Then we3     TV. My favorite show Life in the City was4     TV. But after ten minutes,the television screen went black. I wanted to see the last part of the5     I6     my friend Peter. I said, "Our television screen went black. We missed the end of Life in the City. What7     you?" Peter answered, "I8     it too!" I shouted,

"Oh,no!" Then Peter said,"  9     I taped(把录在磁带上) it. You can come and see it

tomorrow.”I said,"Oh,10    !" I had a busy day,but it wasn't too bad.

(   ) 1.A. difficult   B. tired   C. different   D. boring

(   ) 2.A. make   B. made   C. makes   D. making

(   ) 3.A. look   B. looked   C. watch   D. watched

(   ) 4.A. in   B. under   C. on   D. of

(   ) 5.A. screen   B. dog   C. people   D. show

(   ) 6.A. called   B. invited   C. gave   D. went

(   ) 7.A. about   B. in   C. from   D. on

(   ) 8.A. miss   B. missed   C. missing   D. to miss

(   ) 9.A. And   B. If   C. But   D. Or

(   ) 10.A. bad   B. sad   C. great   D. unhappy


科目: 来源: 题型:

假设你是李平,在元旦(New Year's Day) 期间去武汉度假。现在写信向你的好朋友Mike 介绍一下你的武汉之旅。词数80左右。提示:

1.Who did you go with?

2.How long did you stay there?

3.What was the weather like there?

4.What did you do there? (go to Yellow Crane Tower,the River Beach, the East Lake Aquarium)

5.What did you think of the food there? (very hot很辣)


科目: 来源: 题型:

A traveller was riding in the rain,so he was wet and cold. When he a1     at a country inn,there w2     a lot of people in it. He wanted to dry his c3     ,but he could not get near the fire. Then he had a good i4     . He a5     the inn keeper to take some fish to his horse. The crowd of people heard this strange order and ran out to see the horse e6     fish. The traveller s7     in the room alone and got himself w8     . When the crowd of people and the inn keeper r9     ,he w10     sitting near the fire and drying his clothes.

1.        2.        3.        4.         5.       

6.        7.        8.        9.         10.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

Tom: How was your day1    ,Mary? Mary:Oh,it was awful. Tom: Really?2     happened?

Mary: Well,we went camping and the3     was terrible. It rained all day. Tom: Oh. That's too bad.

Mary: Ugh. Because the weather was so bad,we went for a drive. It was really4     .

Tom: It5     terrible, Mary.

Mary: How6    your day off,Tom?

Tom: It was terrible. I studied very hard7     my math exam last week,so I8     late. Can you believe it? When I woke up,it was already12 o'clock. I got9    and went to my friend Dave's house,  10     he wasn't there. He was at the beach!

Mary: Sounds like a busy day off!

Tony: Uh-huh.,

1.         2.        3.         4.         5.       

6.        7.        8.         9.         10.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

You want to know about life in the past. Right? I can tell you. When I was a boy,things were different. I had to get up at six every morning. That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold. And we didn't have any hot water in the house. We had to wash in cold water. We didn't have a bathroom(浴室) .My dad had some chickens. I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister. It was about two miles to school and about two miles back in the evening. But it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school. There was a bus,but we didn't have any money. And we had to go to bed at eleven o'clock every night because I had too much homework and housework to do. We couldn't watch TV because there wasn't any. On Sundays we had to go to church(教堂) three times―morning, afternoon and evening. And we couldn't play outside on Sundays. But it wasn't all bad. We had some good times(时光) .We could go out and our parents didn't have to worry about us. There weren't so many cars on the roads then,so the streets were safe to play in. And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days. We had to work hard and we weren't able to buy all those things in the shops today. Life was hard,but it was simple(单纯的) and people were happier. I don't think I'd like to be young today.

(   ) 1. The writer usually went to bed        every night.

   A. at six   B. at eight   C. at nine   D. at eleven

(   ) 2. The writer walked about        every day.

   A. two miles   B. three miles   C. four miles   D. five miles

(   ) 3. Every morning the writer had to feed        .

   A. his little sister   B. his lovely dog

   C.  his chickens   D. his father's chickens

(   ) 4. The writer had a        but        family.

   A. rich;happy   B. poor;happy

   C.  hard;poor   D. rich;hard

(   ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A.The writer had a little sister.

   B.The writer and his sister never had any good times.

   C.Life in the writer's family was hard,simple but happy.

   D.The writer had a very poor childhood.

