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科目: 来源: 题型:

"Who would you like to change your life with if pos?sible?" Last week,we asked many middle school students this question. The following are some of their 1       . Zhang Yike,12

I want to change my life with my friend,Wang Xiaohui. She is studying inEnglandnow. She has 2       to many countries? such as the US and France. They are the places I wish to visit. What's more,she 3       much better English than me. If I change my life with her,I can visit many beautiful countries,eat delicious

4 and meet different kinds of people there. Qiu Haoran, 4      

Yd like to change my life with my Chinese teacher Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao is a very kind lady. She 5       a lot, so she always has so many 6       stories to loll us. We all like her classes. I also want to be such an excel?lent teacher and be 7       with my students. Tan Bo,13

I will change my life with my elder brother. My brother is a college student now. He doesn't have to go to class all the time. He can study 8       he is interest?ed in. And he even has a part-time job to make money. To 9       ,all of those souirI very interesting. I really want a life 10       thai.

(   ) 3.A. answers   B. problems

   C.  questions   D. changes

(   ) 2.A. gone   B. come   C. been   D. moved

(   ) 3.A. says   B. speaks C talks   D. tells 

(   ) 4.A. drink   B. air   C. food   D. water

(   ) 5.A. teaches   B. knows   C. thinks   D. asks

(   ) 6.A. long   B. short

   C.  terrible   D. interesting

(   ) 7.A. busy   B. angry C\ popular   D. serious

(   ) 8.A. that   B. which   C. who   D. what 

(   ) 9.A. me   B. him   C. you   D. them 

(   ) 10.A. at   B. on   C. for   D. like


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. 一More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan. ―That's true. It has become the       of Anhui.

   A. pride   B. effort   C. praise   D. courage


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. [2013 •聊城〗一Mom,I was the first to reach the top of the mountain.

   --Good job,Jack!I'm      of you.

   A. careful   B. proud

   C.  tired   D. afraid


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. [2013 •雅安]My parents        getting up early on weekdays.

   A. used to   B. be used to

   C.  was used to   D. are used to


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2. [2014 *莱芜〗You had better learn to        different kinds of problems by yourself.

   A. give up   B. make up

   C.  play with   D. deal with


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. [2015 •孝感]Li Ming used         on the right inChina, but he soon got used on the left inEngland.

   A.to drive;to drive


   C.to driving;to drive

   D.to drive;to driving


科目: 来源: 题型:

You must have been around 15 years old. Do you feel different from that when you were 9 years old? Are you 1.       (想知道) if you have already grown up? You may be a physical adult before you finish stud- ying. Some people may finish their growing at high school,while others are still growing after they 2.        (离开) school.

Being an adult needs a long time. The more you ex- perience,the faster you become an adult. 3.       

(甚至) when puberty(青春期) is over and you think you are a grown-up, you'll still 4.       (面对) some

physical and relationship problems that you should 5.        (处理) with.

Parents are very 6.        (有帮助的) for your growing, but it's not necessary for them to do everything for you. Sometimes you might have your 7.        (自己的) idea. What they should do is to make sure that you have all the information to make 8.        , (决定) yourself. Of course you should do it in the right way.

Remember,caring parents and families are the best support you can have. 9.       (不管怎样) , wish you grow up healthily and happily.


科目: 来源: 题型:

5.The Browns are proud of their son.(改为同义句) 

The Browns               their son.


科目: 来源: 题型:

4.Mary is no longer a shy girl.(改为同义句) 

Mary isn't a shy girl          


科目: 来源: 题型:

3.Amy used to like reading comics,        ? (完成反意疑问句)

