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科目: 来源:江苏期中题 题型:完形填空

     Food is very important. Everyone needs to   1   well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds
also need a kind of food. This kind of food is   2    .We begin to get knowledge even   3   we are very young.
Small children are   4   in everything around them. They learn   5   while they are watching and listening. When
they are getting older, they begin to   6   story-books, science books, anything they like. When they find
something new, they love to ask questions and   7   to find out answers. What is the best   8   to get knowledge?
If we learn by ourselves, we will get   9   knowledge. If we are  10   getting answers from others and do not
ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way. we will learn more and understand better.
(    )1. A. sleep    
(    )2. A. sport    
(    )3. A. until    
(    )4. A. interested
(    )5. A. everything
(    )6. A. lend     
(    )7. A. try      
(    )8. A. place    
(    )9. A. little   
(    )10. A. often   
B. read        
B. exercise      
B. when          
B. interesting   
B. something     
B. read          
B. have          
B. school        
B. few           
B. always      
C. drink    
C. knowledge
C. after    
C. weak     
C. nothing  
C  .learn   
C. refuse   
C. way      
C. many     
C. usually  

D. eat        
D. meat       
D. so         
D. better     
D. anything   
D. write      
D. wait       
D. road       
D. the most   
D. sometimes  


科目: 来源:安徽省期中题 题型:阅读理解

Eric: Good morning, Mrs. Chen. Is Chen Wen in?
Mrs. Chen: Yes, he's at home. Please come in (请进).
Eric: Thank you.
Chen Wen: Hi, Eric. Nice to see you.
Eric: Nice to see you, too.
Chen Wen: Please come and see my bedroom. This way, please.
(In Chen Wen's bedroom )
Eric: Oh, you have a very nice bedroom. There's a computer and some plants on the desk.
Chen Wen: Please look at the wall, Eric. What can you see?
Eric: Oh, I see some pictures, a clock and a map of China are on it.
Chen Wen: Please come and see the map. Where are we? Do you know?
Eric: Let me see. Oh, it's Changchun. We are here. Am I right?
Chen Wen: Yes. Where is Nanjing?
Eric: Nanjing? Sorry, I don't know.
Chen Wen: Look! It's here, in Jiangsu. Eric, I have a … Er, look! What's under the bed?
Eric: There's a hat under it.
Chen Wen: Ha! Ha! You're wrong (错误的). It's a cat!
(     ) 1. Chen Wen's clock is on the desk.
(     ) 2. Eric and Chen Wen are in Changchun.
(     ) 3. There's a picture of Eric's family on the wall.
(     ) 4. In Chen Wen's bedroom, there is a baseball.
(     ) 5. The cat is under the bed.


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

talk,  name,  sit,  dog,  become,  visit,  for,  walk,  come,  with
     My friend, Tom, has a big police dog l        _ Timmy. Police 2         are often very smart. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Timmy for a long walk in the park. Timmy likes 3           very much.
     One Sunday aftemoon a man 4       _ my friend.
     He talked 5        _ my friend for a long time. They talked and talked. Soon it was time 6___ _my friend to take Timmy for his walk,but the man still stayed. Timmy 7         very worried about his walk in the park. He walked around the living-room sometimes and at last 8           down before the man and looked at him. But the man went on 9           .
      After thirty minutes, Timmy couldn't stand it.  He went out of the room and 10         back a few minutes later.  He sat down in front of the man again but this time he held(持有)the man's hat in his mouth.


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Almost (几乎) everyone knows the meaning of Mr, Mrs and Miss. People use Mr. With men's last names.
And Mrs is for married (已婚的) women and Miss is for single (单身的) women. But what is Ms?
     For some time, people in the USA use Ms before a woman's name when they don't know whether (是否)
the woman is married or not. Today many people like to use Ms. Some women feel that it is not important for
people to know whether they are married or not.
    There are some problems with Ms. Not all women kike it. Some like the old ways of doing things, They
find it hard to pronounce (发音) the word. But young people like it.
(     )1. People usually use Mrs before single women's names.                      
(     )2. Mary is a married woman. So when we meet her, we can call her Miss Mary. 
(     )3. Not all women like the word "Ms".                                        
(     )4. Some women find that the word "Ms" is difficult to say.                   
(     )5. Now young people like to use Ms.                                         


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     When two English people meet,  their  first  words will be "How do you do?"or  "How are you? "After the reply "
How do you do?"or "Fine,thank you,  and you?",they often talk about the weather.The reason for this is not simply
that their weather is interesting and changeable but that the English people don't like talking about personal matters
(私事)with people who are not friends.Talking about the weather can be a useful way of starting a conversation with
a stranger in public.?
1.What are the first words when English people meet?
A.Say "hello" to each other.
B.Say "goodbye" to each other.
C.Talk about the weather
D.Talk about their personal matters.
2.What's the answer to"How do you do"
A.Fine,thank you,and you?
B.How are you?
C.How do you do?
D.I'm fine,too.
3.Why do the English people often talk about the weather?
A.Because the weather is interesting.?
B.Because they don't like talking about personal matters with stranger?
C.Because the weather is changeable.?
D.A,B and C are all correct.?
4.From the article,you know that the English people talk about the weather to ______.
A.finish a conversation with a friend
B.start a conversation with a stranger
C.say"goodbye"to a stranger
D.study the weather
5.Which sentence is not correct?
A.English people like talking about the weather.
B.English people usually talk about personal matters with friends but not strangers.
C.English people like talking about personal matters with strangers in public.
D.The weather in England is interesting and changeable.


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解



科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Lucy and Kate are English girls. They are twins. They are studying Chinese in Beijing now. They are in
Miss Gao's class.In their class, there are fifty-two students. There are twenty-eight boys and twenty-four girls.
     Where are the twins (双胞胎)? Look, they are sitting near the door of the classroom. Lucy is wearing a
red coat. Kate is wearing a yellow sweater. They are having a Chinese class. They like Chinese.
(     )1. The two girls are twins.They are in a school of China.
(     )2. Lucy and Kate are in the same class.                 
(     )3. Lucy is in a yellow sweater.                         
(     )4. Now they are studying Chinese in the classroom.      
(     )5. There are twenty-eight girls in their class.         


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空


     Tom’s father  1  . It was Saturday. Tom was on the way to the hospital   2   his father. The hospital
was very far, so he   3  take a bus.
     When he got to the bus stop, there were already  4   people there. They were standing in line and 
  5  a bus. The bus was late. Tom   6   want to wait in his queue(对;列).He went to the front and
stood there.
     One of   7   people said to him, “You mustn’t   8   the queue ,boy.”
     With a red face Tom said   9  and went to the end of the line. Soon the bus came .All people  10 
the bus.

(     )1.A. illed
(     )2.A. see    
(     )3.A. had    
(     )4.A. much  
(     )5.A.waited  
(     )6.A.does not
(     )7.A.a 
(     )8.Ajump            
(     )9.A.good    
(     )10.A.got up
B. is ill  
B. look    
B. had to  
B. a lot  
B. waiting
B. did not
B. an      
B. jump off
B. happy                 
B. got off
C. was ill  
C. watch    
C. has to    
C. many      
C. wait for  
C. can not  
C. the      
C. take      
C. surprised                
C. got on    
D. was illed    
D. have a look  
D. don't need  
D. lots          
D. waiting for  
D. was not      
D. take to      
D. sorry        
D. got in                                


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     One day a man went to see a doctor. After the doctor looked him over carefully , he said to the
man, "Well , there is nothing much wrong with you , but I'm afraid you have a problem .You worry
too much. A few days ago I had a man with the same  trouble as you .He was worried because he
didn't pay his tailor's bill (裁缝工钱). I told him not to worry about that any longer . He followed
me , and when he came to see me again , he told me he felt well again."
     " Yes , I know all about this ," answered the man sadly . " You see , I'm that man's tailor."
1. The story took place(发生)_____.                                        
A. at a shop                                                                  
B. in a hospital                                                              
C. at a factory                                                              
D. at the tailor's                                                          
2.The doctor told the tailor that _____.                                    
A. there was something wrong with his head                                    
B. something was wrong with his eyes                                          
C. he worried too much                                                        
D.he was eating too much                                                      
3.The earlier patient(病人) told the doctor that he was worried because _____.
A. he had a bad cold                                                          
B. he hurt himself                                                            
C. he didn't pay his tailor's bill                                          
D. his tailor didn't make him a coat.                                        
4.The doctor told earlier patient not  _____.                          
A. to worry about the bill any longer                                        
B. to take a rest                                                            
C. to pay the bill at once                                                    
D. not to listen to him                                                      
5.The tailor was worried because _____.                                    
A. he couldn't sleep well                                                    
B. he had a cold                                                              
C. the earlier patient didn't pay him                                        
D. his head hurt                                                              


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Dave married (结婚) , and when his new wife saw the clothes in his cupboard(衣柜),she said ,
"Dave , you have only one good shirt. The others are very old ,and they have holes in them. I'm
going to buy you a new one this afternoon."
     Dave liked his old shirts ,but he loved his wife too, so he said "All right ,Mary ,but please don't
throw any of  the old ones away."
     Dave went to work ,and when he came back in the evening ,Mary said to him, "Look, Dave ,
I bought you a nice shirt. Here it is ,put it on."
     Dave put the shirt on , and then he said "Look at the sleeves(袖子) ,Mary. They are too long."
"That's all right ,"Mary answered "They will get shorter after I wash them."
     Then Dave said "Yes, you are clever."
1. Why did Mary want to buy Dave a new shirt?  
2. Why didn't Dave like the sleeves of his new shirt?
3. Why didn't Dave let his wife throw his old shirt away?
4. What did Mary say about the sleeves?
5. Do you think Mary is clever?

