 0  9453  9461  9467  9471  9477  9479  9483  9489  9491  9497  9503  9507  9509  9513  9519  9521  9527  9531  9533  9537  9539  9543  9545  9547  9548  9549  9551  9552  9553  9555  9557  9561  9563  9567  9569  9573  9579  9581  9587  9591  9593  9597  9603  9609  9611  9617  9621  9623  9629  9633  9639  9647  159627 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     I'm Mr Wang. I'm Chinese. This is Mr Green and This is Mrs Green. Mr Green and Mrs
Green are English. Mr Green isn't a teacher, Mrs Green and I are teachers. We teach English
in an international school in Hefei, China. We can teach students in English or in Chinese.
1. My name is ________.
A. Mr. Green        
B. Mrs Green      
C. Mr Wang.
2. _______ isn't an English teacher.
A. Mr Green        
B. Mrs Green      
C.Mr Wang
 3. ______ isn't English.
A. Mr Green        
B. Mrs Green      
C. Mr Wang
4. Is Mr Green English?
A. Yes, he is        
B. No, he isn't.      
C. Yes, it is.
5. Who can teach students in Chinese?
A. Mr Green and Mrs Green    
B. Mr Green and Mr Wang  
C. Mrs Green and I    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     In almost every big university in the United States, football is a favorite sport. American football is
  different. Players sometimes kick (踢) the ball that is oval (not round), but they also throw the ball with
 their hands and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to
 move the ball ten yards (长度单位,码). They can carry it or they can throw it. If they move the ball ten
 yards, they can try to move it another ten yards. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six
 points (点,分). It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man with the
 ball. If he does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.
     Each university wants its own team to win. Many, many people come to watch. They all shout for their
 favorite team. Young men and women come on the field to help the people shout more. They dance and
 jump while they shout.
     Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in
 November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play
  again on January1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.
1. What does this passage (短文) talk about?
2. Do people in the United States like football very much?
3. How many players are there in an American football team?
4. Is it easy or difficult to move the ball?
5. What are the features (特点) of American football?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

busy, collect, sell, until, education, for, enough, pretty, happy
     My friend Elisa owns the largest collection of Barbie dolls I have ever seen. She has altogether
1. ________ more than 300 Barbie dolls. She treats them more as good friends than dolls. She is
2. ________ with them every day. For example, she curls their hair and keeps their clothes
3. ________ clean. In fact, Elisa's whole family takes good care of the collection. Her mother sews
beautiful dresses 4. ________ the dolls and last year her father built a beautiful display glasshouse.
It is big enough for the entire collection. Elisa is now 5 years old. More Barbie dolls will not stop her
collection 5. ________ she is ten years old. Elisa says that some day when she is old 6. ________,
she will sell her Barbie doll collection for a large sum of money which will be enough for her 7. _____
and even her marriage. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Pearl and June were good friends and spent most of their time together. They were both very old and they worried about their health. Most of the time they talked about nothing else. They worried about their
food. Was it clean? Would it give them pains in the stomach? They worried about the weather. Was it too cold and wet? Would it give them pains in their bones? They worried about pollution in the air. Would it
give them pains in their chests(胸) and throats(咽喉)? They worried about being hurt in a car accident,
killed in an airplane crash(坠落), getting sick, and so on. All they could think about was being ill or hurt.
One day they went on a train journey together. "We'll need some food," Pearl said.
       "We'll buy some bananas," June said. "They are good to eat and always clean." And so they bought
two bananas to eat on the train. It was not long before they were hungry. Pearl took out the bananas and
gave one to June. Then she peeled(剥开) the skin of her banana and took a large bite of it. At that moment the train went into a tunnel(隧道). Everything went black. "Don't eat your banana," Pearl shouted at June. "Mine has made me go blind(瞎的)!"
1. The two ladies worried a lot about ___________________.
2. They were both ___________________ of being hurt in an accident.
3. ___________________ suggested they would buy bananas for their journey.
4. Pearl peeled her banana ___________________ she ate it.
5. Everything went black because ___________________.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     When we talk about the ways of traveling, different people may have different ideas. Some think
that trains are the best but others think ships, or cars or planes are better. I think each of them has
advantages and disadvantages.
     Traveling by train is slower than by air, but it is more comfortable. There are comfortable seats
and dining-cars. You can talk to people and enjoy the beautiful sceneries through the windows. The
train to some people is just like a big moving party.
     Some people prefer to travel by sea. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea
is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday. You can go to parties and movies on the ship, and enjoy
the blue sky and water. You may think you are the king of the world when you are on the board.
     Some people like to travel by car. You needn't be in a hurry to arrive on time as you travel by
train, ship or air. You can travel as far as you like and shop wherever you with. That is to say, you
enjoy more freedom of choices while traveling by car than by any other means.
     Other people like to travel by air. Although it may cost more than the other ways, it can save
much time, and it is more convenient to travel by air if you go abroad. That is why traveling by air
is popular for business people and students who study abroad.
1. If you travel by train, you can _________.      
A. make friends with different people
B. rest in the sleeping-cars
C. look out of the windows
D. A, B and C  
2. When you feel you are the king of the world, you are __________.      
A. sad                          
B. tried                          
C. excited and happy  
D. hungry 
3. When people go abroad, they usually take _________.      
A. a plane                                                        
B. a car or a boat
C. a boat or a train                                            
D. a train  
4. How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage?  
A. Five.                       
B. Four.                        
C. Three.                    
D. Two.   
5. What does the writer want to tell us in this passage?    
A. He wants to tell us that planes and trains are very fast.
B. He wants to tell us the characteristics of four different ways of traveling.
C. He wants to tell us that traveling in the past was impossible.
D. He wants to tell us that he likes traveling.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     This is a book. It's an English book. It is my English book. That is a
dictionary. Is it Lucy's dictionary? No, it isn't. It's Tom's dictionary. Her
dictionary is in her bag. Look! What are these? They're pens. Are they
Tom's pens? No, they aren't. They are Mike's.
1. What's this? It's _______________.
2. What's that? It's _______________.
3. Is it Tom's dictionary? _______________.
4. Where is her dictionary? ______________.
5. Whose pens are those? ________________.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    Welcome to the animal world, everyone. I'm glad to show you around  the animals. I'm  Tom. I'm a
middle school student. First, we will visit the Tiger Park. Next is the Panda Park. The panda is a special
animal in China. Then we will walk to the Bird World. There are all kinds of  beautiful  birds. After  that
we'll go to the Monkey Park. There are some clever and lovely monkeys. Remember,  don't  feed  the
animals. Because animals are our friends, we should protect them and look after them. I think you'll love
the animals here.

     I'm Tom. I am a _1_ _2_ _3__. I'm happy to show you around the ____4____. First, we will go to the
____5__Park. Next is the ___6____Park. China is the home of them in the world. Then we will visit the
Bird World. You can see all kinds of birds there. They are very ____7___. After that we will go to the
____8___Park. Monkeys are very ___9____ and ___10____. Remember, don't feed the ___ 11     _.
Because animals are our friends, we should protect them. I think you'll ___12___the animals here.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     There are many new ways of shopping in America today. Do you know all of them?
     One popular way is catalog (目录) shopping.   1    People also order about 40% of their music from
music club catalogs.
       2   It began in l986.About 5% to 8% of the Americans flow shop by television, People say that it is
easier than shopping in a shop.TV shopping is late at night, so people can"go shopping" happilyafter a
day's work.
       3    is computer shopping the way of tomorrow?Already, people can use their computers to order
many different things, such as computers, flowers, food and T shirts.    4  
A.Computer shopping or "shopping-online" is interesting to more and more people.
B. Another way of shopping is shopping by TV.
C. There are catalogs for almost anything you need like clothes,furniture,cooking and so on.
D. Soon people may be able to shop for anything,  anytime and anywhere in the world.
1._____2._____ 3._____ 4._____
5. What's the best title for this passage?
A. Catalog Shopping
B. Computer Shopping
C. TV Shopping
D. Modern Shopping


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

A: 1._____
B:I'd like to buy a skirt for my daughter.
A:Here are some skirts for girls.  2._____  
B:It's nicc,but it's too big for her,I'm afraid.
A:What about that one?
B: 3._____  My daughter likes lighter skirts.
A: Here is one with lighter,colour. Is it OK?
B: Yes, I'll take it.   4._____ 
A: It's 120 yuan.
B: 120! 5._____ 
A:Well. It's a little dear. But I think it's the nicest dress in the shop.
(     )1. A. Good morning.
           B. How do you do?
           C. Excuse me.
           D. Can I help you?
(     )2. A. What colour do you want?
           B. What size does she wear?
           C. How about this one?
           D. What do you think of them?
(     )3. A. It is too light.
           B. The colour is too dark.
           C. They are very nice.
           D. I'm afraid it's too small.
(     )4. A. how much is it?
           B. Thank you very much.
           C. Have you got enough money with you?
           D. How dear it is!
(     )5. A. It's vcry expensive.
           B. It's very chcap.
           C. Do you think it's nice?
           D. Do you have any cheaper ones?  


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     When you want to go shopping, you should decide first how much money you can pay for new
clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need.Then look for those clothes on sale, that is tosay,
you can buy some new clothes at a lower price.
     There are labels (标签) inside all new clothes.The labels tell you how to take care of your clothcs.
The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash it in
cold water.The label on a coat may say"Dry-cleaning Only".Washing may ruin this coat,If you do as the
directions say on the label,you can keep your clothcslooking their best.
    Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Drycleaning is expensive. When you buy new clothes, you
should look at them carefully to makc sure if they need to be dry-cleaned. You will save money if you
buy clothes that can wash easily.
    If you buy some well-made clothes,you can save money because they can last longer. They look
good even after they have been washed many times. Sometimes some clothes cost more money, but it
does not mean that they are always better made,or they always fit (合身) better. In other words, some
less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
l. When you buy some ncw clothcs,you should think _____ first.
A. how to read the labels
B. how to save money
C. what colour to choose
D. how to wash the clothes
2. The labels inside the clothes tell you _____.
A. how to keep thcm looking their best
B. how to save moncy
C. whether they fit you or not
D. where to wash the clothes
3. From this passage we can learn that "dircctions" means "_____".
A. 方向  
B. 说明  
C. 生产商  
D. 专家
4. If you want to save money, you can buy clothes that _____.
A. don't fit you          
B. don't last long
C. need to be dry-cleaned
D. can wash easily
5.We learn from the passage that cheaper clothes _____.
A. are always worse made
B. must be dry-cleaned
C. can sometimes fit you better
D. cannot be washed

