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科目: 来源: 题型:

42. Among all my classmates,Tony got the       (bad) grades in the exam.


科目: 来源: 题型:

41. This is my only       (choose) .


科目: 来源: 题型:

40. 乘长途汽车的费用没有乘火车的高。

Going by coach won't cost                 going by train.


科目: 来源: 题型:

39. 每年,数百万美国人乘公交车去旅行。

Every year                Americans go to travel by bus.


科目: 来源: 题型:

38. 乘长途汽车旅行比乘飞机便宜得多。

It's              to travel by coach than by plane.


科目: 来源: 题型:

37. 这家医院离邮局近,但离我们学校远。

The hospital is               the post office,but           our school.


科目: 来源: 题型:

36. 他步行去学校需花大约二十分钟的时间。

It        him about twenty minutes              to school.


科目: 来源: 题型:

  One day,a poor farmer was taking a bag of rice to the town. Suddenly the bag fell from his horse on the road. He didn't know what to do about it because it was too heavy for him to lift (举起) by himself. He only hoped that somebody would soon pass by (经过) and help him.

Just at that moment,a man riding a horse came up to him. But the farmer was very disappointed (感到失望的) when he saw who he was. It was the great man living nearby. The farmer had hoped to ask another farmer or a poor man like him for help.

But to his surprise,the great man got off his horse as soon as he came nearer. He said to the farmer, "I see you need help,friend. How good it is that I'm here just at the right time.”Then he took one end of the bag,and the farmer took the other. They together lifted and put it on the horse.

"Sir”,asked the farmer, "how can I pay you?"

"It's quite easy," the great man answered with a smile. "Wherever you see anyone in trouble,do the same for him.”

(   ) 31. What happened when the farmer went to the town?

   A. His horse's leg was hurt.

   B. The bag fell from his horse.

   C. The farmer lost his bag.

   D. His bag was stolen.

(   ) 32. The farmer didn't lift the bag onto the horse by himself because         .

   A. the bag was broken

   B. the horse went away

   C. the bag was too heavy

   D. the farmer was ill

(   ) 33. Why was the farmer very disappointed when he saw the great man? Because he thought the great man         .

   A. couldn't see him

   B. could take away his bag

   C. could take away his horse

   D. couldn't help him

(   ) 34. Who helped the farmer?

   A. The great man.

   B. Another farmer.

   C. A poor man.

   D. A friend.

(   ) 35. What does the story tell us?

   A. We should be friendly to each other.

   B. We should help the people in trouble.

   C. Each of us should be a kind man.

   D. A. B and C.


科目: 来源: 题型:

A The longest train journey in the world is from the Pacific to the Atlantic,going across Asia and Europe.

You can do this famous journey with only a few changes of train. Some people start in Hong Kong and take the train to Beijing. This is a very good way to see a lot of Chinese passing by the window while you talk or eat. You can stay at a hotel in Beijing,and then take the train for a five-day journey to Moscow. It is a long time,but you can walk up and down the train and get out at some of the stations. You can take some good books and maybe some games too.

There are horses of Mongolia riding past. Don't they look lovely? Many people stay in a hotel in Ulan Bator (乌兰巴托) to do some sightseeing. Later the train goes past Lake Baikal,one of the world's largest with20%of the world's fresh water. As we go west the food changes. Here is Moscow—with lots to do and more trains going on to Paris,or even,under the sea,to London.

(   ) 26. The longest train journey in the world is from the Pacific to the         .

   A. India   B. Atlantic

   C. Antarctic   D. Canada

(   ) 27. You can do this famous journey with changes of train.

   A. many   B. few

   C. a few   D. much

(   ) 28. You can stay at a hotel in Beijing,and then have a five-day journey to .

   A. Paris   B. London

   C. Moscow   D. New York

(   ) 29. The of Mongolia look lovely!

   A. camels   B. horses

   C. elephants   D. kangroos

(   ) 30. You can do some on the train.

   A. cooking   B. fishing

   C. running   D. reading


科目: 来源: 题型:

If you live in London,do you want to travel to Paris? There are many different ways 16        to Paris from London. One of the fastest and 17        ways is by train. From Waterloo (滑铁卢) Railway Station,you can travel to Paris. The journey 18        about three hours. The train,19        the Eurostar,is very mod?ern,and the seats are 20        You can also travel to Paris by ship. First,you should go to Dover (多佛) by bus from London. The bus 21        at the Ferry Terminal Seven in Dover. There,you can buy your ticket to go to Paris. Passengers 22        by car can drive on to the ferry too. Another way to travel to Paris is by plane. Several international 23        fly to Paris and other 24        in France. You can get to London Airport by bus or by subway. Some people even go there by taxi,but this is a very 25        way to travel!

(   ) 16. A. travel   B. travels

   C. to travel   D. travelling

(   ) 17. A. popular   B. more popular

   C. the most popular   D. most popular

(   ) 18. A. taking   B. is taking

   C. will take   D. take

(   ) 19. A. call   B. called

   C. is calling   D. is called

(   ) 20. A. comfortable

   B. more comfortable

   C. most comfortable

   D. the most comfortable

(   ) 21. A. stop   B. stopped

   C. stops   D. stopping

(   ) 22. A. travel   B. travelling

   C. to travel   D. are travelling

(   ) 23. A. flights   B. trains

   C. plane   D. buses

(   ) 24. A. city   B. country

   C. cities   D. countries

(   ) 25. A. safe   B. fast

   C. cheap   D. expensive

