 0  96025  96033  96039  96043  96049  96051  96055  96061  96063  96069  96075  96079  96081  96085  96091  96093  96099  96103  96105  96109  96111  96115  96117  96119  96120  96121  96123  96124  96125  96127  96129  96133  96135  96139  96141  96145  96151  96153  96159  96163  96165  96169  96175  96181  96183  96189  96193  96195  96201  96205  96211  96219  159627 

科目: 来源: 题型:

4. How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. Is the library on the right of the playground?


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. What is in the middle of the school?


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. How many buildings are there in the school?


科目: 来源: 题型:

7. on the left of ... 

8. a sports hall


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. dining hall

5. between…and...

6. a classroom building


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. 在同一座建筑物里  

2. 科学实验室   

3. in the middle of…


科目: 来源: 题型:

gate,lab,library,playground,office,room,dining hall


科目: 来源: 题型:

      This is a picture A.       Jim's bedroom. I can see a bed,a desk,a chair,a light and some books. The light and the books B.      on the desk. C. The chair is behind the desk. D. A photo of Jim's family is on the wall. Father,mother and Jim are in the photo. Is there a computer on the desk? Yes,there's a new computer on it.

    1. 在A、B处填入适当的单词。

       A.          B.       

    2. 写出C句的同义句。

    3. 将D句翻译成汉语。

    4. 回答问题。

    Who is in the photo?

    5. There is                on the desk.


科目: 来源: 题型:

      This is our classroom. It is 1        nice and big room. The windows 2        big and the walls are white. There's a blackboard 3        the front wall.

    On the back wall there's a map. It is a map 4        China.

    There's a big desk. It is 5        the teachers.

    There 6        forty small desks and chairs in the room. They are for 7 .       What's on the 8        desk? There are some flowers. 9       are for our English teacher. We like 10       . She is a good teacher.

    (   ) 1. A. an   B. a

       C. the   D. /

    (   ) 2. A. is   B. am

       C. are   D. be

    (   ) 3. A. on   B. in

       C. under   D. at

    (   ) 4. A. for   B. in

       C. of   D. at

    (   ) 5. A. of   B. for

       C. in   D. at

    (   ) 6. A. is   B. are

       C. be   D. am

    (   ) 7. A. our   B. ours

       C. us   D. we

    (   ) 8. A. teacher   B. teacher's

       C. a teacher's   D. teacher'

    (   ) 9. A. It   B. They

       C. You   D. We

    (   ) 10. A. her B. hers

       C. him   D. his

