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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Just a Quick Nap (只要打个盹) Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well,that's normal. Your body naturally (自然地) slows down then. What should you do about it? Don't reach for a coffee!Instead,take a nap.

  It's good to have a daily nap. First of all,you are more efficient (有效的) after napping. You remember things better and make fewer mistakes. Also,you can learn things more easily after taking a nap. A nap may increase your selfconfidence (自信) and make you more active. It may even cheer you up. But,there are some simple rules you should follow about taking a nap. First,take a nap in the middle of the day,about eight hours after you wake up. Next,a 20-minute nap is best. If you sleep longer,you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from a deep sleep,you will feel worse.   Also,you should set an alarm clock. In that way,you can fully relax during your nap. You won't have to keep looking at the clock so that you don't oversleep.

  Now,the next time you feel sleepy after lunch,don't get stressed (焦虑的) .Put your head down,close your eyes,and catch forty winks ( KBR) .

(   ) 1. It is        to get sleepy for you at noon.

   A. normal   B. strange   C. amazing

(   ) 2. After taking a nap,you may feel more         .

   A. stressed   B. confident   C. sleepy

(   ) 3. The proper period (一段时间) of time for taking a nap is         .

   A. as long as you like

   B. eight hours

   C. about twenty minutes

(   ) 4. What can help you have a fully relaxing nap according to the passage?

   A. A cup of coffee. B. A quick meal.

   C. An alarm clock.

(   ) 5. What is the text mainly about?

   A. Why and how to take a nap.

   B. Rules to increase your selfconfidence.

   C. How to make your body slow down.


科目: 来源: 题型:


 lunch,two Teeth are important. 

  Strong and 1        teeth help you enjoy food better. And they also help you look 2       . Here are some 3        for you to take care of your teeth.

Brush your teeth in the right way Brush your teeth at least 4       a day―before breakfast and before bedtime.  If you can,brush after 5        or after sweet food,too. Brush all of your teeth,not just the front 6        Brush at least three minutes 7        time. Get a new toothbrush every three months.

  Learn how to floss (用牙签剔牙) your teeth Flossing is a very important way to 8        your teeth healthy. Food may hide (隐藏) between two teeth. Flossing can help get rid of it (摆脱它) .You'll need to floss your teeth at least once a day.

Have a good eating habit (习惯) You need to be 9        about what you eat and drink. Eating sugar may bring tooth decay (虫主牙) .Eat 10       of fruit and vegetables and drink more water.

1.        2.        3.       4.        5.        

6.         7.        8.       9.        10.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 11. When did Lin Tao begin to smoke?

   A. He was eight.

   B. He was eighteen.

   C. He was sixteen.

(   ) 12. Why did Lin Tao smoke?

   A. Because he thought it was cool.

   B. Because he liked it.

   C. Because he thought it could help him relax.

(   ) 13. Who asked him to give up smoking?

   A. His friends.

   B. His father.

   C. His mother.

(   ) 14. What did Lin Tao read yesterday afternoon?

   A. An article.

   B. A story.

   C. A book.

(   ) 15. Did Lin Tao give up smoking at last?

   A. No,he didn't.

   B. We don't know.

   C. Yes,he did.


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 6. What did the boy do last night?

   A. He watched TV.

   B. He played computer games.

   C. He did his homework.

(   ) 7. What did the girl ask her father to do?

   A. He gave up smoking. -

   B. He read an article.

   C. He bought a newspaper.

(   ) 8. What did Tony throw around?

   A. Liter.

   B. Clothes.

   C. Books.

(   ) 9. How many times shall we brush our teeth a day?

   A. More than twice.

   B. Less than twice.

   C. Only twice.

(   ) 10. What did mother want her child eat?

   A. Ice cream.

   B. Meat. '

   C. Vegetables and fruit.



科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 1. A. I'm sorry to hear that.

   B. All right.

   C. I'm happy to hear that.

(   ) 2. A. No,you don't.

   B. No,you mustn't.

   C. Yes,you must.

(   ) 3. A. Yes,please.

   B. Here you are.

   C. No,you mustn't.

(   ) 4. A. That's all right.

   B. All right.

   C. That's right.

(   ) 5. A. Thank you.

   B. Sure.

   C. That's OK.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 健康对于我们很重要,我们在日常生活中应该怎样养成良好的卫生习惯呢?请你以"The Ways to Keep Healthy"为题写一篇短文,谈谈如何保持健康(70词左右) 。

The Ways to Keep Healthy


科目: 来源: 题型:

  A cold is a common (普通的) illness. It often starts with a sore 1        You sneeze (打喷噴) and your nose runs. You usually 2        a headache,too. It's not a serious illness,but you can feel very 3        What should you do when you have a cold? You should have a good rest. It is good 4       a lot of water,too. You can 5        and take some medicine. Maybe you can try some Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is now very 6        all over the world.

  Where does Chinese medicine 7       ? A long time ago,when people were not feeling 8       ,they found that some 9        could make them feel better. They ate the leaves,the roots (根) ,the fruits or the seeds (种子) of the plants. Today people make much Chinese medicine 10        those plants.

(   ) 1. A. throat   B. eyes   C. nose   D. body

(   ) 2. A. give   B. get   C. bring   D. find

(   ) 3. A. bad   B. happy   C. shy   D. angry

(   ) 4. A. drinking   B. drink   C. to drink   D. drinks

(   ) 5. A. see a dentist   B. go to party

   C. go to school   D. see a doctor

(   ) 6. A. expensive   B. different

   C. delicious   D. popular

(   ) 7. A. come to   B. come from

   C. get up   D. get to

(   ) 8. A. sad   B. well   C. tired '   D. busy

(   ) 9. A. plants   B. animals   C. human   D. air

(   ) 10. A. to   B. in   C. from   D. of


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. You mustn't take pets to school. ( Don't...)

2. It's a good habit to wash hands before meals. (We must...)

3. Don't walk on the grass. ( You mustn't...)

4. Doing eye exercises between classes is necessary. (We should...)

5. You mustn't sit in front of the TV set all day long. (You'd better not...)


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 5. ―        in the river is good        health,but sometimes it's dangerous.

   A. Swim; for   B. Have a swim; to

   C. Swimming; for   D. Swimming; to


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 4. Please keep the door         . It's a little hot here.

   A. open   B. be open   C. opened   D. opening

