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科目: 来源: 题型:

5. John's father was very angry because John c        him.


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. Everyone can s        the information on the Internet


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. If I do something wrong,I'll c        it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

2. You are not a t        man if you go to Beijing but don't go to the Great Wall.


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. No one is p         . You shouldn't shout at him.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The mobile phone is a useful thing,but maybe I don't know h 1       to use it. Sometimes it makes things difficult for me.

  One day I wanted to see my friend nearby. I could a 2      at his house in five minutes,but I looked at my mobile phone and thought i 3      would be better to ring him up. I r 4       him for the first time,but the line was busy. Five minutes later,there was an answer,but it was the wrong number. Then I tried a 5      and this time I got an answer from him.

  I asked him if he was at home in the afternoon. And he said―at least I thought he said―he would be at home a 6       afternoon. So I went to his house,but I found n 7       in. I called him for the fourth time. This time I got so angry that I s 8       ,"You are not at home? But you just told me over the telephone that you would be at home all afternoon !”

  Here w 9       his answer, "No,I said,I will NOT be at home all afternoon."

I went back to my home,sat down in front of the mobile phone and looked at it. What e 10       could I do? Nothing!

1.       2.       3.        4.       5.         

6.       7.        8.        9.       10.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

   A. Are you sure there are living things on the moon?

   B. I hope I can live on the moon one day.

   C. What was it about?

   D. What did you see there?

   E. Can you fly on the moon? 

A : Hello,Li Cang. You look excited. What's up? 

B:Hi,Zhao Wei. I made a dream last night. 

A;Oh? 1      

B : I dreamt that I lived on the moon with my family. 

A: 2      

B;Yes. I flew around the moon. Wherever I wanted to go,1 flew there. I didn't feel tired. 

A: 3      

B : I saw Chang'e dancing in front of her house,and Wu Gang playing with the rabbit under the tree.

A:It sounds wonderful. By the way,what did you eat there?

B : When I wanted to have something to eat,someone knocked at the door. Then I woke up. 

A:What a pity!4       

B : No,I'm not sure. 


B: Me,too.

1.        2.       3.        4.        5.         


科目: 来源: 题型:

5. —你确定你要代替我去出席今天的会议吗?一不,我没有把握。

       you        you'll take part in the meeting today instead of me? —No,I         .


科目: 来源: 题型:

4. 我想我是关上窗户了,但我还是得回去确认一下。

I think I closed the windows. But I'll go back and        of it.


科目: 来源: 题型:

3. 雷老师确信我今天上学没迟到。

Mr. Lei        I wasn't late for school.

