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科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 22. ―What        you        at nine o'clock yesterday morning?

      —I was watching TV.

   A. was;doing   B. were;doing   C. is; doing   D. did; do


科目: 来源: 题型:

(   ) 21. Which is        animal,the tiger,the frog or the dog?

   A. the most dangerous   B. more dangerous   

    C. most dangerous   D. dangerous


科目: 来源: 题型:


(   ) 16. In        countries people like collecting things.

   A. a few   B. many   C. some

(   ) 17. Boys like to collect         .

   A. balls   B. coins   C. cards

(   ) 18. They are on the cards except .

   A. basketball players   B. tennis players   C. pop singers

(   ) 19. Girls like collecting         .

    A.dolls   B. toys   C. photos

(   ) 20. Barbie will get        from its owner.

   A. lots of clothes   B. a bed   C. a plane


科目: 来源: 题型:


(   ) 14. When will Mr. Smith be back?

   A. After nine o'clock. B. After ten o'clock. C. At ten o'clock.

(   ) 15. What does Henry Brown ask Mr. Smith to do?

   A. To ring him up at ten. B. To give him the message. C. To call him tomorrow.


科目: 来源: 题型:


(   ) 12. Who wants to have anything to eat?

   A. Maria. B. Tom. C. Both A and B.

(   ) 13. What will Maria do next?

   A. Have something to eat. B. Walk on. C. Have a rest.


科目: 来源: 题型:


(   ) 6. What kind of music does Jane like?

   A. Classical music. B. Rock music. C. Pop music.

(   ) 7. What does Mrs. Brown have to do?

   A. She has to eat less food. B. She has to eat more food. 

   C. She has to take more exercise.

 (   ) 8. What did Xiao Feng do in the office?

   A. Speaking. B. Smoking. C. Sleeping.

(   ) 9. What time will they meet this evening?

   A. At 8 ;00.   B. At 8:15.   C. At 7:45.

(   ) 10. Why is Tom going to the animal hospital?

   A. His cat is ill. B. He is ill. C. His dog is ill.

(   ) 11. What do they mean?

   A. The coat is cheaper than any other one in the shop.

   B. The coat is the most expensive in the shop.

   C. The coat is as expensive as any other one in the shop.


科目: 来源: 题型:


科目: 来源: 题型:

 假设你是Jim ,给你的朋友Tony写一封信,介绍一处你去过的中国名胜古迹(如故宫、长城、天坛等) 。要求:语句通顺,语法规范;70词左右。


科目: 来源: 题型:

enough,show,but,have,so, look,first,

like,them,in, building,more 

  Do you know the differences (差别) between the new buildings and the old ones? Old buildings 81        bricks (砖〉and stone walls. The walls hold up the 82        In cities,many modern buildings 83        as if they are just made of windows. Walls of dark glass reach high into the air. Many buildings are 84        than 50 floors.

  Are walls of glass strong 85        to hold up the new buildings? No,the new glass walls do not hold up the buildings,86       they only cover up the frame (框架) made of steel (钢) .Do you ever watch a new building going up? The steel frame is built 87        Then the glass walls cover the frame. When the building is finished,the frame does not 88        The outside looks like windows without walls. The glass walls shine 89        the sun with no decoration (装饰) .Many people find 90 beautiful just as they are.

81.       82.        83.       84.       85.         

86.       87.        88.       89.       90.       


科目: 来源: 题型:

80. ―Today's newspaper says that our country will set up a space station in ten years. 

  ―        (real) ? How surprising!

