 0  9657  9665  9671  9675  9681  9683  9687  9693  9695  9701  9707  9711  9713  9717  9723  9725  9731  9735  9737  9741  9743  9747  9749  9751  9752  9753  9755  9756  9757  9759  9761  9765  9767  9771  9773  9777  9783  9785  9791  9795  9797  9801  9807  9813  9815  9821  9825  9827  9833  9837  9843  9851  159627 

科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     It __1__Tuesday. At 8:00 he __2__ ( not have ) math. He __3__ (have) Chinese. Then at 9:00 he
has science. It's difficult, __4__ interesting. Next at 10:00 he has history. It's boring. But at 11:00 he has
P.E. That's __5__ favorite subject. He __6__ lunch at 12:00. After lunch, He has music, it's relaxing. He
__7__ his music teacher, Mr. Morgan. He's fun. All his classes __8__ at 2:00. After class he has
gymnastics __9__ two hours. His teacher is very _10__, and he _11__ him very tired. But after that,
he has Chinese history club. It's _12__ interesting.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     I work in a small shop. It is near __1__ English school. Every day students come to __2__ things in
the shop. __3__ the morning, I get up at six, and then I have __4__. I go to work __5__ my bike. I get
to (达到) the shop at about six forty. The shop __6__ from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We __7__ many
things like food and drinks. We have school things, __8__. So __9__ many people in our __10__ from
morning to evening.
(     )1. A. /        
(     )2. A. buy      
(     )3. A. On      
(     )4. A. food    
(     )5. A. from    
(     )6. A. open    
(     )7. A. sells    
(     )8. A. too      
(     )9. A. there is
(     )10. A. shop    
B. a          
B. play        
B. At          
B. lunch      
B. on          
B. eats        
B. to sell    
B. two        
B. there are  
B. home        
C. an          
C. like        
C. In          
C. dinner      
C. at          
C. has        
C. sell        
C. and        
C. there has  
C. school      
D. the        
D. look      
D. For        
D. breakfast  
D. by        
D. is open    
D. selling    
D. but        
D. there have
D. family    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Peter and I are good friends. Peter is an American boy. I am a Japanese girl. He is thirteen. I am
twelve. We are in the same class,Class Two.
     Peter has a nice clock. He likes it very much. He puts it on his desk. Every morning it wakes him up(叫醒他). I have a new watch. It looks beautiful. I wear(戴)it everyday. It tells me the time. It helps(帮助)me a lot in my daily life. I can not live without it.
1.Peter and I are ________. 
2.Peter is ________. 
A.an English boy                
B.a Japanese girl    
C.an American boy              
D.an English girl
3.I have ________. 

A.a beautiful clock              
B.an old watch    
C.a new watch                  
D.a nice clock

4.Peter ________.
A.wears his clock everyday        
B.puts his clock on his desk
C.wears his new watch every day  
D.likes his new watch very much
5.Peter and I are ________.

A.in different classes            
B.in the same row    
C.in Class Two                  
D.in America


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

  comedies action movies      Beijing Opera   documentaries   thrillers
1.the young people 
3.my parents  
4.my brother

1.The young people ________________.        
2.Jack ________________.
3.My parents ________________.            
4.My brother ________________.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     There is   1   old woman in America. She   2   children at all. But she likes   3   . She has black cats
and white cats. She has   4   cats and baby cats. So the children like to come to   5   house. They play
with the cats. More and more cats come to the old woman's house. Soon there are   6   cats. The old
woman can't feed them   7   Then she has a good   8   . "The children love my cats. "she thinks. So she    9   each child a cat.  Then she is happy.  And the children  are happy.     10    the cats are happy,  too. 
Each of them has a home.
(     )1.A./          
(     )2.A.doesn't like
(     )3.A.cat's      
(     )4.A.a mother    
(     )5.A.my          
(     )6.A.very much  
(     )7.A.good        
(     )8.A.work        
(     )9.A.giving      
(     )10. A.So          
B.not likes
B.too many  
B.at all    
B.to give  
C.don't like
C.much too    
C.so much    
D.isn't like  
D.a cats          
D.too much        


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     On weekends, I o   1    go to movies with my friend Jack. My f    2    movie star is Jack Chan.  He's a great a     3   He has a n     4   movie, Speed. It's a very s   5   action movie. I think it's e   6   Jack l     7   Michelle Yan best. He likes her f   8   movie, Sleepless Night. It's a thriller. I don't t    9   it's great. In fact, it's b  10   .
1.________  2.________  3.________  4.________  5.________
6.________  7.________  8.________  9.________  10.________


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

   Clerk: Hello, West Road Cinema, Can I help you?
   Keller: Yes. I'd like to book some tickets, please.
   Clerk: Right. For which movie?
   Keller: Cape Fear, please.
   Clerk: And... which movie?
   Keller: Er, Saturday at nine.
   Clerk: I'm sorry, but that performance is full. We still  (仍然,还) have some seats for six o'clock though.
   Keller: OK. Er, two seats then, please.
   Clerk: Right. That's fifteen pounds. How would you like to pay?
   Keller: By credit card (信用卡). The number's 65423857920.
   It's a VISA card.
   Clerk: 654…238…57920. OK, thanks. What's the name ... ?
1.What's the name of the movie?
2.How many tickets does the woman want?
3.When does the woman see the movie?
4.How much are the two tickets?
5.What's the number of Keller's credit card?


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

A man goes to a fast-food restaurant for lunch. "Hi," a worker says, "May I help you? "
  "I'd like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke. "the man says.
  "Anything else? "the worker asks.
  "No. "the man answers, "That's it. "
  "Is that for here or to go? "the worker asks.
  "To go. "the man says.
  The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man's lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.
a. to a park. 
b. a lot of money.
c. the man's lunch in a bag.
d. "I'd like a hamburger, large fries, and a medium Coke. "
e. to a fast-food restaurant for lunch.
1. A man goes ________
2. He says, ________
3. A worker puts ________
4. The man takes the bag and walks ________
5. He opens the bag and finds ________
6. Where does the man go for lunch?
    He goes to a fast-food ________.
7. What does the man want to eat?
    He wants a hamburger, large ________, and a ________ Coke.
8. Where does the worker put the man's lunch?
    The worker puts it in a ________.
9. What is in the bag?
    There is ________ in the bag.
10. Who puts the money in the bag?
    The ________ of the restaurant puts the money in the bag.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

  Little David likes to eat in a restaurant. He often eats a hamburger and potato chips. Many people in the
restaurant know him very well. They often ask him, "Why do you like to eat here? "Little David says,"
Because I like the toys here. ""Why don't you go to the toy shop then? "Little David says,"They have toys but they don't have hamburgers and potato chips. "
1.Where does Little David like to eat?
2.What does he often eat in the restaurant? 
3.Do people in this restaurant know him very well? 
4.What do they often ask him? 
5.What does Little David say? 


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

       I have many friends, and they have d  1  favorite subjects. John's favorite subject is computer because he thinks computer can h  2  him a lot in his study. He is a. computer f  3  . He likes playing computer
g  4  very much, and he is good at playing it. Jack likes art best because he likes d  5  pictures a lot.
Mary likes Chinese because her father is Chinese. Her father t  6  her Chinese at home. She loves
China very much, and she wants to know more a  7  China. Bob thinks math is very i  8   , so he likes
math best. David likes P. E. because he likes doing s  9   He is good at p  10  basketball and soccer.

