 0  9682  9690  9696  9700  9706  9708  9712  9718  9720  9726  9732  9736  9738  9742  9748  9750  9756  9760  9762  9766  9768  9772  9774  9776  9777  9778  9780  9781  9782  9784  9786  9790  9792  9796  9798  9802  9808  9810  9816  9820  9822  9826  9832  9838  9840  9846  9850  9852  9858  9862  9868  9876  159627 

科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

Name: Peter Brown
Age: 12
School: No.Middle School
Tel: 03 l l-5658226
QQ: 735466
First name: Jane
Last name: Smith
Age: 13
Tel: 03 14-5656822
QQ: 735469
E-mail: Jancsmith@hotmail.com
1. The boy's family name is __________.
A. Brown
B. Peter
C. Jane
D. Smith
2. The girl full name is __________.
A. Jane Smith
B. Smith Jane
C. Jane
D. Smith
3. What's Peter Brown's telephone?
A. 0314-5658226
B. 0311-5658226
C. 0314-5658262
D. 0311-5656822
4. How old is Peter?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
5. Jane's QQ number is __________.
A. 658226
B. 735466
C. 33226
D. 735469


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:完形填空

       If we take a close look at successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques (技巧)
  which make language learning easier for them.
         1  , successful language leamers are independent learners. They do not depend on (依赖) books or
  teachers; they   2   their own way learn the language. They try to find the patterns and the rules for 
  themselves   3   waiting for the teacher to explain everything.  They are good guessers who lcok for clues
  and form their   4   conclu.sions which are very different from others'.
       Successful language leaming is   5   learning.  Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance
  to use the language; they   6   such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these
  people to correct them   7  . they make mistakes. They will try anything to communicate. When
  communication is difficult, they can   8   information that is imomplete (不完整的). It is more important
  for them to learn to   9   in the language than to know the meaning of every word.
       Finally, successful language learners are leamers with a  10   in order to communicate with these
  people and learn from them. They want to learn a language because t.hey are interested in the language
  and the people who speak. It is necessary for t.hem to learn the language.
(     )1. A. As usual  
(     )2. A. explain  
(     )3. A. instead of
(     )4. A. correct  
(     )5. A. ideal    
(     )6. A. look for  
(     )7. A. until    
(     )8. A. break    
(     )9. A. agree    
(     )10. A. purpose  
B. First of all
B. make        
B. after      
B. own        
B. informal    
B. care about  
B. whether    
B. check      
B. ask        
B. certificate
C. by the way
C. discover  
C. because of
C. only      
C. early    
C. work out  
C. before    
C. download  
C. think    
C. guide    
D. So far    
D. change    
D. from      
D. main      
D. active    
D. write down
D. when      
D. accept    
D. read      
D. question  


科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

(A) I am Bob. I like school things and I have a great collection. I have three pens, five pencils, six rulers and two erasers.
They are in my pencil case, I have a nice pencil sharpener too. It's blue and it's in my backpack. I take my backpack to
school every day.
(B) I am Jimmy. I like sports and I have a sports collection. I have five soccer balls, two basketballs, five ping-pong balls,
six tennis rackets and four volleyballs. I like tennis and I play tennis with my friends every afternoon.
(C) I am Salina. I don't like school things and I don't like sports. I only like my toys(玩具).
(     )1. Bob has three pencils.
(     )2. Bob's pencil sharpener is blue.
(     )3. Salina doesn't like sports.
(     )4. Jimmy doesn't have soccer balls.
(     )5. Jimmy plays basketball with his friends every afternoon.


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面表格,根据表格内容完成下列句子 。
     Do you want to spend your holidays in foreign countries? Here are three countries for you to choose.
Africa has a pleasant climate, with lovely warm sunny days most. of the year.  The summer 
is from November to February,  and the weather is really hot at this time.  In August,  it's 
winter and the weather is usually warm,except at night,South Africa has the world's longest 
daily hours of sunshine.

Remember that in July and August, it's winter in Australia. The hottest  mobths are from 
November to March. the best time to go is September or October It's warm enough to 
go to the beach. But this does depend on which part of Australia you go to. It's cool 
enough to tour around, and it's not too rainy. If you prefer it colder, go in August.

The weather in Mexico, is hot., wet and sticky(闷热的) most of the year, except in 
Mexico City. February to April is the best time to visit. It can get vcry stormy at the 
end of August.  From time. to time,  ihere are humcanes(飕风) and tornados(旋风).
1. When it is summer in South Africa,it is______________in Australia.
2. The South Africa has the world's longest______________.
3. The hottest months in Australia are from______________to_____________.
4. ______________is the best season to visit Mexico.
5. There are______________and______________at the end of August from time to timne in .


科目: 来源:山东省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Now, please look at this picture. This girl is my sister. Her name is Sally! She is l3 years old. She is in Class Two,
Grade Seven. This boy is aunt's son. He is my cousin. His name is Jeff. He is an English boy. He is 12 years old. His
mother is my aunt. My aunt and uncle are both teachers. This jacket is Jeff's. Its color is black. You Can see a green
pencil case, a blue notebook on the chair. My sister, Jeff and I and in the same school.
1. How old is Sally?
2. 将划线部分句子译成汉语:
3. What color is Jeff's jacket?
4. Are Jeff's mother and father teachers?
5. Where are the green pencil case and the blue notebook?


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

       Sailing around the world is not an easy job. One has to fight storms, pirates (海盗), illness and fear
   for months. However, 16-year-old Abby Sunderland is not afraid.
       The American girl, Abby, set out on January 23, 2010..Her sailboat is called Wild Eyes. Abby loves
  sailing and so does her family.  Her brother Zac Sunderland sailed around the world alone in July last
  year.A month later, Mike Perham of the UK beat Zac to become the youngest person to sail around the
   world alone. He was only afew months younger than Zac. Now,  Abby is ready to challenge Mike.
       She plans to be at sea for five or six months. She will be alone but she will communicate through
  satellite (卫星) telephone and a blog.
       Many people are worried about her. She said, "I know it's dangerous out there, but I am ready. I
  believe that I can make it!"
(     ) 1. Sailing all over the world is a hard job.
(     ) 2. The American girl Abby set out on January 23, 2010 by her sailhoat called Wild Ears.
(     ) 3. Abby's family also love sailing very much.
(     ) 4. Mike Perham of the UK beat Abby to become the youngest person to sail around the world 
(     ) 5. Abby is going to be at sea for almost one year.


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

STUDF.NT PROFILE COMMENTS ( Al人评价) Subject: English    Name: Annie    Grade: 9
Hasgot skills
Hasmade progress (取得进步)
Listening (     )
Speaking ( √)
Reading (     )
Writing ( √)
Excellent (     )
Good ( √)
Poor (     )
SCHOOL REPORT   Name: Annie     Grade: 9     Term Ending: January 23
Term marks( full marks:  100)
English:  96                          Math:  85
Geography: 74                    German: 79
History: 95                          Science: 65
Position (位置) in class: 6   Absences (缺席):  10 times
Remarks (评价): Annie can do a lot better. More effort is expected next term.
Teacher: Thomas   School reopens: March 1
1. Annie gets _____ progress in learning English.
A. excellent        
B. poor        
C. good      
D. alittle
2. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Annie is a Crade 9 student.
B. Annie is a lazy student in Thomas's opinion.
C. Annie gets some of the English skills.
D.  Annie does better in German than geography.
3. Annie does worst in _____.
A. math          
B. history      
C. science      
D. English
4. Annie's vacation will last _____.
A. about one month          
B. more than two months
C. over two months          
D. less than one month
5. There are _____ of Annie's classmates doing betterthan her in her class.
A. none            
B. five        
C. ten        
D. one


科目: 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

       For many American teenagers, having a part-time job is an important part of growing up. A part-time
  job can teach teenagers important skills like responsibility, independence, teamwork and leadership.
  Young people can expend their social circles beyond their   c:lasr mIates bv making friends with
  co-workers.  And many teenagers find tliat earning their own money gives them a sense of pride and
  freedom. The US government allows teenagers to apply for jobs at age 14. Popular part-time jobs
  include working in ice cream stores, coffee houses, and clothing stores. During the school year, teenagers
   may go to work a few times a week after their classes, then work for longer on the weekends.
       In the summer, top jobs for teens include working at camps, swimming pools and amusement parks.
  These jobs are great for young people who want to be active and have fun while making money.
       A favorite job for many teens is babysitting, and they can start hefore age 14 if the parents agree.
  After the children are sleeping and beforn the parents come home, babysitters have lots of freedom.
       As long as Lhey stay in the house and make sure the kids are okay, babysitters can do their
  homework, enjoy a snack, watch TV, or talk on the phone with friends. It can be stressful to balance
  school, homework, and a part-time job. Still, many American teen- agers value their work experience
  and the skills they gain on the job.
l. The writer thinks a part-time job can teach teenagersmany skills except _____.
A. responsibility    
B. teamwork    
C. leadership    
D. organization
2. American teenagers can work when they are _____ years old by law.
A. fourteen        
B. thirteen      
C. twelve        
D. eleven
3. Where do American teenagers like to work most in thesummer?
A. At a shop.                    
B. In the office.
C. At acamp.                    
D. At a clothing store
4.  American teenagers like to babysit because they _____.
A. can start before age 14
B. can make more money
C. like to play with children
D. have lots of freedom
5. We can infer that American teenagers _____ from thelast paragraph.
A. enjoy working more
B.  hate going to school
C. don't have much homework
D. chink that skills are important


科目: 来源:专项题 题型:完形填空

     Now more and -more students have their own cellphones.  Do you have
one? If you    I    , you will know how useful they are.  With one, you can call your parents or friends    2   you want.  However, there are risks with
     Sending messages is a good way   3   in touch with your friends. But you
can also receive some spam messages(垃圾信息)     4   you receive a rude
message, do not reply to it.  If a message tells you    5   you have won a big
prize, don't believe it. When someone you don't know calls you and asks you to go out, don't go.
     If you don't know how t0    6    these problems, ask your parents for help.   Let them know who your friends are, and when and where you use your
phone.     7      your parents' help, you won't have to worry about     8     
unwanted(不需要) 'calls or messages.
     Some kids   9    a lot of time playing games and sending messages. They     10    do it in class.  It's a waste of time and it's bad for your learning.  
Studies are always important. Turn off your cellphone and put it in your
schoolbag before class. Don't play with it in class.
(     )1. A. did      
(     )2. A. whenever
(     )3. A. keeping  
(     )4. A. But      
(     )5. A. which    
(     )6. A. set up  
(     )7. A. On      
(     )8. A. getting  
(     )9. A. take    
(     )10.A. never    
B. doing    
B. whatever  
B. to keep  
B. If        
B. if        
B. come out  
B. After    
B. to get    
B. spend    
B. often    
  C. do          
  C. however    
  C. kept        
  C. Unless      
  C. whether    
  C. deal with  
  C. In          
  C. get        
  C. pay        
  C. hardly ever
D. done    
D. wherever
D. keep    
D. Since    
D. that    
D. do with  
D. With    
D. got      
D. cost    
D. even    


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

invent, by, fishing, hard, use, kite, up, to, special, name, one
       What's the most important invention of all the time? It's   l    to say, but we know that it may be
something right in front of your eyes.    
       In 1826,a Frenchman   2   Niepce needed picture for his business. But he wasn't a good artist. So
the    3   simple camera was invented by him.  He put“in a window of his house and took a picture of
his yard.    
       The kite was   4  in China, the fifth or fourth century BC. Kungshu Pan made   5   shaped like birds
which can fly for   6  three days, and Mo Li spent three years building a    7   kite. Kites were   8  in
wartime as early as 1232 when kites with messages were flown over Mongol(蒙古) lines  9  the
Chinese. The strings were cut and the kites landed among the Chinese prisoners(范人),inciting(煽动)
them to struggle and escape. Kites fitted with hooks and bait(鱼饵)were used for  10  Trhe kite was
     invent  by  fishing  hard  use  kite  up to  special  name  one    What's the most important invention of all the time? It's   l    to say, but we know that it may be something right in front of your eyes.    In 1826,a Frenchman   2   Niepce needed picture for his business. But he wasn't a good artist. So the   3    simple camera was invented by him.  He put“in a window of his house and took a picture of his yard.    The kite was 4    in China, the fifth or fourth century BC. Kungshu Pan made5_____________shaped like birds which can fly for   6    three days, and Mo Li spent three years building a 7____kite. Kites were 8    in wartime as early as 1232 when kites with messages were flown over Mongol(蒙古) lines 9    the Chinese. The strings were cut and the kites landed among the Chinese prisoners(范人),inciting(煽动)them to struggle and escape. Kites fitted with hooks and bait(鱼饵)were used for  10   Trhe kite was first mentioned in Europe in a popular book of wonders and tricks in 1589. first mentioned in Europe in a popular book of wonders and tricks in 1589.

