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科目: 来源:湖南省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most important in your family. Parents are the
closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel they're not
as close to their parents as before. They even don't think their parents are fair (公平的) to them.
     Some students complain that their parents often say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say their
parents don't allow them to play computer games when other classmates are doing that. Others say when
they're making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if they're speaking to a boy or a girl. These make
them very unhappy. Some students even decide to leave home because they're afraid to tell their parents when
they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams. Then they usually think running
away is the only choice (选择). But they don't know running away may bring them some more problems.
     Problems are parts of life. Here are some suggestions for you to solve your problems.
    1) Find a good chance to talk with your parents. Don't be afraid to tell them your feelings.
    2)Get help from others like good friends or teachers.
    3)Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.
    4)Show your parents you' re growing up. Then they'll feel you' re no longer a small child. If you follow
the advice, you'll have a happy life and never think of running away.
1. According to the article, ________ are the closest people to an only child.
A. teachers
B. classmates
C. parents
2. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Parents don't love their children now.
B. Middle school students don't have any problems.
C. Some students don't think their parents are fair to them.
3. We'd better ________ if we have problems with them.
A. talk with our parents
B. quarrel with our parents
C. leave our parents
4. Why does the author advice us to keep a diary?
A. Because it's our homework.
B. Because it can help us practice writing.
C. Because it can help us understand ourselves better.
5. This article is about some middle school students' ________.
A. friends
B. hobbies
C. problems


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Ben likes sports. He plays sports every day. He likes playing basketball. Because (因为) he thinks it is
very interesting. He likes playing volleyball, too. Because he thinks it is fun. Ben has a great sports collection.
He has 49 basketballs, 82 tennis rackets, 65 baseballs, 26 volleyballs and 52 soccer balls.
(     )1. Ben doesn't like sports.         
(     )2. He likes baseball only (仅仅).   
(     )3. He doesn't like volleyball.     
(     )4. He has a small sports collection.
(     )5. He doesn't have computers.      


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     This is my bedroom.You can see  1  pictures on the wall. A nice light is  2  the desk. A football is  3  the
chair.  4  is the bed? It's near the window. My father and  5  bedroom is near my bedroom.  6  flowers and
a nice big bed  7  in their room. Some windows are  8  the wall. A yellow door is in the wall.  9 .
     Do you like my bedroom and  10 ?
(     )1. A. a   
(     )2. A. in   
(     )3. A. to   
(     )4. A. Who  
(     )5. A. brother
(     )6. A. the  
(     )7. A. am   
(     )8. A. behind 
(     )9. A. of   
(     )10. A. them 
B. an   
B. on   
B. in   
B. How  
B. mother 
B. some  
B. is   
B. under 
B. too  
B. their 
C. one   
C. under  
C. for   
C. What   
C. brothers 
C. The   
C. are   
C. in    
C. here   
C. their’s 
D. some      
D. behind    
D. under     
D. Where     
D. mother's 
D. Some      
D. isn't    
D. on                                    
D. there     
D. their room


科目: 来源:北京期末题 题型:完形填空

      Dad just didn’t know how to show love. It was Mom who held the family together.
      Once when I stole a candy of a shop, he made me take it   1  . But it was Mom who understood I was just a kid.
       I broke my leg one day on the playground and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the   2  . Dad pulled the car right up to the door of the emergency(急诊)room.
      At my birthday parties. Dad seemed to be   3   blowing up balloons, setting up tables and taking photos all the time. It was Mom who brought the   4   with the candles on it for me to blow out.
     I remembered when Mom told Dad to teach me   5   to ride a bike, I told him not to let go, but he said it was   6  . I fell and Mom ran to pick me up, but he waved her off. I was so mad and I showed him. I got right back on that bike and rode it   7  . He didn’t even feel embarrassed(尴尬), just smiled.
     When I went to college, Mom did all the writing. He just sent bills and a little note about how great his lawn(草坪)looked now   8   I wasn’t playing football on it.
     Whenever I called home, he acted like he wanted to talk, but he always said, “I’ll   9  your mother.” All my life, he said. “Where are you going? What time are you coming home? No, you can’t go.”
      Dad just doesn’t know how to show love. Is it possible he showed it and I didn’t   10   it?
(     )1. A. back      
(     )2. A. school    
(     )3. A. easy    
(     )4. A. gift    
(     )5. A. what      
(     )6. A. time    
(     )7. A. herself  
(     )8. A. but    
(     )9. A. see    
(     )10.A. show      

B. up        
B. office  
B. lucky    
B. cake     
B. how       
B. way       
B. himself  
B. and      
B. visit    
B. tell      

C. off    
C. home    
C. busy    
C. flower  
C. when  
C. place  
C. myself  
C. so  
C. get    
C. think  

D. down      
D. hospital  
D. early      
D. light      
D. where      
D. matter    
D. yourself  
D. or        
D. meet      
D. realize    


科目: 来源:北京期末题 题型:阅读理解

     One of my best days at school was a field trip to the seaside. Field trips are very common in the UK. Most schools take their students on geography field trips. Teachers usually take the students somewhere
they can do a scientific experiment (试验). Popular trips are to woodland areas and the seaside.
     My school trip to the seaside was with my biology class. We were allowed to wear home clothes
instead of our school uniforms. When we got to the seaside, we were put into groups. Each group was
asked to find a different sea creature (生物) in the water in the rocks, which we call rock pools.
     My group had to find little crabs (螃蟹). We had to catch them and then find the names of the crabs
in our science books. When my friend Ella picked up a larger crab, it hurt her with its claw (钳子) and
she started crying. After that, she didn’t want to catch the crabs, so she was moved into another group.
     For lunch, we sat in the sun on the rocks and ate sandwiches. After lunch, we went back to school
where we wrote down everything we had found out that day. I remembered feeling sad that we could
not take back the crabs we had found. We had to put them back in their rock pool.
1. In the UK, field trips are            .
A. enough    
B. common    
C. different    
D. unusual
2. My school trip to the seaside was with my          class.
A. biology    
B. geography    
C. physics    
D. chemistry
3. Why was Ella moved to another group?  
A. Because she often cried loudly.
B. Because she was interested in fish.
C. Because the crab hurt her with its claw.
D. Because the group members were not friendly.
4. At the end of the trip we felt sad because          .    
A. we went back to school late
B. we could not take back the crabs we had found
C. we sat on the rocks eating sandwiches
D. we didn’t want to write down everything we saw


科目: 来源:广东省期末题 题型:填空题

     but I’m ___1___(非常健康). I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My___2___(饮食习惯) are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I ___3___(从不喝咖啡). Of course, I love ___4___(垃圾食品) too, and I eat it two or three times a week.
Oh, and I sleep nine hours evey night. So you see, I look after my health. And my ___5___ (健康的生活方式有助于我获得好成绩). Good food and exercise help me to study
B) Ben Lambert’s Vacation Plans!
     Ben Lambert, the famous French singer, ___6___(打算度长假) this summer! He ___7___(原来考虑) going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. "I always take vacations in Europe," he said. "This
time I want to ___8___(做些不一样的事情). I heard that Canada is beautiful, and I know ___9___ (那里有许多讲法语的人).”
     Ben is going to Canada's Great Lakes. He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September. He plans to    __10____ (度过一个非常轻松的假期).
C) How do students around the world get to school?
     In North America, most students___11___(乘校车上学). Some students also ___12___(步行或骑车上学). In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students ___13___(坐火车上学), although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities,
students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And___14____(在有河流的地方) and lakes, like
Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually___15___(坐小船上学) hat must be a lot more fun than
taking a bus!


科目: 来源:广东省期末题 题型:阅读理解


                                                             Gifted Children
     There are many famous gifted children. Most of them are talented at math, music,or chess. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of them. He wrote music when he was only four years old. A more recent one is Arran Fernandez. Arran is an outstanding child, because he took and passed the British Junior High School math exam when he was only five years old. Most British children take this test when they are sixteen. Others include Ruth Lawrence, who went to Oxford University at the age of twelve to study math. And Bobby Fischer, who was better than most chess masters(围棋大师) when he was only a teenager.

(     ) 1. All gifted children are talented at math, music, or chess.
(     ) 2. Mozart wrote music when he was a child.
(     ) 3. Arran is not a talented child.
(     ) 4. Mozart passed the British Junior High School exam when he was five.
(     ) 5. Ruth Lawrence entered university when she was twelve.
(     ) 6. Bobby Fischer studied math at university in his teens.


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B 表示。
     Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they
 visited the Visitors' Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After
 that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and
 bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the
 science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.
(     ) 1. The students had a terrible school trip.
(     ) 2. They saw an octopus in the Outdoor Pool.
(     ) 3. They took the subway back to school.
(     ) 4. The students watched a movie about dolphins.
(     ) 5. The class monitor cleaned the bus.


科目: 来源:广东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

                                                      We Want the Best!
     We did a survey of things that interest young people today. This is what they told us. Most of the cafes in town are good, but The Turk’s Delight, the newest cafe to open here, is the most popular. It is also the most expensive, but the coffee is the best and the chairs are the most comfortable. What’s more, the music they play in the cafe is the best.
     The cell phone that everyone wants to buy is the V-Phone. This is the coolest phone around because it is like a computer. It has the most extras. You can take photos, make videos, check your e-mail, and of course, make phone calls.
     And what video game is the best today? Well, everyone agrees it is Viper Boy. It has the best graphics (图画), the most realistic (栩栩如生的) sound and the most interesting story.
The Best 
Cafe 1. _________ 2. _________
Cell phone 3. _________ 4. _________
Video game 5. _________ 6. _________


科目: 来源:山东省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     In some Western countries, many children do chores to get pocket money (零花钱). They usually
 start to do this when they ate ten years old.     
     School students have to do homework and study for tests. They don't have much free time on
 weekdays. They often do chores on weekends.   
     Young kids only do easy chores. So they don't get much money. But that's enough. Many of them only 
 want to buy candy (糖果). And candy is cheap! They often help do the dishes, sweep the floor, or feed
 the pet cat or dog. 
     When they get older, they wart to buy more and more things. They want things that ate more expensive
 than candy. So they have to work harder! They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass,
 or cook meals.     
     Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things. For example, they can learn how rouse a lawn
 mower (割草机) or how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at first. 
1. How do many children get pocket money in some Western countries?
    A. They study hard.   
    B. They do chores.   
    C. They do part-time jobs.               
    D. They ask their parents for it .   
2. When do many, children usually begin to do chores in some Western countries?
    A. At the age of 10.                        
    B. At the age of 13.   
    C. At the age of 15.   
    D. At the age of 17.   
3. Mary wants to get more pocket money to buy something expensive. She may_____.
    A. do the dishes                        
    B. feed the pet cat
    C. cook meals                    
    D. sweep the floor
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. Young kids do easy chores because they can get much money from their parents.   
    B. School students often do chores on Saturdays and Sundays.
    C. If kids get older and want something more expensive,they have to work harder.   
    D. Kids can learn how to cook with the help of their parents.   "
5. The passage mainly tells us how children in some Western countries _____.   
    A. find jobs                          
    B. get pocket money
    C. study at school                        
    D. do chores

