 0  9830  9838  9844  9848  9854  9856  9860  9866  9868  9874  9880  9884  9886  9890  9896  9898  9904  9908  9910  9914  9916  9920  9922  9924  9925  9926  9928  9929  9930  9932  9934  9938  9940  9944  9946  9950  9956  9958  9964  9968  9970  9974  9980  9986  9988  9994  9998  10000  10006  10010  10016  10024  159627 

科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     You have heard of Batman and Spider-man, but did you know there's another super hero 
called-Iron Man? He's also a character from a popular US comic book.  This summer, he's on the 
big screen.     
     Iron Man was an ordinary person before he got his powers.  He is Tony Stark, CEO of a company
 that makes weapons for the US army. Tony got the company after his father died.       
     Tony lives the life of a hard-drinking, rich playboy, but he is also brilliant at his job. He has invented
 many high-tech weapons for this company.  One day, he flies to Afghanistan (阿富汗) to test new
weapons for the US Air Force (空军).  On his way back to his plane, terrorists (恐怖分子) attack him,
 and wound him.     
     The terrorists put Tony in a cave with Yinsen, a doctor. Yinsen treats Tony and saves his life.           
     The terrorists ask Tony to produce weapons for them.  But instead, Tony builds a suit of armor 
with Yinsen's help.  The suit helps Tony escape the terrorists.      
      Back in the US, Tony builds a better suit of armor.  It gives him superhuman strength and the ability
 to fly.  He vows (发誓) to protect the world as Iron Man.       
      If you are interested in exciting action scenes and special effects, you might enjoy this movie. It's 
in theatres now.
1. Iron Man is _______.              
A. a terrorist              
B. a character from a comic book                  
C. a Spider-man              
D. a Batman
2. When Tony was an ordinary person, he is _______.               
A. CEO of a company                     
B. a rich playboy                 
C. brilliant at his job                 
D. A, B and C   
3. A better suit of armor _______.              
A. gives him superhuman strength and the ability to fly                
B. vows to protect the world as Iron Man               
C. makes weapons for the US army               
D. helps Tony escape the terrorists


科目: 来源:江苏省期末题 题型:完形填空

     Nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend Jack. She is very   1   to get the e-mail. Jack writes about his
school   2   his weekends. Jack likes his school very much. Nancy likes her school,   3  . Jack's school is very
big and he likes his classroom. The   4   and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures   5   the wall. They clean
the classroom every day.
    Jack doesn't   6   to school at the weekend. He gets up   7   at six on Saturday. He exercises in the park for
half   8  . Then he eats his breakfast. He helps his mother with the   9  . At eight he begins to do his homework.
He has lunch in a fast-food restaurant. In the  10 , he goes shopping with Mum. Sometimes he plays computer
games or chats with his friends on the Internet in the evening. 
     He enjoys his weekends very much.
(     )1. A. tall     
(     )2. A. but      
(     )3. A. also       
(     )4. A. desks      
(     )5. A. at         
(     )6. A. like       
(     )7. A. early      
(     )8. A. a year     
(     )9. A. housework  
(     )10. A. day        
B. like       
B. and        
B. again      
B. schoolbags 
B. on         
B. play       
B. late       
B. a month    
B. homework      
B. evening    
C. happy      
C. or         
C. too        
C. pencils    
C. near       
C. go         
C. before     
C. an hour      
C. farm work    
C. afternoon  
D. good      
D. at        
D. hi        
D. boys      
D. behind                         
D. have      
D. here      
D. a day       
D. lessons   
D. week      


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Today is the Spring Festival. It is snowing hard. Everything is white outside the house. What will
Wang Bo do to celebrate (庆祝) the coming new year?
      5: 00 get up
      6: 00 eat dumplings
      6: 30 pay a New Year call (拜年) to his grandfather and grandmother with his father and mother
      8: 00 have a snowball fight (打雪仗) with his friends
      11: 30 have lunch
      13: 00 rest
      14: 00 work on the computer
      18: 00 have supper
      20: 00 watch TV
1. How is the weather on the Spring Festival?
    It is ______________________________________________.
2. What does Wang Bo like to do in the morning? 
    He likes ______________ and ________________.
3. When is supper?
4. What will Wang Bo have for his breakfast? 
    He will ___________________.
5. It's time for Wang Bo to watch TV now. What time is it? 


科目: 来源:0122 月考题 题型:阅读理解

                                                                                                                                  108 Wensan Road
                                                                                                                                  London, 85 A 100
                                                                                                                                  March 1st, 2008 
Dear Kate,
    I am writing to you in English. I hope you can understand it.
    I love studying in London and I have many new friends. Most of them are my classmates. From Monday to
Friday, we have Chinese, math, physics and P.E. in the morning. I like Chinese and physics, because they're
interesting. I don't like math. It's too boring. At noon, I have to have lunch at school because my home is far
from my school. We usually have two classes in the afternoon, art and politics. We finish our classes at 3:30
p.m. After school, my friends and I always play soccer on the playground. And then we go home by bus.
    On weekends, we have no classes. We often go to the park and sometimes we go to the movies in the
evening. We see movies twice a month. I like some famous stars like Jackie Chan.
    Oh, I have no time to write more. Please write back soon.
    Best wishes, 
                                                                                                                                            Wang Gang
1. Where is the writer studying?
[     ]
A.In America.
B.In China.
C.In England.
D.In Canada.
2. How many classes does Wang Gang have every weekday?
[     ]
D.No classes.
3. The writer doesn't like _____ at all, because it's too boring.
[     ]
4. How does the writer go home every day?
[     ]
A.On foot.
B.By bike.
C.By bus.
D.By car.
5. The writer and his friends go to the movies _____.
[     ]
A.once a week
B.once a month
C.twice a week
D.twice a month


科目: 来源:北京中考真题 题型:填空题


time,     have,     sea,     and,     like,     spend,     cool

     With July coming, the summer holidays begin. Boys and girls in England will 1______ a two-month holiday.
The holidays are the best 2______ of the year for most children. They can 3______ most of their time in
swimming, camping and traveling with their parents.
     The most enjoyable place is the seaside. Some children are lucky enough to live near the 4______, but for
those who live far from the sea, their parents will take them to the seaside for the holidays.
     Why do children 5______ spending their holidays at seaside? It's because they like the sand, the sun, the 
6______ wind and the salt water there more than anything else. Of course, there are lots of new things to see,
nice things to eat 7______ exciting things to do.


科目: 来源:湖北省中考真题 题型:完形填空

     Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot
chocolate. ? 
     1 , winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother  2  it
didn't snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions.  3  one day, she
promised (许诺) that she would make it snow on my next birthday. ?    
     That year,  4  my birthday, my grandmother died. I was sad but angry because she had promised to
make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the window,  5  to see just one snowflake.
But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother. She had broken a promise.?
     By my sixteenth birthday, I  6  all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for  7 . During
my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I  8  the best time ever! Then I saw the
white snow  9  down all around. I was so excited that I ran around screaming (尖叫) and laughing. My
friends all laughed  10  me, but I didn't care.?
     When I  11  home, my grandpa said he had a gift for me. I was  12  because he had given me a gift. It
was a small white box, which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snowflake (水晶雪花) with a card
that  13 , "Happy Birthday." ?
     How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmother's final  14  on my "sweet sixteenth". I cried. ?
     I was  15  that my smiling grandmother angel was and had been watching over me.?
(     )1. A. Certainly   
(     )2. A. when        
(     )3. A. But         
(     )4. A. on          
(     )5. A. hoped       
(     )6. A. was losing  
(     )7. A. it          
(     )8. A. had         
(     )9. A. fell        
(     )10. A. with       
(     )11. A. arrived at 
(     )12. A. excited    
(     )13. A. wrote      
(     )14. A. order      
(     )15. A. certain    
B. Unfortunately
B. how         
B. Or          
B. after       
B. hoping      
B. lost        
B. her         
B. was         
B. to fall     
B. at          
B. remained    
B. confused    
B. said        
B. mistake     
B. angry       
C. Importantly
C. whether   
C. Then      
C. before    
C. to hope   
C. would lose
C. him       
C. played    
C. fallen    
C. from      
C. got       
C. pleased   
C. explained 
C. wish      
C. sad       
D. Luckily?  
D. why?      
D. So?       
D. in?       
D. hope?     
D. had lost? 
D. me?       
D. feared?   
D. falling ? 
D. off?      
D. entered?  
D. frustrated?
D. appeared?                          
D. decision? 
D. anxious?  


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     There is a shop near my home.The people in the shop are friendly.On Sundays, we often go and buy things
there.It opens at six in the morning. It closes late in the evening.You can buy a lot of things in the shop.You can buy food, clothes, school things and many other things.But there are no English books there.
     Now we are in the shop. My mother wants to buy a shirt for my father and a blouse for me.Then we'd like
to have a drink of orange.
请根据短文内容判断下列各句正( T ) 误( F ).
( )1.We often go to the shop and buy things on Saturdays.
( )2.The shop opens early in the morning and closes late in the evening.
( )3. My mother wants to buy clothes for my father.
( )4.There are no Chinese books in the shop.
( )5. The people in the shop would like to have a drink of orange.


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:填空题

choose    them    easy    communicate    close
     Are you the only child in your family? If so,  you are the most important person in your parents' 
hearts. They are the 1______ people to you  in the world.  However, many teenagers like you 
have trouble 2______ with their parents.  They always complain (抱怨) that their parents say too 
much instead of listening to what they're thinking.  When they do   something wrong, getting away
 from parents seems to be the only 3______. In fact, what your parents do just shows love for you. 
They love you more than they love 4______. Whenever you need help, they are always there, standing
by you. Try to put yourself' into their shoes, and you'll understand them  5_____.                                      


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Tom has just received four invitations(邀请)from four different friends. Here are his replies(答复)to them.
I can't meet you at 6 p. m. because I won't finish work until 5:45, What about6:30?
Is it OK with you?I'd love a game of tennis.
Hi, Cary!
I'm sorry but I can't go to Rock city for the concert with you tomorrow though I love rock music so much.
I usually have a late meeting on Thursday evening. Let's make it some other time.
Dear Kate,
Thank you so much for inviting me. I can't dance very well, but I'd love to go to the dance with you.
I'll pick you up at7:00 on Saturday evening.
Dear Susan ,
I'll be free and I can come to your birthday party on August 5. See you then.
1. Tom politely refused(拒绝)        in vitation.
A. Jim’s    
B. Cary’s        
C. Kate’s    
D. Susan’s
2. On Saturday evening Tom will         .

A. go to the dance      
B. have a meeting      
C. watch a tennis game      
D. go to a party

3.Tom wrote to Cary         .
A. on Saturday    
B. on Friday      
C. on Thursday    
D. on Wednesday
4. When Tom meet Susan on August 5, he should say to her,“     ”.
A. Have a nice trip!      
B. Help yourself.
C. Happy birthday!
D. Make yourself at home.
5. Tom will go dancing with Kate         .
A. in the morning    
B. at noon      
C. in the afternoon    
D. in the evening


科目: 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     I never wanted a dog, but now I'm so glad I have one.     
     About one year ago, my wife, Mary, got a little dog with a face only a mother could love. We
 named her Baby.     
     Baby is the kind of dog that has to grow on you.  So I decided that the dog would be trained. This
 didn't quite go as planned.  At 15 weeks old, she was nearly made to leave the Petsmart Training 
School. She spent every night lying in our bed-snoring (打鼾)  so loudly that I hardly got a good night's
     Then, about six months after she arrived, I felt that something in   my heart was taking place, and I 
was unable to stop it.  My behavior (行为方式)  began to change.  I began to smile at people when 
passing   them in a street.  I returned from neighbors.  I started calling my kids   and, to my surprise, 
they started calling me.  I even tried to speak to   my grandchildren over the phone once. I even was
 glad to listen to   laughter from a 10-month-old granddaughter.  The point is that I was changing.           
     My wife and I both agree that it is Baby who has changed my behavior.       
     Baby is now nearly one year old and almost fully grown.  I have   come to like the pet little by little, 
 though she is my wife's dog.
1. What did the man think of the dog at the beginning?                  
A.  It wasn't very lovely.                   
B.  It looked very beautiful.                   
C.  It wasn't necessary to be trained.                  
D.  It could change his life.
2. When did the man's behavior begin to change?                   
A.  About one year ago.                 
B.  When Baby was nearly one year old.                 
C.  When Baby was 15 weeks old.                 
D.  About six months after Baby arrived.
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the man change?                
A.  He began to smile at people.                   
B.  He liked helping his neighbors.                   
C.  He started calling his kids.                
D.  He spoke to his grandchildren over the phone.
4. What can we learn from this passage?                
A. The dog has been trained very well.                 
B. The man has become more confident (自信的).                  
C. The man has become more friendly.                 
D. The man likes the dog better than his wife.
5. Who changed the man?                
A. His wife.                 
B. A dog.                
C. His neighbor.             
D. His grandchildren.

