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【题目】My parents moved to Mississippi when my brother and I were small children, and we were separated from our Oklahoma grandparents by some 600 miles. This long distance allowed us to only visit our grandparents once a year, either at Christmas or during summer vacation.

Most of my classmates lived near their grandparents, and I would often hear stories of big families regularly spending time with one another, fishing at grandpa’s house or going over to grandma’s for her famous fried chicken. We were disappointed that we did not get to spend more time with our grandparents, but our love for them remained deep and strong.

We always expected a road trip to Oklahoma. We would count the days, and when the day came, the entire family would pile into our car at four o’clock in the morning. Crossing the Mississippi River into Louisiana, the scenery changed. Crossing the Red River in Oklahoma, we were in a foreign world.

Every trip to see my grandparents can’t be without bringing delight. We jumped out of the car in their driveway to be met with bear hugs. My grandparents wanted to know everything about their grandchildren, and we would sit for hours and tell story after story. Grandma had a meal planned, and you could guess she prepared her grandsons’ favorite foods. Of course the best part of the visit was that we were able to do whatever we wanted without punishment from our grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa always had presents for us, short trips planned andspan> lovely surprises, such as the time we got to a local restaurant and ate the world’s largest hamburger.

【1】 Why didnt the family visit their grandparents often?

A. Because they seldom had a vacation.

B. Because they had a bad attitude to them.

C. Because they were all busy with their work.

D. Because they lived far away from each other.

2When hearing his classmates’ stories, the author __________.

A. often felt deep sorrow

B. would call his grandparents

C. would admire them at heart

D. would feel sorry for his poor life

3 Whenever the author and his brother met their grandparents, they _________.

A. were full of great excitement

B. found they were in a foreign world

C. shared cooking skills with each other

D. seemed not to be familiar with each other

4What can we infer from the author’s story?

A. Distance can’t break the bond of love.

B. Physical separation hurts the heart deeply.

C. Distance leads to the most beautiful scene.

D. Family life is filled with love and understanding.








【1】D 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,因为距离遥远,所以作者他们很少去看望祖父母。故D选项正确。

【2】C 推理判断题。由第一段可知,作者他们不能经常到祖父母家去。所以,当听到其他同学谈论和祖父母在一起的事情时,作者内心对他们很羡慕。C选项正确。

【3】A 推理判断题。由最后两段可知,每次去看祖父母,作者总是很期待,很高兴。故可推知,当他们见到祖父母时,他们很兴奋。A选项正确。

【4】A 推理判断题。由第三段中的our love for them remained deep and strong可知,因为距离问题,作者不能经常去看望祖父母。但是,作者仍然深深地爱着自己的祖父母。每次去看祖父母时,作者总是很期待,很兴奋。由此可以推知,距离并不能隔开亲情,不能阻断祖父母和孙子之间的爱。故A选项正确。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Don't the boy's words too seriously.

A. keep

B. make

C. take

D. think


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Mary wasnt satisfied with the blue dress, so the shopkeeper another dress for her to try on .

A. held on

B. held to

C. held out

D. held up


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


All that day my father was in as he had lost his wallet.

A. great anxiety

B. ambition

C. ill humor

D. nervousness


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】A: adequate, ample

【1】 There is __________ reason to believe that the man is innocent.

【2】 I have no __________ preparation.

B: anyway, somehow

【3】 __________ we lost our way.

【4】 I don't care what you say. I'm going to do it


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】Not until I began to work didn’t I realize how much time I had wasted.

【2】Only by practicing a few hours every day you will be able to master the language.

【3】No sooner had I got to the station then the train left.

【4】Were he to leave today, he will get there by Sunday.

【5】So frightening was he in the darkness that he didn’t dare to move an inch.

【6】I wonder if your wife will go to the ball. If your wife do, so will mine.

【7】Only after I read the text over again I know its main idea.

【8】Not until he arrived at home did he find that this wallet had been stolen.

【9】Was I you, I would accept the invitation and go to the party.

【10】Not only did he made a promise, but he also kept it.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】 He s__________ the place where he had been bitten by an insect.

【2】 She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly s__________ it out.

【3】 He didn't mean to, but he __________ (删除) the files by accident.

【4】 He doesn't seem to have quite realized its true __________ (意义).


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】(2011·湖北省八校第二次联考) Vegetables and meats are __________ and mixed in various ways into some dishes to serve the guests.

A. cut in

B. cut up

C. cut down

D. cut off


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】The students are forbidden, unless they had special passes, after 11 pm.

A. staying out

B. from staying out

C.stay out

D. to stay out

