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【题目】 —Can you lend me your book on scientific achievements?

—You are not ________ to get this book from me, because I will read it soon.

A.possible B.likely C.perhaps D.probable


【解析】由句子主语是you可知选likely,be likely to do sth.“有可能做某事”。likely既可用人也可用物作主语。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Classical Chinese poetry is traditional Chinese poetry 41 (write) in Classical Chinese and typified by certain traditional forms and close 42 (connect) with particular historical periods, such as the poetry of the Tang Dynasty. Its existence 43 (document) at least as early as the publication of the Classic of Poetry or Shijing. 44 (variety) combinations of forms and genres exist. Many or most of these 45 (arise) at the end of the Tang Dynasty.

Use and development of Classical Chinese poetry 46 (active) continued up to the year of 1919, 47 the May Fourth Movement took place, and is still developed even today. Poetry created during this 2,500-year period of more-or-less continuous development shows 48 great deal of diversity classified by both major historical periods and by dynastic periods.

Of the key aspects of Classical Chinese poetry, another is 49 (it) intense interrelationship with other forms of Chinese art, such as Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy. Classical Chinese poetry has proven to be of strong influence 50 poetry worldwide.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Now that you have grown up,you must learn to


The woman loves the children deeply


I recognised her although I haven't seen her for almost ten years.


The water in the polluted river


Smart phones not only ,but also do great harm to our health.

6. The effective solution would be to set up a clean system nobody dares to be corrupt.


7. It was a wonderful film. Never before such an interesting film.


8. ,he can’t fall asleep.


9. Have you in the article?


10. ,they fell in for action.



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


A survey by an international temporary service agency found that U. S. managers believe that people with a sense of humor do better at their jobs, compared with those who have little or no sense of humor. In fact, about 96 percent of those surveyed said people with a sense of humor do better.

The survey went on to point out that the results suggest that a sense of humor may help light-hearted employees keep their jobs during tough times. And, what's more, it may push them up the corporate ladder past their humorless colleagues. Why? It seems that those with a sense of humor are better communicators and better team players.

Studies have shown that happy workers are more productive. In fact, a researcher at California State University found that humor could help the employees to release tension.

Research done by psychologist Dr. Ashton Trice at Mary Baldwin College in Virginia showed that humor helps us think. When people feel stuck on important projects, they tend to feel angry or depressed. According to Dr. Trice's research, taking time out to laugh can help us to get rid of negative feelings and allow us to return to a task or move on to another project unaffected by past defeat.

If humor is really this important, then why don't we use it more often on the job? Most likely, the main reason is that many people are unaware of the positive effects of humor in the workplace. However, it is important to realize that some humor is not suitable for the workplace, and that it is often used at wrong times.

【1】Most people think a sense of humor can ________.

A. help you to do your work better

B. make you have a rich life

C. make you pleased with your work

D. help you to make more friends

2 Many people don't use humor more in the workplace because ________.

A. hey like keeping silent when working

B. they don't know the positive effects of humor

C. they think they should obey the rules

D. they don't like joking or laughing

3A person without a sense of humor is easier ________.

A. to feel surprised

B. to get along with

C. to be worried

D. to be successful

4What is probably the best title for the article?

A. People with a Sense of Humor

B. Humor Is Important in the Workplace

C. Humor and Humorless

D. Everyone Likes Humor


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】You shouldn’t complain so much. Other people are not richer than you.

You shouldn’t complain so much. Other people are __________ __________ than you.

【2】After the power failed, she had to deliver the baby in the darkness.

After the power was __________ __________, she had to deliver the baby in the darkness.

【3】Do you know who will be the main actor in this film?

Who do you think will __________ __________ this film?

【4】We are satisfied with the excellent achievement you have made.

We ________ ________ ________ the excellent achievement you have made.

【5】There are so many models on sale that I don’t know which one to choose.

There are so many models on sale that I don’t know which one to ________ ________.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Trains are all kinds of goods to Lhasa through the Qinghai-Tibet Railway day and night.

A. transporting

B. separating

C. supporting

D. supplying


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


[1] Fishing is probably the world’s most popular sport. People spend many dollars each year on items like boats and four-wheel-drive vehicles. In addition, they spend money on fishing equipment, bait, fuel and boat repairs. And you can see that fishing can be an expensive pastime. Fishing lovers believe that their hobby is worth it. Others say that fishing is spoiling the environment and that it is a cruel hobby.

[2] Supporters of fishing say that it is a nice hobby. Firstly, of the millions of people who fish for fun, most only catch enough fish to feed their families. They catch fish that are found in large numbers, so there is little danger to the species (种类).

[3] Secondly, recreational fishermen contribute to the economy. They spend money on equipment and other items, and they also spend it indirectly by paying taxes on their equipment and fuel. Those who travel to fishing spots pay for accommodation (食宿) and airfares. This money keeps people in work and provides new jobs each year.

[4] Thirdly, fishing is relaxing and fun so it lessens stress. Instead of turning to drugs or alcohol, it is far better to go fishing. People who are relaxed are generally healthier and much nicer to be near ----- except for the smell of the bait!

[5] Those who _________________ say that there are too many fish thoughtlessly taken from rivers, lakes, streams and oceans. This could lead to the dying out of some species. Modern cars and boats mean that people/span> can fish in remote areas of the world, so no place is safe from greedy fishermen who take both males and females, leaving few fish to produce young.

[6] Those against fishing also say that it is a blood sport, which means that an animal must die so that a human can have fun. Many of the fish caught for sport are not suitable for eating, so they are thrown away. Once hooked, fish have no chance of escape.

【1】 What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 4 words)


【2】 According to Paragraph 2, why does fishing cause little danger to the species?(no more than 8 words)


【3】 List 4 items on which people spend their money for fishing. (no more than 7 words)


【4】 Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.

Those who ______________________________ say that there are too many fish thoughtlessly taken form rivers, lakes, streams and oceans.

【5】 What does the word “which” (Line 1, Paragraph6) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



(2016·北京) A Race Against Death

It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.

On the 20th of that month, Dr. Welch 1 a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be 2 if it struck the town. Dr. Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. 3 , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.

How could the medicine get to Nome? The town’s 4 was already full of ice, so it couldn’t come by ship. Cars and horses couldn’t travel on the 5 roads. Jet airplanes and big trucks didn’t exist yet.

6 January 26, Billy and three other children had died. Twenty more were 7 . Nome’s town officials came up with a(n) 8 . They would have the medicine sent by 9 from Anchorage to Nenana. From there, dogsled(狗拉雪橇) drivers known as mushers would 10 it to Nome in a relay(接力).

The race began on January 27. The first musher, Shannon, picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night. 11 he handed the medicine to the next musher, Shannon’s face was black from the extreme cold.

On January 31, a musher named Seppala had to 12 a frozen body of water called Norton Sound. It was the most 13 part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered with ice, which could sometimes break up without warning. If that happened, Seppala might fall into the icy water below. He would 14 , and so would the sick children of Nome. But Seppala made it across.

A huge snowstorm hit on February 1. A musher named Kaasen had to brave this storm. At one point, huge piles of snow blocked his 15 . He had to leave the trail (雪橇痕迹) to get around them. Conditions were so bad that it was impossible for him to 16 the trail again. The only hope was Balto, Kaasen’s lead dog. Balto put his nose to the ground, 17 to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trail. If Balto failed, it would mean disaster for Nome. The minutes passed by. Suddenly, Balto began to 18 . He had found the trail.

At 5:30 am on February 2, Kaasen and his dog 19 in Nome. Within minutes, Dr. Welch had the medicine. He quickly gave it to the sick children. All of them recovered.

Nome had been 20 .

【1】A. examined B. warned C. interviewed D. cured

【2】A. harmless B. helpless C. fearless D. careless

【3】A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However

【4】A. airport B. station C. harbor D. border

【5】A. narrow B. snowy C. busy D. dirty

【6】A. From B. On C. By D. After

【7】A. tired B. upset C. pale D. sick

【8】A. plan B. excuse C. message D. topic

【9】A. air B. rail C. sea D. road

【10】A. carry B. return C. mail D. give

【11】A. Though B. Since C. When D. If

【12】A. enter B. move C. visit D. cross

【13】A. shameful B. boring C. dangerous D. foolish

【14】A. escape B. bleed C. swim D. die

【15】A. memory B. exit C. way D. destination

【16】A. find B. fix C. pass D. change

【17】A. pretending B. trying C. asking D. learning

【18】A. run B. leave C. bite D. play

【19】A. gathered B. stayed C. camped D. arrived

【20】A. controlled B. saved C. founded D. developed


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】The army d__________ its homeland against all enemies.

【2】In university, my m__________ wasn’t computer science but mathematics.

【3】It is easier for two parties to reach __________(一致).

【4】The teacher asked Mary not to prevent Tom from __________(表达) his opinions.

【5】While staying in a five-star hotel, you will feel completely at e__________.

【6】In your new job, you will be expected to perform many different f__________.

【7The soldiers bowed their heads in __________(恭敬) silence as the funeral procession (葬礼队伍) went by.

【8】The two men have different __________(面部的) expressions.

【9】He used a __________(假的) name to get the job.

【10】They put their arms around each other and h__________.

