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材料一 朱熹著《四书集注》,采择理学家中与己意相合的论说,加入自己的比较通俗浅近的注释,使理学借四书而得以传播。朱熹极为重视少年的教育,著《小学集注》,收集《礼记》、《曲礼》、《列女传》等古籍中有关三纲五常的说教。教育青少年遵照三纲五常的道德规范。又著《论语训蒙口义》、《童蒙须知》等,供儿童学习。从衣服冠履、语言步趋、洒扫涓洁、读书写字,到杂细事宜,都作了具体的规定。


材料二 李约瑟认为:宋代理学本质上是科学性的,伴随而来的是纯粹科学和应用科学本身的各种活动的史无前例的繁盛。
















科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 孔丘所谓举贤才的目的,不过要使贤才有机会在原有的贵族内做家臣。孟轲要求使贤才居于掌握政权的地位。贤者自己一定要做卿相,实际掌握政权,照着自己的理想处理国家的政事(行道),国王不得干涉。……孟轲对齐宣王说所谓故国者,非有乔木之谓也,有世臣之谓也。”“国君进贤,如不得已,将使卑逾尊,疏逾戚,可不慎欤?对于新执政的贤才,孟轲也提醒他们说为政不难,不得罪于巨室。


材料二 为什么要独尊一家呢?因为统一的帝国需要统一的思想,这是秦始皇就已经意识到的。而且,始皇的焚书,武帝的尊儒,动机和说法都一样天下大乱,皆因思想自由,言论不一。……儒学,为什么就合适做统治思想?因为儒家是维护君主制度的。……儒家则不同,道为王道,政为仁政,制为礼制,治为德治。也就是说,儒家维护君主制度是讲道理的,也有人情味。这样的统治,人民能够接受。人民能接受,政权就稳固。君主和人民都满意,就双赢。何况儒家学说有着深厚的根基,这就是小农经济、宗法社会和礼乐传统。






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】He rose to his feet and looked forward to _______ the beautiful view of the town and found there was a cinema around ______ he could see a film being shown.

A. enjoying; which B. enjoy; which

C. enjoy; in which D. enjoying; in which


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


A.布雷顿森林会议召开 B.马歇尔计划实施

C.北大西洋公约组织成立 D.华沙条约组织建立


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 哲学对于普通人来说,越来越遥不可及。这些稀奇古怪的宇宙论不能符合人的需求,并且与人的基本经验背道而驰。……对苏格拉底来说,哲学的宗旨并不是提出关于宇宙的深奥理论,而是要让人学会如何生活。世界上为什么会有如此之多的罪恶呢?那是因为人们缺乏关于生活和道德的理念。如果他们承认其深刻的无知,就更能懂得如何行事。


材料二 古代希腊思想家的每个学派,亚里士多德学派、柏拉图学派,等等,都在文艺复兴那个时候找到它的信徒……在14至15世纪,对人体、天文、地理以及自然世界其他领域的研究普遍得到了加强。……数学和数学方法受到普遍重视,并逐渐与自然科学研究结合起来……一些有远见的哲学家及时地汲取了新科学的成果,在此基础上提出了具有自然哲学倾向的新哲学体系,成为近代哲学的先驱。


材料三 法国哲学家是真正的哲学家,他们提出了最根本的哲学问题:关于生命的意义,关于上帝、人性、善与恶。同时,他们不满足于只是少数教授和学者们的抽象争论和象牙塔里的沉思,他们希望影响大众,说服大众。他们热情地承担了改良社会和人性的责任……最有名的、在许多方面都最具代表性的哲学家是弗朗索瓦·玛瑞·阿鲁埃,他以伏尔泰的笔名闻名于世。在他漫长的生涯里,写了七十多部有趣的著作,他一生都在极力反对法律的不公正,以及法律面前阶级的不平等。






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Five ways to end procrastination

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. Waiting until later is one of life’s guilty secrets, but procrastination (拖延症) is linked to poorer health, work and relationship outcomes. Here are five ways to try to remedy (纠正) procrastination.:

1. A five-minute start

Five minutes is nothing it’s just three hundred seconds. It’s the length of a song or a TV commercial. Pick up a project you’ve been putting off and spare just 300 seconds of your time to do it. 1 After a while, the momentum (动力) of beginning the task will push you forward.

2. Set goals and rewards

During the day, set goals and rewards. Each time you achieve a goal, you earn the reward: a short break, a funny YouTube video or something else. 2 Make sure you select a time to review your progress and adjust your targets accordingly.

3. Be good to yourself me today versus me tomorrow

Sometimes, when you find yourself buried in work, you are upset with yourself for not having started earlier. Imagine a conversation, between “you today” and “you tomorrow”. 3

4. I was there witnessing accountability (责任制)

4 Consider going on a diet: Is there more pressure if you don’t tell a soul, or if you announce it to all your friends, with strict rules to follow if you are invited to dinner? It seems an obvious way of making you feel guilty, but it can also be highly effective.

5. Set creative punishments negative consequences

Make the consequences of inaction so unbearable that you have no choice but to get busy now. You could write a note to someone that you don’t like. Give the note to a friend with strict instructions to mail the note if you do not achieve your goal. The more you dislike the other party, the stronger the motivation to get the task done.

Procrastination is a silent killer of dreams. 5 By understanding and fixing your procrastination, you’ll discover you jump-start many areas of your life.

A. Everyone suffers from it.

B. Once the five minutes is up, stop and reassess.

C. Everyone likes to have a dream of procrastination.

D. Going public with a goal increases your support and accountability.

E. What is the future of my life with the intention of putting off my tasks?

F. If “you tomorrow” could chat with “you today” what would he say?

G. It’s important that the goals are realistic and the rewards are in proportion (按比例).


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


I went to Arizona earlier this month to see what the college of the future might look like. What I found is an exciting new era of higher education that will help more students get a great, personalized education at an affordable price.

This future may not always include the lecture halls, dormitories, and other features of the traditional college experience. Instead, the colleges I visited are experimenting with ways for students to get their degrees online, allowing them to take courses any place and at any time.

These colleges without walls,” as they are sometimes called, are at the forefront of the effort to broaden access to higher education, especially for low-income students with full-time jobs and families. During my visit, I heard encouraging stories of students who were taking advantage of these flexible learning models to pursue degrees that could put them on paths to new careers.

One of those students was Shawn Lee. He had a compelling story: After dropping out of college decades ago, he found himself in a series of low-paying, often back-breaking jobs. He recently decided to get his degree when he had his first child and wanted to start building a better life.

Tucked away in an industrial park in Tempe, Rio Salado didn’t look much like a traditional institute of higher education. There were no students running to class. Just a couple of glass-faced office buildings. The college had just 22 full-time faculty serving 60,000 students, with more than half of them attending classes online.

Several students I met during my visit said they liked learning online. “I’ve taken college classes in a big auditorium with herds of people. There was no personal connection,” one student said. “Now I can reach my teacher with the click of a mouse.”

After several days’ visit, I left Arizona feeling quite optimistic about what the future holds for higher education.

1What does “colleges without walls” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Colleges that have no walls around.

B. Colleges that students attend online .

C. Colleges that can be entered freely.

D. Colleges that give students more freedom.

2 What made Shawn Lee return to attend college again ?

A. That he has nothing to do.

B. That he couldn’t find a job.

C. That the cost of the college is low.

D. That he wanted to find a better job.

3How did the writer feel after the visit ?

A. Hopeful. B. Dissatisfied.

C. Disappointed. D. Upset.

4What is the writer’s purpose by writing this passage?

A. To explain what “colleges without walls” are.

B. To advertise the colleges.

C. To encourage people to attend higher education.

D. To introduce a new model of education.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 后世对秦始皇的这一做法,大多盛赞不已虽然秦代……仅仅持续了二世……但秦代所形成的专制主义中央集权国家,及其所确定的以郡县制为表现形式的行政区划,却为后世历代所遵奉


材料二 元行省制中央集权是秦汉以来郡县制中央集权模式的较高级演化形态……元行省制所体现的中央集权与地方分权的主辅结合,明显优于单纯的中央集权或单纯的地方分权。


材料三 从秦到清,地方行政制度的形态有过纷纭繁复的变化……这种因时而异的变化只是为了更好地发挥这一集权的功能罢了。因此尽管从表面上看,历代行政区域……废置纷繁,分合靡定,但无非皆就前代之制度沿革益损,而无根本性质的变动。





