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A. 经济发展速度 B. 经济结构

C. 经济发展水平 D. 自然资源的种类、数量


A. 广西、辽宁、浙江——东部经济带

B. 宁夏、陕西、黑龙江——西部经济带

C. 江西、福建、上海——东部经济带

D. 安徽、湖南、山西——中部经济地带


①产业结构的差异 ②资源分布的差异 ③距海远近的差异④开放程度的差异

A. ①④ B. ③④ C. ①③ D. ②④










科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Cloze 3(河北省衡水冀州中学2017届高复班第二次阶段考试)












The other evening we had a knock at the door. It was a 1 neighbor who introduced himself and his boys to us. He also invited us to a block party as a way to know the people in the 2 as well as celebrate the first anniversary of his two 3 sons coming to live with him.

We’ve lived here for almost six years and no one has ever come to 4 themselves. I suppose we should have 5 it on to introduce ourselves to people moving in, but we haven’t. In my opinion, it took the initiative(首创) of a young 6 and his adopted sons to show me how I could 7 better attention to my own community. We have many local friends but I have to 8 that I haven’t usually been the one to develop the 9 in my own neighborhood.

This 10 reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was 11 to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to 12 my town. I couldn’t change the town and as a(n) 13 man, I tried to change my 14 . Now, as an old man, I 15 the only thing I can change is myself, and 16 I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact(影响) on my family and 17 on our town. The impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the 18 ."

For those of us who want to make a(n) 19 in the world, it’s important we remember what Bucky Fuller said, "Think globally, but act 20 ." For me, I’m going to make it point to meet more of my neighbors-staring now.

【1】A. familiar B. friendly C. new D. old

【2】A. town B. neighborhood C. company D. city

【3】A. accepted B. adopted C. adapted D. appointed

【4】A. help B. treat C. introduce D. enjoy

【5】A. put B. focused C. turned D. taken

【6】A. man B. student C. woman D. mother

【7】A. draw B. fix C. offer D. pay

【8】A. forgive B. admit C. agree D. consider

【9】A. habit B. concern C. friendship D. business

【10】A. accident B. activity C. thought D. experience

【11】A. convenient B. possible C. interesting D. difficult

【12】A. make out B. concentrate on C. get into D. refer to

【13】A. older B. younger C. smarter D. wiser

【14】A. student B. family C. friend D. mind

【15】A. realize B. forget C. recognize D. regret

【16】A. suddenly B. happily C. actually D. luckily

【17】A. ever B. even C. only D. still

【18】A. environment B. world C. village D. lifestyle

【19】A. decision B. adjustment C. difference D. discovery

【20】A. carefully B. selflessly C. immediately D. locally


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

(2017届河南省重点高中高三质监)Today I spent time 41 (talk) to an old friend about some of the choices that we have made in our lives. We both agree that life has 42 (basic) been good to us. And we are very 43 (appreciate) of what we have been blessed with.

Today I would like you to think about your journey and where you see yourself in the next five years. Do you see that you have become exactly who you set out to be? If you are like me, you are working daily on those goals. I work on my 44 (aim) because I am excited about that opportunity. However, I do realize that sometimes life can get 45 the way of our goals. I remember when my friend 46 (decide) to buy her first home. She was ready and had everything 47 (line) up. But during this time her father died and she had to move home 48 (help) take care of her mother. Her goal was delayed, but she didn't give it up completely. And that's exactly 49 key to this all. In order to achieve your goals, you have to keep working on 50 .


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



What’s the charm of coffee shops? It’s said that JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books sitting in one in Edinburgh. Many people spend hours in these places enjoying a coffee as they work away on their laptops. But if you’re spending all day buying one expensive coffee after another and haven’t sold your first novel yet, the costs can really add up. For those who work outside of a traditional office or just want to take time out, there’s a new choice in London: a pay-per-minute café.

1 You’ll be given a clock when you come in to keep time. When you leave, you return the clock and pay the bill. 2 The shop’s owner, Ivan Meetin, says, "Everything is free except the time you spend there." 3 You can also bring your own food while surfing the Internet through Wi-Fi. In a word, it’s up to you. The new coffee shop’s atmosphere is relaxed and a bit bohemian(波西米亚的). Informality is at the heart of Meetin’s concept. Meetin believes his coffee shop is a bit like "social media", but with a face. People who have much in common go there. 4 So, some wash the dishes before leaving. The concept of coffee shops, where you pay for the time and not for the cup, has proved popular in Russia. Ziferblat is part of a Russian chain. 5 I’d like to try it at least once. Who knows I might even start writing my own novel. If coffee shops are good enough for JK Rowling to spend quality time in, why can’t I?

A. Only time will tell if the British will accept the idea.

B. They treat it as their home as well as a relaxing place.

C. Meetin’s customers clearly are not the types who live a busy life.

D. Meetin has always loved the idea of building his own house.

E. You can stay for as long as you like in the Ziferblat coffee shop.

F. You can help yourselves to coffee and cookies.

G. The cost of eating, working and meeting new people is 3 pence per minute or £1.80 an hour.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Polar bears live in such environment that is too cold for most animals. For much of the year, they live and hunt on the 1 (freeze) Arctic sea ice. Nature has prepared them for the cold conditions but nothing has prepared them for the danger 2 threatens(威胁) their only home.

The polar bears’ world is melting. Polar bears 3 (suffer) in a warmer world are in danger. Studies show that the polar ice 4 (reduce) by 9.8% every 10 years since 1978.At present , about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears depend on the sea ice for their 5 (survive). The sea ice is more than just the platform that the bears walk 6 , says Andrew Derocher, who studies North American polar bear populations. Without 7 , they can’t exist.

Some melting and refreezing of the polar ice is natural. But in a 8 (warm) world, these cycles speed up, and bears have less time to hunt. 9 (normal), they have three months in the spring when they gain more weight and the extra fat is used later, 10 the bears are not actively hunting. Therefore, it is urgent to protect the environment and maintain the ecological balance.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】材料中所述的太阳打了强烈的喷嚏极有可能是( )

A.太阳耀斑爆发 B.太阳爆炸 C.太阳辐射增强 D.太阳辐射减弱

【2】喷嚏还可能产生的明显影响不包括( )

A.短波通讯中断 B.产生极光 C.指南针失灵 D.地球公转速度的变化


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】工业4.0,被认为是以智能制造为主导的第四次工业革命。其由智能工厂 智能生产智能物流构成,产品、消费与生产三方融合,是一种高度灵活的个性化、数字化的产品与服务生产模式。据此回答下列各题。


A.原料需求多 B.科技含量高 C.产品更新慢 D.能量消耗大


A.劳力丰富地区 B.原料丰富地区 C.能源丰富地区 D.科技发达地区


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】假如影片中潘多拉星球在宇宙中是存在的,那么它可能属于( )

总星系 银河系 河外星系 太阳系

A.①② B.①③ C.③④ D.②④

【2】适合生物呼吸的大气的存在是地球上存在生命的条件之一,地球上之所有有适宜的大气层是因为( )






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】地震发生时( )





【2】下面关于宫城地震产生的地震波的叙述,正确的是( )





