科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
In 1990 , ________Belgian inventor by ________ name of Bakelite invented the first of the modern plastics.
A .a; a
B. a; the
C. the; a
D. the;\
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
中国拥有3000多家制笔企业,年产圆珠笔近400亿支,堪称圆珠笔第一大国。但令人尴尬的是,这400亿 支圆珠笔笔尖上的球座体,从设备到原材料,都高度依赖进口。明明是制造业大国,为什么连小小的笔尖都无法做到完全 自主研发自主生产?
圆珠笔笔头分为笔尖上的球珠和球座体。生产一个小小的圆珠笔头需要二十多道工序。笔头里面有不同 高度的台阶和五条引导墨水的沟槽,加工精度都要达到千分之一毫米的数量级。而笔头的关键部位更是要细上加细 ——在笔头最顶端的地方,厚度仅0.3-0.4毫米。极高的加工精度,对不锈钢原材料提出了极高的性能要求,既 要容易切削,加工时又不能开裂,小小“笔尖”着实考验着中国制造。
科研人员们不断雕琢,精益求精,向世人展现了大国工匠应有的风采,笔尖钢的元素配比参数终于浮出 水面。也正是因为他们贯彻了“工匠精神”,才能够将产品做到极致。一场关于“笔尖工艺”的硬 仗,打倒了一批只会粗制滥造的企业,同时也让真正的精英们站在了行业的制高点上。中国是制造业大国,而当下,我们 正努力走在成为制造业强国的路上。面对现实的挑战,我国制造业不断寻求转型升级、提质增效之路。而在转型提质的过 程中,践行“工匠精神”则显得格外关键。相信在未来,“工匠精神”也定将引领中国制造业走向 “以质取胜”的新阵地。
一个小小的圆珠笔头,也是中国制造业面临问题的缩影。要实现从制造大国到制造强国的转变,同样任 重道远。
中国制笔协会理事长王淑琴说:“制笔行业现阶段与国外的差距,应该说不完全是技术上的。现 在主要在心态上、在思维模式上,还在文化和环境上,这些都是有一定差距的。整个中国的制造业都比较浮躁,而且现在 这种形势更是如此。”来自一线的制笔企业负责人陆宪明说,一次去日本制笔企业参观的经历让他难以忘怀:“在一个 日本制笔企业,我看到在笔头的生产线上,一个女工,大概45岁左右,她从工位里面拿出笔头清洗好,推到边上检验台做 记录,这么厚的本子,我一看这个本子她大半本记掉了,这样一本东西要从开始记到现在,没有五年十年是不会有这么厚 的,说明他们的员工工作的那种专注仔细。现在中国企业的员工流动比较大,技术含量不够,积累不够,经验不够,这种 差距,你就很难培养出那种专心细致的工匠来。所谓工匠精神确实是需要一种耐心的、踏踏实实的精神,心无旁鹜、专心 一意把一件事情做好。这是我们目前最差的地方。”
不久前,国务院总理李克强在太原主持会议时指出,“去年,我们在钢铁产量严重过剩的情况下 ,仍然进口了一些特殊品类的高质量钢材。我们还不具备生产模具钢的能力,圆珠笔头上的‘圆珠’,目前仍 然需要进口。这都需要调整结构。”
事实上,圆珠笔头问题折射出了中国制造业深层的结构性的问题。有专家分析认为,企业创新能力不足 ,是结构性问题中最为典型的表现。一方面是技术含量低和附加值低的低端产品生产过剩,另一方面是技术含量高和附加 值高的高端产品供给不足,这两种现象同时存在。这也正是当下中央提出要进行供给侧结构性改革的原因。而要进行这样 的改革,从根本上来说,还是要从理念入手,从人入手。
许多专家一致认为,中国专业技术人才严重紧缺。良好素质的技术工人,不应仅仅是掌握制造技术,而 且还应该是有责任心的匠人,是能够对产品终身品质负责的匠人。但是在人才培养和使用上,我们存在很多问题.特别是 对技术工人重视不够,导致这部分人才严重缺失。
显然,中国经济要转型升级,要搞供给侧结构性改革,必须要从制造业重塑人力基因入手。企业首先要 转变生产经营理念,树立正确的价值取向,建立起一种超越世俗商业利益的成就动机。同时,整个社会要注重人才培养, 特别是技术工人的技能培养,畅通其职业发展通道、提高其收入水平、改善其工作环境。
A.材料一报道了中国3000多家制笔企业曾经面临的尴尬局面,同时指出这局面已改变,这些企业已能够自主研 发、自主生产笔尖。
B.材料二用日本制笔企业一个女工做记录的事例和中国员工的现状作对比,旨在表明中国企业的员工在工匠 精神方面尚有欠缺。
C.材料三引用总理的话,说明了钢铁行业产能过剩以及特殊类高质量钢材仍需进口的问题,突出了中国制造业 调整结构的必要性。
D.综合三则材料可以看出,中国制造业正在快速发展,但我国要成为制造业强国还需解决很多问题,其中之一 就是践行工匠精神。
A.材料一说我国制笔企业三千余家,我国是制造业大国,又用“小小”修饰笔尖,两相对比,突出了 我国制笔业高度依赖进口球座体的尴尬。
B.在制笔协会理事长王淑琴看来,我国现阶段制笔行业与国外的差距,不在技术上,而是在心态上、在思维模 式上,还在文化和环境上。
C.笔头分为球珠和球座体,生产一个圆珠笔需要二十多道工序,对笔尖的加工精度和材料性能要求极高,而此 前中国制造达不到这些要求。
D.我国圆珠笔制造业的新突破启示我们,只要科研人员能够不断雕琢,精益求精,努力贯彻“工匠精神 ”,就一定能够将产品做到极致。
E.工匠精神内涵丰富,如不断雕琢,精益求精,做到极致;专注仔细,耐心踏实,心无旁鹜;责任心强,而且 能对产品终身品质负责。
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】 When I told my father that I was moving to Des Moines, Iowa, he told me about the only time he had been there. It was in the 1930s, when he was an editor if the literary magazine of Southern Methodist University(SMU)in Dallas, Texas. He also worked as a professor at SMU, and there was a girl student in his class who suffered from a serious back disease. She couldn;t afford the operation because her family was poor.
Her mother ran a boardinghouse in Galveston, a seaside town near Houston, Texas. She was cleaning out the attic(阁楼)one day when she came across an old dusty manuscript(手稿). On its top page were the words, “By O. Henry”. It was a nice story, and she sent it to her daughter at SMU, who showed it to my father. My father had never read the story before, but it sounded like O. Henry, and he knew that O. Henry had once lived in Houston. So it was possible that the famous author had gone to the beach and stayed in the Gainestown boardinghouse, and had written the story there and left the manuscript behind by accident. My father visited an O. Henry expert at Columbia University in New York, who authenticated the story as O. Henry’s.
My father then set out to sell it. Eventfully, he foud himself in Des Moines, meeting with Gardner Cowles, a top editor at the Des Moines Register. Cowles loves the story and bought it on the spot. My father took the money to the girl. It was just enough for her to have the operation she so desperately needed.
My father never told me what the O. Henry story was about. But I doubt that it could have been better than his own story.
【1】 Who found the O. Henry’s manuscript?
A. The girl’s mother.
B. The author’s father.
C. The girl.
D. The author.
【2】 Which of the following might explain the fact that the manuscript was found in the attic?
A. O. Henry once worked in Houston.
B. O. Henry once stayed in Galveston.
C. O. Henry once moved to Des Moines.
D. O. Henry once taught at SMU.
【3】The underlined word “authenticated” in Paragraph 2 probably means __________.
A. named
B. treated
C. proved
D. described
【4】According to the text, why did the author’s father go to Des Moines?
A. To sell the O. Henry story.
B. To meet the author himself.
C. To talk with the O. Henry expert.
D. To give money to the girl.
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would
Blue interrupted, “You only think about the , but consider the sky and the sea. the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. Without my peace, you would all be
Yellow chuckled(笑道), “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, fun, and (5) into the world.”
Orange started next to blow her trumpet, “I am the colour of health and strength. I may be , but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky , my beauty is so striking that no one gives another to any of you.”
Red could stand it and he shouted out, “I am the ruler of all of you. I am the colour of danger and of bravery. I am willing to truth. I am also the colour of passion and of love.”
Then came Purple and Indigo(深蓝)…
The colours went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own
. their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightning thunder. Rain started to pour down
. The colours crouched(蜷缩)down , drawing close to one another for comfort.
In the midst of the clamor(叫嚷), rain began to speak, “You foolish colours, fighting yourselves, each trying to dominate . Don’t you know that you were each made for a special purpose, . Join hands with and come to me.”
Doing as they were told, the colours and joined hands. They formed a colourful rainbow. From then on, whenever a good rain the world, a rainbow appears in the sky. They remember to one another.
【1】 A. stay B. leave
C. go out D. die
【2】 A. earth B. moon
C. star D. sun
【3】 A. That is B. I a
C. It is D. This is
【4】 A. anything B. nothing
C. something D. everything
【5】 A. warmth B. sadness
C. depression D. anxiety
【6】 A. usual B. normal
C. common D. scarce
【7】 A. at midnight B. at noon or at night
C. at sunrise of sunset D. during the day
【8】 A. gift B. honor
C. thought D. respect
【9】 A. for more B. any more
C. very much D. no longer
【10】 A. turn to B. leave
C. struggle with D. bend over
【11】 A. superiority B. disadvantages
C. inferiority D. weakness
【12】 A. gently B. quietly
C. violently D. peacefully
【13】 A. with care B. in fear
C. by chance D. on purpose
【14】 A. amongst B. by
C. for D. against
【15】 A. others B. themselves
C. the other D. the rest
【16】 A. equal and simple B. ordinary and similar
C. more or less D. unique and different
【17】 A. each other B. me
C. one another D. them
【18】 A. combined B. separated
C. united D. divided
【19】 A. cleans B. washes
C. brightens D. dampens
【20】 A. appreciate B. quarrel with
C. ignore D. praise
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】【1】 不止一个____________________
【2】 在某种程度上____________________
【3】 与……不同____________________
【4】 彼此,相互____________________
【5】 为什么不做____________________
【6】 在队里____________________
【7】 在去……的路上____________________
【8】 阻碍,妨碍____________________
【9】 让步,屈服____________________
【10】 与其说……倒不如说……____________________
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
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