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篇短文,介绍上周你与外国朋友Tom 在颐和园的经历。


提示词:毛笔a writing brush



Last weekend, Tom and I paid a visit to the Summer Palace, which proved to be very interesting and rewarding.

We arrived at the entrance early in the morning and I introduced the history of the park to Tom briefly. The moment we entered the park, Tom was attracted by the beautiful scenery and we walked along the beautiful lake happily. Soon, we noticed an elderly man practicing calligraphy on the ground, with a bucket of water aside. Holding a big writing brush in his hand, he wrote the Chinese character for “longevity”. As well as other tourists, we couldn’t help but admire his skills.

To our surprise, the elderly man invited Tom to have a try. With his help, Tom completed his first calligraphy task, the two Chinese characters for “China”, quite successfully. Before we left, we took a photo together to memorize this valuable experience. In the picture, Tom held the writing brush and the elderly man smiled, with his thumb up.

I was so glad that I could help my foreign friend to learn about the art of the language we have been using for several thousand years. In addition, I rediscovered the charm of Chinese culture.


试题分析:考查看图作文。本文要求一李华的身份,根据图片内容介绍上周你与外国朋友Tom 在颐和园的经历。所以使用第一人称和一般过去时的时态。要点:1.上周末和Tom一起去参观颐和园,这次旅行很有趣也很值得。我们很早就到了入口处,我向Tom介绍了颐和园的历史。2.进入颐和园以后,我们被美丽的景色吸引,这是一位在地上练字的老人吸引了我们。3.Tom感觉很有趣,老人让他试一试。4.在老人的帮助下,Tom写出了中国两个汉字。我很高兴我的朋友Tom能够学习书法。



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:








As the development of modern science and technology, more and more electric cars are coming into our lives and become popular.

Electric cars have many advantages. Firstly, they are energy-saved and environmental friendly. They don’t pollute the air because they use electricity to take place of petrol. Secondly, it is easy or safe to drive electric cars. In addition, they make much noise when they are running. Last but not least, electric cars can go on a speed of 120 kilometers an hour.

In my opinion, our government should take measure to support the production of electric cars and encourage people to using them. If possible, people should use electric cars in order to make our world clean and better in the future.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 铁路 B. 公路 C. 水运 D. 航空


A. 路途短,经济效益高

B. 距离近,修建公路工程量小

C. 沿谷地修建,难度小,成本较低

D. 路途远,工程量大,成本高



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 沿岸寒流降温减湿作用明显

B. 常年受副热带高气压控制

C. 东侧山地阻挡湿润空气进入

D. 常年受强劲离岸风的影响


A. 沿岸寒流强度减弱甚要消失 B. 气压系统发生改变可导致气流强烈上升

C. 处于西侧山地迎风坡降水多 D. 人类活动加剧改变了海一气的作用方式


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:













科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Before your child's final exam: and the graduation announcements, you face a significant task together: choosing the right college or university. There is no "one size fits all" approach to selecting a college—it's a very personal process for most teenagers. Consider a wide range of factors to help your child make the best possible choice.

Discuss with your child her post-high school choices, such as college, finding work or starting a business, or joining the army. If you determine together that college is the best choice for your child, talk about the importance of college, and her longer-term goals by going to college.

Talk to your child about what she thinks is important in a college experience and share your opinions as well. Identify the issues that will directly impact her college choice, such as her grades, test scores and family finances. Then make a list of the key criteria for her dream school, including factors such as the school's location, its size, the types of program:, the after school activities available and the type of financial aid available.

Prioritize the item: on your child's list, at least to the extent of sorting it into "must-haves," "highly desirable" and "nice-to-have" categories. Put these factors into an online search engine specifically designed to identify colleges and universities that best meet your criteria, such as that offered by CollegeBoard.org. Start with the most important criteria, then experiment with additional factors to narrow the search results to a number you can work with, as 10 or 20 different schools.

Use the search results as a guide to further focus your college search. Research each school by reviewing its website, requesting information directly from the school and attending local presentations about the school.

【1】The underlined word "prioritize" in Paragraph 4 probably means "______".

A. list in order of importance B. write down

C. add to D. do research into

2What can we learn from the passage?

A. It's better to decide the college for your child.

B. It's necessary to take your child's opinion into consideration.

C. There is a "one size fits all" way to select a college.

D. An online search engine is of great help to you.

3What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?

A. To argue B. To persuade

C. To introduce D. To amuse

【4】Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:








A. 甲阶段人口数量将达到最大值

B. 乙阶段环境人口容量最大

C. 丙阶段人口死亡率可能上升

D. 丁阶段社会养老负担较重


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】下列合金抗腐蚀性能较好的是( )

A.铝合金 B.青铜

C.碳素钢 D.生铁


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1)图中字母A代表 板块, E代表 板块。

2)喜马拉雅山脉是由 (填图中字母)板块和 板块相互挤压碰撞形成的。

3)红海是B板块和C板块的 边界,它是两大板块 (填运动方式)形成的。

