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2、陡崖高度计算方法:(x-1)d≤ΔH<(x+1)d (d为相邻两条等高线的差即等高距,X为重叠的等高线条数)。






2、陡崖高度计算方法:(x-1)d≤ΔH<(x+1)d (d为相邻两条等高线的差即等高距,X为重叠的等高线条数)。




科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



How to Win a Debate Competition

Debating doesn’t mean that you can end up arguing with your opponents(对手). 【1The following tips on how to win a debate will further help you out.

2】 This is very important. If you already know the debate topic that you are going to debate on, learn as much about it as you can. Research on it and then form opinions about it. Only if you know something in and out, will you be able to talk convincingly on it.

2. Be confident.

When you are putting your point in front of your opponents as well as the audience, be sure of yourself. Along with the words, your body language, voice modulation (语调) and eye contact, will play a major part in your success in debating. 【33. Give real life examples.

While debating, make use of very simple language, which your audience can understand very easily. Give as many real examples as you can when making a point. 【4Thus, the judges and audience will find you much more convincing.

4. Be descriptive.

To win any debate, there is something about the human mind that you should be aware of. The thing with us humans is that if we see something, we believe and remember it much more than something we merely hear! 【5Tell you point of view in such a way that they can actually “see” what you are saying. If you are somehow able to pull this off, there is no doubt that you will be the winner of the debate competition!

Follow the tips mentioned above, and with time, you will see yourself winning over your judges and audience.

A. Be well prepared.

B. Promote dialogue instead of arguing with your opponents.

C. Try to paint a picture in the mind of your judges and audience.

D. So participate in as many debating contests as you can.

E. To prove your point, tell something you or someone else has personally experienced.

F. So practice with friends or in front of the mirror so that you are certain of your ability.

G. Your main purpose is to convince your audience what you are saying is right.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Across the street from where we live, there stands a big hospital. To earn some money, we rented the rooms upstairs to patients. One evening, there was a(n) at the door.I opened it and saw a short old man who was hardly than my eight-year-old son. But the worst thing was his face----it was ugly. He told me he'd been a room since that noon but no one seemed to have one. For a moment I hesitated, not to rent him a room, but his next words convinced me. He said,“I could on this chair. My bus leaves early in the morning."I told him we would find him a .

It wasn't a long time before I found that this old man had a heart in that tiny body. He fished for a living to _______ his daughter, his daughter's children, and her disabled husband. He didn't tell it by way of complaint. Instead, he was that no pain was caused by his disease and that he still had strength to keep going. At ,we put a camp cot(吊床)in my children's room for him. he left the next morning, he asked, “Could I please come back and when I see the doctor next time? Grown-ups are bothered by my .but children don't seem to . ”I told him he was welcome to come again.

On his next trip, he brought a big fish and a bag of the largest oysters(牡蛎)I had ever seen.Other times we received in the mail. There were oysters, fish or some fresh vegetables. how little money he had and that he must walk three miles to these made these gifts much more precious. And from him we what it was to accept the bad without complaint and the good gratitude.

【1】A. bell B. answer C. knock D. call

【2】A. tallerB. healthierC. better D. stronger

【3】A. hardly B. usually C. really D. finally

【4】A. searchingB. looking at C. hunting forD. checking in

【5】A. knowing B. refusing C. fearing D. wanting

【6】A. wait B. sit C. hideD. sleep

【7】A. bed B. seatC. table D. living room

【8】A. funnyB. beautiful C. small D. normal

【9】A. pleaseB. surpriseC. support D. exchange

【10】A. interestedB. scared C. gratefulD. worried

【11】A. midnight B. suppertimeC. bedtimeD. noon

【12】A. lf B. once C. before D. after

【13】A. visit B. stayC. payD. chat

【14】A. actionB. voice C. faceD. manner

【15】A. noticeB. require C. mind D. escape

【16】A. card B.letters C.greetings D.packages

【17】A. Believing B. knowing C. doubting D. telling

【18】A. mail B. get C. find D. make

【19】A. remembered B. explained C. learnedD. showed

【20】A. forB. withC. in D. under


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A.环境质量下降 B.食品价格大增 C.产业转型升级 D.交通拥堵加重


生态环境好 服务设施齐全 适宜就业机会多 承接了上海市转移的产业

A.①③ B.①④ C.②④ D.③④


A.资源密集型产业 B.劳动密集型产业

C.资金密集型产业 D.知识密集型产业


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A中心商务区 B豪华游乐区 C无污染工业区 D豪华住宅区


A交通条件 B环境质量 C土地价格 D土地利用效益


城市是区域经济的增长中心 城市是区域的服务中心

城市对区域的发展起主导作用 不同等级的城市在区域中的作用相同

A①②④ B②③④ C①②③ D①②③④


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A消费市场 B技术因素 C交通因素 D气候条件


A运输原因 B价格因素 C市场因素 D季节因素


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:





科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



删除:把多余的词用斜线() 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last week I went to visit to my former neighbor, Mr. Yang. He and I used to living next to each other for many years. About half a year ago, an order came which the old building, along with many other similar ones, were going to be pulled down to make room for a main street.

So I had to move apart. Mr. Yang now lives in the suburbs near a beautiful park. His new apartment is much big than before. The only problem is that it took quite a long time to get to the downtown area. Therefore, Mr. Yang doesn’t seem to worry about the long distance. He says that new subway line is to be built in a few year and he is sure life will be better in the future.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 道路拥挤导致的交通事故是许多大城市存在的日益严重的问题。下表列出的是部 分国家特大城市道路交通事故数据



















材料二 据有关资料表明汽车污染对人体健康产生严重危害。一氧化碳会导致人体各部分组织缺氧,特别是人脑组织和心脏缺氧后会很快进入昏迷状态,严重者会死亡。氮氧化合物具有强烈的刺激作用,会影响毛细血管的通透性,导致人们患呼吸系统疾病。长期吸入含铅空气,还可引起慢性铅中毒。汽车发动机产生的噪音会对人的听力、生理功能等造成不良影响。




