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【1】What is the article talking about?

A. The history of Olympic Game.

B. The opening ceremony of 28th Olympic Games.

C. The closing ceremony of 28th Olympic Games.

【2】How many silver medals has the Chinese delegation won?

A.32. B.14. C.17.

【3】When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?

A. 2008, in Sydney.

B. 2008, in Athens.

C. 2008, in Beijing.






The 28th Olympic Games comes to end on Sunday in Athens. A Greek ceremony sees off athletes from all over the world and a Chinese show invites people to regather in Beijing in 2008.

International Olympic Committee President Jacque Rogge praised the athletes, saying they are role models and advises them to promote the message of the Games when they get home.

Some ten thousand athletes from 202 countries and regions have competed in 28 events at the Games over the past 16 days.

And the Chinese delegation has put on the best Olympic performance ever by winning 32 gold, 17 silver and 14 bronze medals.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:






A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 汉代郡国学的首创者是景帝时蜀郡守文翁。汉武帝即位后,对文翁兴学一事极为赞赏。下诏天下郡国仿效,设置学校官。从此,主持地方的官吏,渐次重视设置学官。

材料二 汉代地方政府中从事教育的官员,称郡国文学,文学是地方学术官,除作为地方长官的学术顾问外,在建立起地方官学之处,文学还负责进行教学活动,并向上司荐举通明经术者,推广教化等。汉元帝时开始在各郡国设置五经百石卒史,是为地方学官立品佚之始。文学的百石之俸禄虽低,但其地位要比同品佚的其他地方属官高。

材料三 汉代各地教育活动主要是传授经学和实施教化。一些发达的郡国学也仿效太学分经立官,进行专经教授。授经目的在培养通晓儒家经典的郡县属吏,贯彻以儒术饰吏事的统治策略。郡国学还是地方实施教化的得力工具。它不仅教授生徒,而且面向社会推广教化,移风易俗。郡国学经常通过乡饮酒”“乡射等传统典礼活动,向百姓宣扬封建伦理道德,以达到教化万民的目的。






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻。是故得乎丘(意为众多)民而为天子,得乎天子为诸侯,得乎诸侯为大夫。


材料二 古者天下之人爱戴其君,比之如父;拟之如天,诚不为过也。今也天下之人怨恶其君,视之如寇仇,名之为独夫,固其所也。……古者以天下为主,君为客,凡君之所毕世而经营者,为天下也……今也以君为主,天下为客,凡夫下之无地而得安宁者,为君也……为天下之大害者,君而已矣。


材料三 (黄宗羲的)理念,比孟子之说代表二种合乎民主的思考,近代民主政治所努力的,就是要把这个理念变成事实,使人民成为国家的真正主人。……梨洲的民本思想,已为中国走向民主的历史,创造了新的条件,只是在十七世纪还不能开花结果。






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:





第三十三章 工业革命












科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


A.都是近代民族资本主义企业 B.都受第二次工业革命的影响

C.都是实业救国思潮产物 D.都推动了中国的工业化进程


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Facebook is launching a news mobile app called Notify with subscription content from media partners like the Washington Post and Vogue. The Notify app lets users subscribe to content from media partners on their smartphones. Facebook will be able to add news alerts in its daily notifications to a global audience.

Facebook's "renewed push into mobile news reflects a big, global shift in media consumption patterns," said the Financial Times. Facebook's profit and revenue growth reflected this shift in media. The world's largest social media platform said its third-quarter revenue grew to $4.5 billion on the strength of its mobile advertising.

Facebook, with 500 million users, has doubled its daily page views to 8 billion since April. The company also owns Instagram, a mobile photo and video-sharing app with 400 million users. Analysts were optimistic about Instagram's future growth. Research firm eMarketer predicted global mobile advertising revenues for Instagram will reach $2.8 billion by 2017, up from $595 million this year. This represents over 10 percent of Facebook's global advertising revenues.

This strong showing has positioned Facebook to compete with major social media companies as an advertising force, said analysts. "Facebook will drive growth and capture nearly 65% of social network ad revenues in 2015," reported eMarketer. "In the medium to long run, we believe that we're not competing between Facebook and Instagram. We're competing with other forms of media," Sandberg, Facebook's Chief Operating Officer, told analysts on a conference call. She said Facebook wants to grow in emerging markets and bring more people online who are not using the Internet.

The advertising environment on social media is very competitive. Social media platforms are fighting for customers on laptops, tablets, phones and even watches. Twitter is one of Facebook's competitors. Twitter's advertising revenues have slowed as the company struggles to add new users, reported the Wall Street Journal. Another competitor, Google, is selling more advertisements for less money on its own sites, said Ad Age.

【1】Facebook launches Notify in order to________.

A. gain the chance to cooperate with the Washington Post and Vogue

B. increase the number of its users

C. let its global audience watch news alerts on their smartphones

D. reflect a big, global shift in media consumption patterns

【2】Facebook’s third-quarter revenue rose to_________.

A. $4.5 billion B. 8 billion

C. $2.8 billion D. $595 million

【3】What do we know about Instagram?

A. It has 500 million users.

B. Analysts were pessimistic about Instagram's future growth

C. It is a mobile photo and video-sharing app

D. Global mobile advertising revenues for Instagram has increased to $2.8 billion

【4】According to Sheryl Sandberg, which is Not Facebooks competitor?

A. Apple B. Twitter C. Google D. Instagram


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:








Dear Editor,

I’m a senior high student. Now many students use mobile phones frequent .They think it’s a fashion to use mobile phones .Beside , it’s very convenient to get in the touch with their families and friend by using mobile phones. And some students break the rules in class. They bring their mobile phones to the classroom and we often hear the ring of mobile phones in class. Some of them even waste precious time in class typed short messages on the mobile phones .

In my opinions ,the classroom is a place which students gain knowledge . So those with mobile phones shouldn’t bring mobile phones to the classroom . We are supposed to concentrate on our studies. The teachers should do what they can forbid the students to use mobile phones in the classroom.


Wang Li

