精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情



One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about 【1】_______ (be) late for school.

There were many people 【2】_______ were waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and 【3】_______ (disappoint). When the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next 【4】_______ the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike 【5】_______ (catch)my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he didn’t want 【6】_______ (stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept 【7】_______ (ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, 【8】_______ anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It’s 【9】_______ (I)”. She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers【10】_______ (sudden) became friendly to one another.







【6】to stop







【1】being 考查动名词。在英语中介词的后面常常接名词或者动名词充当宾语。本句中动名词being late for school充当介词about的宾语。

【2】who/that 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是many people,关系代词who/that指代先行词在句中充当主语。不能省略。

【3】disappointed 考查形容词。本句中形容词anxious和disappointed是并列关系,都应该使用形容词与系动词look构成系表结构。

【4】 to 考查固定介词。介词短语next to在……旁边;句意:我在窗户旁边找到了一个位置,以至于我可以看见人行道的风景。

【5】caught 考查时态。本文叙述的是过去发生的事情,通篇都使用一般过去时,所以本句中使用caught。

【6】to stop 考查动词短语。短语want to do sth.想要做某事;句意:我听见后面的乘客对着司机喊,但是他想直到我们到了下一个站才停车。

【7】riding 考查固定结构。短语keep doing sth.一直不停地做某事;句意:那个男孩还在不停地骑自行车。

【8】did 考查一般疑问句。英语中的一般疑问句,要把助动词提前到主语之前。句意:司机站起来问:有没有人在上一个车站上丢了手提箱?本句叙述的过去发生的事情,所以使用助动词did。

【9】mine 考查代词。句意:是我的。本句中的名词性物主代词mine=my suitcase。

【10】suddenly 考查副词。本句中使用副词suddenly修饰谓语动词become friendly to one another。句意:车上的一群陌生人突然变得友好起来了。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Small things make a big difference. The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society













科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Last year I was put into a lowerlevel math class at school. The reason I was in this class had nothing to do with my intellect (智力) or maths skills. I am blind.

The only problem with being in this class was that I was surrounded by “atrisk” students. These were kids who did not do well in school and they were constantly in trouble with the school and the law.

One Tuesday morning, I went to a Christian Student Union meeting before school. There was a guest speaker there that day talking to us about praying (祈祷) for our enemies. I began to think about this. As I considered the idea, I prayed and asked God how I could pray for the kids in my class. I had forgotten that they weren’t bad kids; they were just lost.

At first, the prayers were mechanical. When I would hear their voices in class, I would pray, Dear God, please bless soandso... But as I continued, I began to think of the kids more often, and in my quiet time at home I would ask God to bless (保佑) the rest of my classmates.

As time went on, my classmates became more than just annoying kids to me. There was something growing inside my heart for them, something that wasn’t there before. They began to feel like family, and I was learning to love them in a way I never thought possible.

I now see that praying is such a powerful act. Prayer is the most powerful tool a Christian has. When I pray for those around me, it also blesses my life, and it changes my opinion of others. I realized I needed God’s blessings to see the world through loving eyes. The prayers I said for others turned out to help me the most.

【1】 What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Praying for your enemies.

B. The experience of the writer.

C. How to get along with the kids.

D. How to solve the problem about the “atrisk” students.

【2】What did the writer think about the kids at first?

A. They were lovely and friendly.

B. They were always asking for trouble.

C. They were as blind as the writer.

D. They were less reliable.

【3】What made the writer change his opinion about the kids?

A. The suggestion made by the teacher.

B. The experience with the bad kids.

C. The change with the time going by.

D. The idea about praying learning from a Christian Student Union meeting.

【4】What can we learn from the passage?

A. The kids in the writer’s class are bad.

B. As time went on, the classmates became annoying.

C. After praying, the writer changed his opinion of his classmates immediately.

D. By praying for others, the writer learned a lot.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】What happened to the speakers?

A.They lost their way.

B.They were caught in the traffic.

C.They broke the traffic rule.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



1】A man's first care should be ________ (avoid) the reproaches (谴责) of his own heart.

【2Please remember ________ (lock) the door when you leave the room.

【3It's good ________ (help) others when they are in trouble.

【4The man downstairs told the man upstairs not ________ (drop) his shoes onto the floor at midnight any more.

【5For her sister Mary ________ (study) music, is a good choice.

【6I'm sorry ________ (take up)so much of your valuable time.

【7She could do nothing but ________ (change) her name under the circumstances.

【8She has no pencil ________ (write)with.

【9The goal of this activity is ________ (meet) the needs of common people.

10The boy is not tall enough ________ (reach) the bookshelf.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



1】It’s ____ (典型的) of him to be ready to help those in trouble.

【2】Good work _____ (吸引) to every student majoring in literature.

【3】The company has been ____ (转变) from a family business to a multi-million-pound operation.

【4】All of us like John Smith, because he is very __________ (灵活的) in dealing with relations.

【5】Because final exams are coming,most students are under a lot of ________ (压力).

【6】They promised to __________ (加强) the cooperation between the two nations in more fields.

【7】Many residents are ___________ (反对) to the plan of building the motorway.

【8】Under the _________(情况), it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.

【9】I think you’re __________ (绝对地) right.

【10】It's still under __________(保修期), so the company will have it repaired.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】--- Hi, Mary. Would you like to go to the concert this evening?

--- Sorry, Tom. tomorrows lessons, I have no time to go out with you.

Not preparing

B. Not having prepared

C. Not to prepare

D. Being not prepared


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】除了很少的几个单词外,我对法语一无所知。(apart from)

【2】人人都知道我们经理对公司十分忠诚。(be devoted to )

【3】在她受伤住院期间,世人为她仍能保持乐观而感到惊奇。(amaze, the way. . . )

【4】有人看到一个中年女性从着火的房子里冲了出来。(rush )


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 【1】But it seems that many people don’t cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isn’t difficult.2This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.

3Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that you’re standing at the ocean’s edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn’t fresh.4When you have bought a fish and arrive home, you’d better store the fish in the refrigerator if you don’t cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isn’t as tasty as the fresh one.

There are many common methods used to cook fish. 5First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices(调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, it’s ready to serve.

A. Do not buy it.

B. The easiest is to steam it.

C. This is how you can do it.

D. It just requires a little knowledge.

E. The fish will go bad within hours.

F. When buying fish, you should first smell it.

G. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.

