精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情

【题目】"What's it like to have a gap between your teeth?" a girl asked me one day.

Nobody had ever 【1 before. My hand unconsciously rose to cover my mouth. But, as she looked at me, sincerely waiting for 【2, 1 realized she was not trying to be rude. "I never think about it," I truthfully replied. She nodded and turned away. I was left wondering if people _【3 me and saw only gappy teeth.

Later that day at home, I began to __【4_ my teeth again. I felt upset. I thought my life would be somehow better if my teeth were not gappy. How I wanted the perfect teeth that everyone else seemed to have!

Of course, Mom 【5 everything. She has lived her entire life with gappy teeth, and tried to convince me that there was nothing to __【6. When I refused to listen, she told me I could get the surgery to close the gap if it was that important. "Let's be 【7.though," she said. "If everyone got surgeries to become pretty, everyone would be exactly the same. There is beauty in differences."

Her __【8】 made me consider my teeth seriously. The thought of losing my gap was more terrible than the reality that people were going to notice it. I realized how important it was to me. It is part of my 【9】.

Nowadays many people do ridiculous things to realize their dream of "perfection." The 【10】 is that no one is perfect. When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of the

potential for 【11】

So if that girl ever asked about my teeth 【12】 I would truthfully answer. "You know? It's really cute."

A. faced B. guessed C. asked D. imagined

A. an offer B. an answer C. a suggestion D. a result

A heard of B. thought of C. talked about D. looked at

A. consider B. brush C. cover D. appreciate

A. admitted B. noticed C. controlled D. changed

A. worry about B. put off C. give up D. wipe out

A. friendly B. lovely C. honest D. helpful

A. words B. jokes C. dreams D. acts

A. ability B. decision C. goal D. identity

A. possibility B. purpose C. truth D. choice

A. courage B. wisdom C. kindness D. beauty

A. once B. again C. too D. instead













【解析】【1】 以前没人问及过上述问题.

【2】 等着我的回答.


【4】回到家再次考虑我的缺牙问题. 答案B意为 , C 覆盖, D 感激,欣赏.

【5】 母亲自然注意到所发生的一切. 答案A意为 承认; C 控制; D 改变.

【6】 没有什么可担心. 答案B意为 推迟; C 放弃. D 消灭.

【7】 不过我们还是诚实点吧 (言下之意就是不要做手术来掩盖真实面目以到达所谓的完美).

【8】 母亲的话让我认真地考虑起我的牙齿来.

【9】 这是我特征的一部分. 答案A 能力; B 决定; C 目标.

【10】 事实上没有人是完美的. 答案A 可能性. B 目的; D 选择.

【11】 所有丑陋的东西都去掉的时候,所有美好的东西也随之东流. 答案A意为 勇气; B 明智; C 善良\帮助.

【12】 所以,如果哪位女孩再问我牙齿的事情,.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?

The answer depends largely 【1】________ cultural values as well as 【2】________ (person) experiences. To the Egyptians (埃及人), green is a color 【3】________ is connected with the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims (穆斯林), it 【4】________ (mean) heaven. Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. During the Spring Festival in China, children 【5】________ (give) money in a red envelope to bring good luck in the New Year.

People’s 【6】________ (choose) of colors is also influenced by their bodies. Green is said to be a most peaceful color. People 【7】________ (work) in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.

Red can increase people’s interest in eating. Many businessmen will include different forms of red in the restaurant. And many websites will have a red “Buy Now” sign because red is a color that 【8】________ (easy) catches a person’s eye.

Blue is another calming color. Unlike red, blue is 【9】________ (believe) to cause people to lose their interest in eating. So 【10】________ you want to eat less, some suggest that eating from blue plates can help.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



【1】The new________ (学术) year is coming.

【2】He wrote poems in praise of our great socialist ______ (祖国).

【3】He was generally ________ (承认) to be the finest poet in the land.

【4】He delivered a course of ________ (演讲) on world affairs.

【5】The report ________ (矛盾) what we heard yesterday.

【6】The striking office workers have ________(占据) the whole building.

【7】He experienced great difficulty in getting a ________ (签证) to leave the country.

【8】Since time is limited, I ________ (起草) out my speech in 10 minutes.

【9】It costs a lot to fit up the new hotel with modern ________ (舒适) and conveniences.

【10】The book is ________ (推荐) for its interesting story.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



【1】The boss ordered the workers ________ (finish) it in three days.

2John said ________ silly mistakes he had made.

3 —What did the teacher say?

—He told me not ________ (be) late again.

4 The teacher requested us not ________ (make) so much noise.

5 My mother asked me to show my homework to her.

→My mother said to me, “Show ________ homework.”

6 Our teacher asked us not ________ (swim) in deep water.

7 The army officer ordered his men ________ (fire) as soon as the enemies came up.

8 The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ________.

9Mrs. Smith warned her daughter never ________ (drive) after drinking.

【10Mary, ________ (come) here; everybody else, stay where you are.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



take part in hold up adjust to belong to give out

【1】 All the books Tom will not be his in a few hours.

【2】 About 400 students _ the protest last year.

【3】 The traffic has been by rain.

【4】 the cold weather here was more difficult than I had expected.

【5】News was that our president would visit their country.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


To improve your oral English, everyone in the class is supposed to ____ actively in these discussions.


B. attend

C. enter

D. take


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】All the people present have _________________ (要求) that the fresh water should be supplied at once. (request)

2 The beauty of his paintings is ____________________ (无法形容). (expression)

3The captain _______________ (命令他的人) to sail to the port at a fast speed. (command)

4 I didnt _____________________ (辨认出他的声音) on the phone last night. (recognize)

5This is _______________________ (和……一样的笔) I bought yesterday. (as)

6 The famous actor ____________________ (扮演重要角色) in this new film. (part)

7 ________________________ (信不信由你), they will not keep their promise. (believe)

8 __________________________ (沿着这条路一直走) and then turn right. (straight)

9 Head for the 44th Street, _________________ (几个街区) east of the building. (block)

【10 The young man has to stay at home. ____________________ (那是因为) his leg was hurt yesterday. (because)


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Do you know that over ten million American kids go to camp every summer ? __【1】__ Back then, hot city summers made people feel bad and even unhealthy for children, so escaping to the country for a few weeks became popular. Today, kids have different reasons for making camp a part of their lives.

To meet new people

Camp is a great way to make new friends and learn about different places and cultures. Michiko, 13, put it like this, I loved camp. I met this girl named Manny who lives in New York and she is cool. __2__ We taught each other words.”

To challenge (挑战) yourself

__3__ Activities like trying new sports, learning new games, or pushing yourself to achieve something need a lot of courage. Arabella, 13, told us, “I went to summer camp and I passed my swimming test! I can hardly swim, so it was a big progress. __4__”

To experience nature

Theres a great big natural world out there, and going to camp helps you learn how beautiful and important it really is. __5__ Getting out into the woods or mountains can give you a better understanding of the world.

A. Not all the things that kids do at camp are easy.

B. She speaks Spanish and I speak Japanese.

C. I felt great afterwards.

D. Its also a great way to learn about teamwork.

E. Summer camp has been a U.S. tradition for over 150 years.

F. Going to camp is all about having a good time.

G. Without trees, soil, water, and wildlife, the Earth couldnt survive.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】He must have had an accident, or he here then.

would have been

B. had been

C. should be

D. could be

