【题目】我们生活中的很多现象,往往蕴涵了地理知识。下列现象中,与地球自转有关的是 ( )
A. 正午时,学校操场上旗杆的影子总是指向北方,且在不同季节长短不同
B. 小明凌晨从床上爬起来观看法国欧洲杯足球赛现场直播
C. 学校在冬季和夏季采用不同的作息时间,夏季起床时间要比冬季早
D. 我们沈阳四季分明,春暖、夏热、秋凉、冬冷
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】中新网广州(2016)8月2日电 :来势汹汹的台风“妮妲”于2日03时35分在深圳市大鹏半岛登陆,登陆时风力达到14级,成为近年来正面登陆珠江三角洲的最强台风。阅读材料,完成下列各题。
C. GPS D. RS、GIS、GPS三者协调使用
A. RS 可准确搜救被困人员
B. GIS可确定受灾范围和受灾程度
C. GPS可确定洪水的范围和变化
D. RS、GPS不能起作用
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【1】编号为Kepler-452b的行星不可能属于( )
A.总星系 B.银河系 C.河外星系 D.太阳系
【2】科学家推测Kepler452b可能适宜人类居住。是基于Kepler452b与地球( )
A.表面温度接近 B.大气厚度相同 C.大气成份相同 D.质量大小相同
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】A ______ has been launched (发起) by the netzens on the Net to ______ unhealthy information which does harm to young students.
A. struggle; rid of
B. campaign; get rid of
C. battle; rid of
D. fight; get rid of
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】 我国为了改善日益恶化的生态环境,建设了许多防护林体系,其中规模较大的是“三北”防护林和长江中上游防护林。据此,回答下列各题。
【1】“三北”防护林所起的主要的环保功效是( )
A.吸烟除牟 B美化环境 c防风固沙 D净化空气
【2】长江中上游防护林所起的生态作用是( )
A.涵养水源、保持水上 B繁衍物种、维护生物多样性
C.调节气候、稳定大气成分 D.净化空气、吸烟除坐
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【1】黄河流域水土流失严重的自然条件是: ( )
【2】课本中提到的田纳西河流域出现的生态问题,你认为同黄河流域相同的地方下列说法不正确是 ( )
A.土地退化 B.植被破坏 C.水质污染 D.都没有丰富的矿产资源
【3】田纳西河流域综合治理措施,对于黄河流域的综合治理有借鉴意义的地方,下列说法不正确的是:( )
A.防洪 B.发电,提高水质
C.土地合理利用 D.可以防洪、发电、土地合理利用,但是没有提高水质
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
【题目】Large quantities of solid fuel ________ consumed every day and too much carbon dioxide is sent into the air,which in turn ________ the going up of temperature.
A.is;results in B.are;results in
C.is;leads to D.are;results from
科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:
How To Write A Proper “Thank You” Email
In our daily life, it’s important that you know how to write a proper, and professional thank you email.
Use the correct name.
Whoever the person you are writing the email to is, you want to make sure you thank them by showing them your paying enough attention to know their name. While the difference between Dr. and Mr. or Joe and Joan, may be a couple letters, they’ll notice. 【1】
Explain who you are.
You know who you are, and you know why you are writing the letter, but don’t leave the recipient(收件人) trying to figure out who the email is from until the end. 【2】 And also remind them what they did for you.
Always use the subject line.
Never accept that little message that turns up when you try to send an email without a subject line. 【3】 An email without a subject line is either going to get overlooked or deleted.
An email with spelling or grammar mistakes shows that you didn’t care about the email enough to give it the time to be corrected.
Use a signature.
Even if it just a simple thank you email, you always want your name to appear. Use a signature to stand out. 【5】 Use bold text for your signature or a slightly different font to stand out from the rest of the generic email.
A. Correct it.
B. But to do that you have to have a span>name.
C. You want to look professional in all your emails.
D. Teachers or professors get hundreds of emails a day.
E. Take the first couple sentences to reintroduce yourself.
F. Under your name write where you’re from, your class year.
G. Make sure you check the spelling of a name before you hit send.
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