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The Elements of Success

I dont believe that there is any recipe for success. Instead, I believe success is the result of a combination of a lot of different factors and not all of them are needed for success. The more factors you have on your side, the more likely you are to succeed, and positive attitude is just one of those factors. Here are seven additional factors that are also important.


A strong body of knowledge about the area in which you wish to succeed is often one of the key building blocks of success. You can build this by pushing yourself try out to read some foundational materials and push yourself into challenging areas to build your knowledge.

Natural talent

Some people are born with a predisposition to succeed in certain areas. Find this out for yourself by trying a lot of different activities and seeing what comes easy to you. The things you do with little or no effort that genuinely impress others are likely very near your natural talent, and natural talent combined with a lot of hard work leads to greatness.

Clear goals and planning

Much like a trip, its a lot easier to get where you want to go if you know where youre going and spend the time to plan the route youll take to get there. Think about what your definition of success exactly is, and then identify some of the things that need to be done to help you move towards it.


An intense, burning desire to dig deep into a particular area is often a sign that youll find success there. Much as with your natural talent, the way to find your passion is to touch on a lot of different areas and see what resonates(产生共鸣) for you.

Focus and consistent effort

Hard work is another key to finding success. You dont become a champion without practicing every day. If you want to succeed in a certain area, work hard in that area and go beyond what others are doing deliberate practice is one big key.

Luck and opportunity

Luck and opportunity also play an important role in success sometimes things just click due to forces beyond your control. You can improve your luck by making as many strong personal contacts as you can and sharing what you have to increase their luck and opportunities.

Cooperation and support

Along with luck comes cooperation the fact that others are working in small ways to help you succeed rather than hinder(阻碍) you. A spouse telling you that you can do this is going to go a lot further than a spouse telling you youll never make it.


Title: The Elements of Success

The authors ___【1】___ about success

Success is the result of a combination of a lot of different factors together.

The more factors you have on your side, the more ___2__ you have to succeed.

__3___ attitude should be excluded.

Other additional factors for success


Make a(n) __4___ to read some foundational materials and push yourself into challenging areas.

Natural talent

Combining natural talent with ___5__ can contribute to greatness.

Clear goals and planning

Think about how you ____6___ success and identify some of the things that need to be done.


___7___ into many different areas and see what resonates for you.

Focus and consistent effort

Practicing ___8__ is a big key to success.

Luck and opportunity

Make as many strong personal contacts as you can.

Share what you have to ___9__ to others luck and opportunities.

Cooperation and support

___【10__ are that you can make much more progress through encouragement.














【1opinions 信息归纳题 依据文章第一段可以得出作者介绍了他对于成功的观点,故用opinions 适合。

【2likelihood 信息转化题 依据文章第一段中的 The more factors you have on your side, the more likely you are to succeed可知此处使用的是 likely一词的名词形式,故填likelihood。

【3Negative 信息转化题 依据文章第一段中的 positive attitude is just one of those factors 可知积极的态度是成功的因素之一,故消极的态度要排除在外,故填Negative一词适合。

【4attempt 信息转换题 依据文章中的try out to read some foundational materials and push yourself into challenging areas to build your knowledge(尝试阅读一些基础性的东西,并敦促自己进入有挑战性的领域)可知此处表示尝试做某事,故填attempt构成短语make an attempt to do sth.

【5diligence 信息转换题 依据文章中的natural talent combined with a lot of hard work leads to greatness.可知用 diligence一词代替hard work表示勤奋之意,故填diligence。

【6define 信息转换题 依据文章中的Think about what your definition of success exactly is可知此处需要用动词 define

【7Step 信息转换题 依据文章中的 the way to find your passion is to touch on a lot of different areas可知是步入很多不同的领域,故用 step into代替 touch on,所以填Step。

【8deliberately 信息转换题 依据文章中的 deliberate practice is one big key.以及表格中的内容可知此处需要用deliberate一词的副词形式来修饰动词practice。

【9add 信息转换题 依据文章中的sharing what you have to increase their luck and opportunities. 可知此处需要与increase一词进行转化,故需要用add一词。

【10Chances 信息转换题 依据文章最后一段中的A spouse telling you that you can do this is going to go a lot further than a spouse telling you youll never make it.以及表格中的内容可知此处考查的是句式Chances are that,故填Chances。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 在俄国,工业资本主义从其发展初期开始,就具有相当高的集中化水平。1879年,百人以上的企业的工人占全部工厂工人的67%;1890年占71%;到1913年,产业工人人数增至350万,其中40%在千人以上的大企业工作。由于企业和工人高度集中,大城市出现了。19世纪末,圣彼得堡已拥有120万人,莫斯科的居民也超过100万。20世纪初期,垄断组织已成为俄国经济生活中的重要现象。到第一次世界大战前,45个工业部门中约有200个卡特尔和辛迪加,全国12家大银行集中了国内50家股份银行80%的固定资产和债务。

材料二 一国之内,在四周白色政权的包围中,有一小块或若干小块红色政权的区域长期地存在,这是世界各国从来没有的事。这种奇事的发生,有其独特的原因。而其存在和发展,亦必有相当的条件。


材料三 十月革命是马克思主义者对其理论的一次实践性试验。







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料 林则徐于1839年3月10日抵粤,次日即在公馆门上公布《关防告示》(以下简称《告示》)。《告示》文简意赅,令人深思,公布公馆办事不准擅离左右不得妄行传禀”“不收地方供应”“不必预派伺候八不规定。英国鸦片巨贩查顿闻讯提前避离广州回国,与鸦片商贩勾通的洋行商人惶惶不安,包庇鸦片走私的受贿官员惊恐万状,鸦片吸食者则私探禁烟新例罪名轻重。林则徐第一时间发表《告示》,表明禁毒决心,用纪律管控公馆人员,使那些幻想走歪门邪道的人无机可乘。由此可见林则徐严禁鸦片毒品过程中所表现出的廉洁奉公品德,他不仅严格约束自己,而且做出具体规定,管住身边的人,也管好家人。这种廉洁自律品格,在当时是难能可贵的,至今也还值得点赞。





科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


How to Be a Good Pet Owner

Pet-sitting can be very rewarding and profitable. This is certainly something you should think about doing if you love animals. Here's the information you will need to get started.

1.Give them food and water.

Any living being needs water in order to survive. 1 It’s best to change the water daily to keep it clean.

Give your pet the food meant specifically for that type of pet. It helps even more if it’s the same food it ate before you got it. 2 Do not overfeed or not give it enough food

2. 3

Typically a pet’s habitat should be clean, so it is a good environment for the animal. Clean it at least once a week or any other times if necessary, otherwise the animal will get sick more, feel unhappy, and may even become more aggressive .

3. Socialize with your pet.

Always pay attention to the animal. 4 Some pets suffer separation anxiety when their owners are away. They may chew or scratch up furniture in their anxiety. Try to avoid this.

4. Make sure your pet is healthy.

5 Bad teeth and refusing to play or even eat could mean something is wrong. Try to get your pet to the vet at least once a year! Your pet will thank you for giving it a healthy lifetime.

A. Bathe your pet and keep it clean.

B. Always give your pet the right amount of food.

C. Pets are mainly meant for companionship.

D. You’d better check the water first with your hand.

E. But make sure the water is fresh and clean.

F. Often check for signs of illness.

G. Clean the cage of your pet often enough.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Only when Shanghai sets population ceiling ________ solutions to water scarcity(水短缺) and big city diseases such as traffic jam.

A. it can find B. can it find

C. has it found D. it has found


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


材料一 如果六十年代以来中国没有原子弹、氢弹,没有发射卫星,中国就不能叫有重要影响的大国,就没有现在这样的国际地位。这些东西反映一个民族的能力,也是一个民族、一个国家兴旺发达的标志。


材料二 国外有人说:到21世纪30年代,中国人口将达16亿,那时谁来养活这么多人?谁来拯救由此引发的全球性粮食危机?袁隆平闻言挥动着满是老茧的双手说:中国完全能解决自己的吃饭问题,中国还要帮助世界人民解决吃饭问题!”“袁(隆平)正引导我们走向一个丰衣足食的世界。


材料三 公元9年,西汉时期的神话故事叙述了嫦娥奔月的情景,被记载在《汉书·艺文志·淮南子》篇中。366年,敦煌石窟开始建造,飞天从此成为人类石刻绘画艺术中精彩而不朽的形象。14世纪末,明朝人万户,为了实现飞向天空的梦想,双手举一个大风筝,坐上背后绑了47支火箭的椅子,勇敢地进行火箭送他上天、风筝帮他落地的实验。结果,他成了人类历史上第一个火箭登天的牺牲者。2007年10月24日,我国首颗探月卫星嫦娥一号在西昌卫星发射中心发射成功,嫦娥从此奔月去。

材料四 中国政府对科技经费的投入,从1955年的3800万元猛增到1997年的961亿元,所取得的省部级以上重大科技成果在1997年即达到3.1万项。






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


A.百团大战 B.太原会战

C.徐州会战 D.枣宜会战


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】“I’d like to give my thanks to those ________ help my son was able to survive this terrible disease,” said the woman on TV.

A. with whose B. whose

C. who D. with whom

