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What is eco-fashion£¿Eco-fashion is about making clothes that take into account the environment, the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry. It is a complex phenomenon and the common use of the term covers two aspects of fashion ¡ª ¡®ecological¡¯ and ¡®ethical¡¯. Ecological fashion usually refers to textile (Ö¯Îï) and clothing production processes and the environmental issues surrounding them£»ethical fashion generally relates to the working conditions involved in the producing processes.

What are the problems with fashion? A closer look at the fashion industry points out many problems that are common practices in the creation of our fashions from the field to the factory. Firstly, the production of textiles pollutes the environment heavily. Cotton-planting uses pesticides£»sheep-farming and wool cleaning contribute to global warming£»synthetics-making (ÈËÔìÏËάÉú²ú) brings about waste which does harm to our environment. Secondly, every stage of clothing production has a significant effect on the environment. They all use a great deal of energy, and some also involve harmful chemicals. In addition to this, there is a lot of waste produced in the process, especially in the form of polluted water. Thirdly, growing consumption levels and our shopping habits further worsen the bad effects. We are now buying clothes in increasing quantities without realizing the scale on which it affects natural environment, and we are also quick to throw away clothes that have been worn only a couple of times.

Then, how to solve the problems? Other industries that design products are ahead of the fashion industry when it comes to choosing sustainable materials, designing for minimum waste, choosing energy efficient manufacturing and creating products for longevity. The fashion industry has been slow to adopt these changes and part of the problem is the very nature of fashion. To a large degree, it is the fashion producers that really have the power and the responsibility to shape our future. There are numerous ways in which these producers can reduce their ecological footprint, from switching to green energy and reducing energy use, through selecting sustainable materials and choosing local suppliers£¬to recycle and minimize waste. On the other hand£¬as consumers we can all make contributions by selecting environmentally friendly clothing and reducing clothing consumption.

There is some concern that eco-friendly fashions are just a trend that we will eventually grow tired of but we can make sure that doesn't happen. Now many people are beginning to shop for organic food products because the benefits of eating food free of chemicals are straightforward and immediate. They relate directly to our personal health. In fact, choosing eco-fashion can also contribute to our personal health, though it is mostly done by way of keeping the health of the planet.


Why choose eco-fashion?

¡¾1¡¿of fashion


Textile & clothing production processes; Issues related to¡¾2¡¿

Working ¡¾3¡¿involved

Problems with fashion

Textile ¡¾4¡¿

Cotton-planting: use of pesticides;

Sheep-farming & wool-cleaning: global warming;

Synthetics-making: ¡¾5¡¿ waste

Clothing production

Producing a lot of waste;

Using harmful chemicals;

¡¾6¡¿ a great deal of energy

Consumption levels & shopping habits

New clothes: bought in increasing quantities

Old clothes: ¡¾7¡¿away quickly

¡¾8¡¿to problems

Fashion producers

Ways to recycle and¡¾9¡¿waste:

Switching to green energy;

Reducing energy use;

Selecting sustainable materials;

Choosing local suppliers


Selecting environmentally friendly clothing

Reducing clothing consumption

Choosing eco-fashion can contribute to our personal health.


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As a teacher, I often make it a rule that when we are on a field trip£¬there will be no talking as we enter a building. This rule to entering any place£¬whether it is a cinema£¬a church£¬a theatre, or any other place.

Once£¬in New York City£¬I took my class to see a(n) near Times Square. When we

arrived at the theatre£¬there were about twenty other classes outside waiting to get in. The students from the other schools were not and there was pandemonium(ÎÚÑÌÕÎÆø). I told my students to stay in a line and keep . I told them that we would not carry ourselves like those other . Soon we started to file into the theatre£¬and it was very disorganized. There was a lady trying to the groups and get them to their seats£¬ students were everywhere and really knew where to go. My class£¬observing our rule£¬walked in in two single-file lines. We stood near the door behind everyone else£¬and we . All of a sudden£¬the lady who was noticed us and she walked our direction. She asked the students the teacher was for our group, and I raised my . She asked, ¡°Very, very nice to meet you. Come this way. ¡± We were led into the theatre£¬ £¬and we were given front-row seats.

Sometimes for others may not seem like it is going to have an effect£¬especially when you no one around who is taking manners into . However£¬that is usually the time when such actions will be most appreciatedspan> and recognized.

¡¾1¡¿A. leadsB. appliesC. turnsD. belongs

¡¾2¡¿A. playB. ladyC. teacherD. exhibition

¡¾3¡¿A. sorted outB. settled downC. turned awayD. lined up

¡¾4¡¿A. behavingB. listeningC. concentrating D. watching

¡¾5¡¿A. orderB. contactC. watchD. time

¡¾6¡¿A. placesB. seatsC. classesD. teachers

¡¾7¡¿A. scoldB. dismissC. attractD. organize

¡¾8¡¿ A. andB. butC. soD. while

¡¾9¡¿A. anyoneB. nobodyC. everyoneD. somebody

¡¾10¡¿A. anxiouslyB. immediatelyC. quietlyD. hurriedly

¡¾11¡¿ A. passedB. chattedC. rushedD. waited

¡¾12¡¿A. in troubleB. on guardC. in chargeD. on business

¡¾13¡¿A. inB. toC. forD. under

¡¾14¡¿ A. howB. whereC. whatD. whether

¡¾15¡¿A. voiceB. armC. headD. hand

¡¾16¡¿A. finallyB. somehowC. firstD. instead

¡¾17¡¿A. respectB. loveC. concernD. support

¡¾18¡¿A. receiveB. visitC. recognizeD. meet

¡¾19¡¿A. practiceB. effectC. accountD. operation

¡¾20¡¿A. urgentB. kindC. legalD. firm


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Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with ____. If you want to make friends, you must be able to take ____. You must first go ____ there are people. You won't make friends staying home alone.

Join a club or a group, for talking with those who ____ the same things as you do is easier. ____ join someone in some activity.

Many people are ____ when talking to people. ____ meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And it's human ____ to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown.

Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from ____ about ourselves. We ____ other people are judging us, find us too tall or too short, too thin or too fat. ____ don't forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself ____ you are, and try to put the other person at ease. In this way you'll feel ____.

Try to be self-confident even if you don't feel that way ____ you enter a room full of ____ such as a big hall, walk straight in, look ____ at other people and smile. If you see someone you'd like to say something to, don't wait for the other person to ____ a conversation.

Just meeting someone ____ doesn't mean that you will make friends with that person-friendship is ____ on mutual liking and "giving and taking". It takes ____ and effort to develop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from growing.

¡¾1¡¿A. practice B. money C. girls D. everything

¡¾2¡¿A. photos B. actions C. trouble D. place

¡¾3¡¿A. where B. that C. which D. when

¡¾4¡¿A. have B. like C. own D. share

¡¾5¡¿A. So B. Or C. However D. But

¡¾6¡¿A. nervous B. happy C. valuable D. familiar

¡¾7¡¿A. Above all B. After all C. At all D. In all

¡¾8¡¿A. nature B. advantage C. happiness D. friend

¡¾9¡¿A. mistakes B. beliefs C. wonders D. doubts

¡¾10¡¿ A. suggest B. regret C. forget D. imagine

¡¾11¡¿ A. And B. Therefore C. But D. So

¡¾12¡¿ A. as B. who C. when D. what

¡¾13¡¿ A. dangerous B. hopeless C. nervous D. comfortable

¡¾14¡¿ A. when B. while C. that D. why

¡¾15¡¿ A. strangers B. relatives C. classmates D. teachers

¡¾16¡¿ A. anxiously B. angrily C. curiously D. directly

¡¾17¡¿ A. start B. finish C. end D. delay

¡¾18¡¿ A. tall B. new C. familiar D. tired

¡¾19¡¿ A. made B. laid C. taken D. based

¡¾20¡¿ A. hope B. people C. time D. talk

