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【】Police have appealed for __________ (目击者)the accident.

2 Dan gave __________ (大叫)delight when Jason scored a goal.

3 Many German artists __________ (逃到)America at the beginning of World War

4 She is taking care of the baby __________ (被父母遗弃的).

5 The old man stood at the stairs, __________ (停下来喘气).

6 Is there anything I can do __________ (帮助你摆脱困境)

7 The boy was __________ (整理)the foreign stamps that he had collected.

8 The organization called on the public __________ (保护环境).


【解析】【1witnesses of

2 a yell of

3fled to

4 abandoned by his/her parents

5 pausing for breath

6 to help you out

7 sorting out

8 to conserve the environment


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:








A. “芙蓉”两句是”芙蓉山秀,罨画溪明”的倒装,目的是突出阳羡境内千岩竞秀、万壑争流的美境,给人以江山如画、美不胜收的感受。

B. “真游”句写阳羡的溶洞,词人用“沧波下”三字表现“真游洞”天工造化的神奇,表达词人对阳羡的热爱和生活在阳羡的快乐之情。

C. “临风”两句咏史,通过当年斩蚊处的长桥如今依然横跨河上与名溪一时的英雄豪杰却杳无踪迹的对比,表达了词人对昔盛今衰的感伤。

D. “临风”两句表达了对周处的倾心赞誉,但更多的是感慨;从结构的角度分析是承上启下的过渡,既总结上片,又为下片描写做了铺垫。

E. 下片的“黄鸡白酒渔樵社”句与“小桥流水人家”“人迹板桥霜”“杨柳岸,晓风残月”等都用了列锦手法,即整个句子都是名词组合而成。



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy

by Isaac & Anderson

Price $11. 86

Availability In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon, com.

This how-to book is divided into four parts “Story - telling Ideas and Foundations and two sections on mechanics, markets, and dealing with editors. Isaac talks about “Plotting”“Dialog”and “Revisions”but Andersons technical essay on pre-paring a scientifically valid world couldn't be better. Masterpieces

by Orson Scott Card

Price $11. 36

Availability In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon, com.

It may not include every reader's choices for the top science fiction of the 20th century, but it lives up to its title. There 're 27 famous stories by the biggest names and best writers, for example, Bears Discover Fire by Terry Bisson , and Snow by John Crowley. Masterpieces isn't an anthology (文选)for well-read fans. However, it is a great book (or new science fiction readers.

World Building

by Ben Bova

Price $16. 99

Availability In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon, com.

Another in Ben Bova 's series on science fiction writing. While it may take you a little more than seven dayswhen you're done, your knowledge will be greatly increased. It is designed to give science fiction writers the solid grounding they need to make their fictions read like fact. World Building is to help writers transport readers from one world to another through words, tables and diagrams.

End in Fire

by Syne Mitchell

Price $6. 99

Availability Only 2 left in stock—order soon by Amazon, com.

Astronaut Claire Logan is living her dream working on the space station Unity. But two days be-fore her mission ends, Earth is engulfed (吞没)in a nuclear war. Helpless to contact her family, Claire refuses to give up. But when Unity rescues a Chinese space station from certain death, Claire discovers that the war on Earth has come to space and she must make a final stand.

1 The four books are all about __________.

A. science fiction writers

B. science fiction writing

C. science fiction

D. science fiction fans

2 Who is the author of Bears Discover Fire"!

A. Orson Scott Card.

B. Ben Bova.

C. Syne Mitchell.

D. Terry Bisson.

3Which of the following books is most probably difficult to buy?

A. End in Fire.

B. Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy.

C. Masterpieces

D. World Building.

4 What can we learn from the above information?

A. World Building helps writers to improve by story-telling.

B. Masterpieces is suitable for new science readers.

C. Isaac is good at writing essays on preparing a scientifically valid world.

D. End in Fire tells readers more than one story.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:















科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】I’m trying to break the _______ of getting up too late.






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】__________ the growing number of patients, the clinic had to extend its service from five days to seven days a week.

A. To accommodate

B. Accommodating

C. Being accommodated

D. Accommodated


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】There's a __________ in our office that when it's somebody's birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.

A. tradition

B. balance

C. concern

D. relationship


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】The high-protein, low-carbohydrate (碳水化合物) diets many people turn to for weight loss might have potentially harmful long-term effects on the colon, a small study indicates.

In the study, UK researchers found that a protein-heavy, low-carb diet created certain changes in the colon that could contribute to colon cancer risk The study itself does not show whether high-protein diets really raise the risk of any colon diseases, but the findings raise that possibility.

Diets relatively high in protein and lower in carbs have been shown to help heavy people lose weight. "People should not be discouraged from losing weight," Dr Flint said. However, he added, they should make sure that any weight loss plan includes adequate amounts of fiber and a high protein intake over months to years might have ill effects on the colon.

The findings are based on 17 overweight men who followed three short-term diets: a one-week menu plan to keep their weight; a four-week high-protein diet with reasonable amounts of carbohydrates; and a four-week high-protein diet low in carbs.

On average, the study found when the men were on the high-protein diets, they had higher levels of substances known as N-nitroso compounds (亚硝基化合物) and other metabolites (代谢物) that have been linked to cancer. And when they were on the high-protein, low-carb diet, they had lowered amounts of fiber-originated compounds thought to be protective against cancer.

Exactly what those changes might mean for a person's health is not clear. But Flint said that the findings suggest that people should be cautious about consuming too much protein and too little fiber over a long period. In general, experts recommend that adults get about 28 grams of fiber per day-though it's not known whether that's enough for someone on a high-protein weight-loss diet.

【1】 What is the best title of the text?

A Plan a Healthy Diet

B. Take Care of Your Colon

C. How to Lose Weight

D. How to Protect against Cancer

【2】 The underlined word "colon" in Paragraph 1 probably refers to "_____".

A. an organ

B. intelligence

C. a habit

D. behaviour

【3】 The study shows that high-protein, low-carb diets may _____.

A. affect your mood

B. lower cancer risks

C. harm your body

D. keep your figure

【4】 It can be inferred from the text that _____.

A. we shouldn't take the study seriously

B. weight problems are hard to solve

C. it is better to follow a low-carb diet

D. people should be cautious to lose weight

【5】 The author is intended to _____.

A. advise how to lose weight

B. introduce a scientific finding

C. describe a research process

D. talk about healthy diets

