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【题目】 书面表达(满分25分)








Hello, everyone!


Thank you for listening.


Hello, everyone!

I’d like to spend a few minutes in this class meeting introducing an English-English dictionary to you.

First and foremost, it has a large vocabulary, with more than 1,000 new words added, which is indeed a help to us. As the explanations of the words are of great accuracy, it will be easy for us to understand and we will have a better understanding of a certain word.

Moreover, the usages of the words are listed in detail, with many vivid examples. And I really appreciate these examples, for they can give me an authentic taste of this language. Still, the variety of the structures used in the example sentences benefits me greatly.

All in all, this dictionary really serves as a good tool for my English study. I strongly recommend you have one.

Thank you for listening.



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】我国东部地区河流的最主要补给是( )

A. 湖泊水 B. 地下水 C. 雨水 D. 季节性积雪融水


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】海尔集团在日本再设研发中心,其主要目的是 ( )

A.塑造品牌优势,拓展日本市场 B.利用先进技术,降低研发费用

C.利用先进技术,拓展日本市场 D.降低研发费用,获取最大效益

【2】海尔集团在国外设立研发中心的意义有 ( )

充分利用国外优越的自然条件 更快捷、更准确地获取市场需求信息

提供信息网络服务 实现品牌的本土化和全球化

A. ①③ B. ②④ C. ①② D.③④


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 地理要素之间进行物质与能量的交换 B. 自然地理环境的生产功能

C. 自然地理环境的平衡功能 D. 地理要素的牵一发而动全身


A. 气候 B. 土壤 C. 水文 D. 生物


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:




【2】沃尔玛的物流配送中心与其运输车队的合作密切,应用的地理信息技术有 ( )。

遥感技术 地理信息系统 全球定位技术 地理信息技术


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:













科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Around 5:30 a.m. Todd Steinkamp left the hotel and drove to attend a funeral in Green Bay, Wisconsin. About half an hour into his journey, he noticed a small 1 coming from his front tire. By 7 a.m., he still had 70 miles 2 , but the noise was so loud that he knew he had no choice but to 3 .

Steinkamp figured there was little chance that anyone in Wild Rose, Wisconsin a 4 town with a population of 725 could help so early in the morning. 5 , he still wanted to take his chances at a repair shop. Geib, the owner, 6 the car and told Steinkamp the wheel bearing was failing. 7 it would take a few hours, but the car wasn’t likely to make it that 8 without repairs.

Disappointed, Teinkamp 9 if he could rent a car at such short-notice. Geib 10 the store across the street, but was told its only rental car wasn’t 11 . Finding another place to rent would require a 40-mile drive.

“I must have looked pretty anxious at that time 12 Geib then reached into his pocket, pulled out his 13 and said ‘Take my truck. Fill it up with gas and get going,’ Steinkamp said later. Geib 14 that the truck could go 120 miles per hour if needed.

The men had 15 just 10 minutes before and didn’t know each other’s names, but Geib 16 on lending his truck to Steinkamp. So Steinkamp drove the truck and made it to the 17 . When he returned to the garage seven hours later with a 18 heart, he stuck around to chat with Geib.

Geib turned a terrible day into a good one with a great 19 . That is: Just be 20 and help others if you can.

【1】A.flash B. sign C. tune D. sound

【2】A.forward B. behind C. ahead D. away

【3】A.stop B. race C. leave D. arrive

【4】A.huge B. medium C. large D. tiny

【5】A.However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Furthermore

【6】A.checked out B. took apart C. broke up D. switched off

【7】A.Taking B. Fixing C. Sending D. Keeping

【8】A.speed B. distance C. limit D. interval

【9】A.supposed B. believed C. thought D. wondered

【10】A.searched B. opened C. contacted D. managed

【11】A.flexible B. practical C. available D. necessary

【12】A.because B. when C. until D. though

【13】A.coin B. tool C. key D. phone

【14】A.replied B. decided C. learned D. added

【15】A.started B. met C. showed D. agreed.

【16】A.insisted B. kept C. depended D. passed

【17】A.garage B. hotel C. funeral D. house

【18】A.generous B. grateful C. responsible D. merciful

【19】A.example B. subject C. change D. lesson

【20】A.patient B. wise C. kind D. energetic


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】国家有关部门负责人指出,按现行的计划生育政策,我国人口总量在21世纪30年代中期将达到峰值14.6亿。据分析,在未来20年间,我国每年净增人口将保持在1 000万左右。据此完成下列各题。

1有关我国人口合理容量的叙述,正确的是 (  )

A. 我国人口合理容量在16亿左右

B. 我国环境人口容量最高应控制在13亿左右

C. 我国目前人口已大大超过人口的合理容量

D. 我国目前人口已超过13亿,人口与环境尚属良性循环的关系

2下列关于我国人口与资源关系的叙述,正确的是 (  )

A. 我国的淡水资源丰富,可以充分满足农业生产和人们生活的需要

B. 我国地下水丰富,不会出现地下水枯竭现象

C. 我国的可耕地人均占有量呈不断减少的趋势

D. 我国的可耕地总数将会大幅增加


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Cloze 1












There are usually parents and two children in a typical British family. In most British families both parents 1 . Very young children go to nursery schools or stay at home with a child minder(照顾者). 2 people usually live in their own homes or a nursing home if they cannot look after themselves. British parents 3 to spend their free time with their children going to the cinema, museums or parks. During the weekend they 4 have dinner together.

Americans often 5 from city to city or from state to state. For this reason American 6 live far away from their relatives. However, 7 keep in touch with each other by telephone or letter. During holidays or at celebrations like Thanksgiving, families often visit each other. A(n) 8 American family is the same as a British family. Both parents work. 9 British families, American parents try to spend time with their children at weekends. They often 10 museums. They also go to the cinema or the park.

There are many 11 kinds of houses in the UK. In the countryside you can see small, pretty houses, and in the towns and cities you can see many 12 of flats. More than half of the people in the UK 13 their houses. Other people rent houses or flats. British people like to feel 14 and safe in their homes. They like to make their homes and gardens look attractive. Perhaps that’s 15 gardening and DIY are the most popular pastimes.

The buildings in American cities are 16 to those in British cities. There are tall tower blocks, skyscrapers and large brick buildings. 17 , the houses are very different in the suburbs. A lot of Americans live in wooden houses with front and back 18 . Two thirds of Americans own their homes. Other Americans 19 houses, apartments or rooms. Americans are usually very house-proud and 20 their homes very well.

【1】 A.study B. play C. work D. stay

【2】 A.Young B. Old C. Rich D. Poor

【3】 A.pretend B. offer C. agree D. try

【4】 A.usually B. seldom C. hardly D. never

【5】 A.build B. repair C. change D. move

【6】 A.schools B. families C. hospitals D. churches

【7】 A.he B. we C.I D. they

【8】 A.special B. small C. typical D. important

【9】 A.Like B. For C.As D. In

【10】 A.search B. protect C. leave D. visit

【11】 A.modern B. different C. strong D. large

【12】 A.pieces B. crowds C. blocks D. stories

【13】 A.own B. sell C. buy D. lend

【14】 A.proud B. lucky C. frightened D. comfortable

【15】 A.when B. why C. where D. how

【16】 A.useful B. convenient C. similar D. difficult

【17】 A.However B. Though C. Because D. Until

【18】 A.doors B. rooms C. lights D. gardens

【19】 A.choose B. rent C. lose D. take

【20】 A.drop out of B. keep us with C. take care of D. catch sight of

