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科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 书面表达(共15分)

假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括:







3.提示:国际中学摄影展:an International High School Students Photography Show









科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:






A.②④ B.①② C.②③ D.①③


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】What did the man do yesterday?

A.He saw a movie.

B.He watched TV.

C.He visited some friends.

【2】What time will the speakers probably meet this Saturday evening?

A.At 6:30.

B.At 7:00.

C.At 7:30.

【3】Which of the following will the man buy?

A.Some drinks.

B.A birthday cake.

C.Concert tickets.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Disposing(处理) of waste has been a problem since humans started producing it. As more and more people choose to live close together in cities, the waste disposal problem becomes increasingly difficult.

During the eighteenth century, it was usual for several neighboring towns to get together to select a faraway spot as a dump site. People would transport household rubbish, rotted wood and old possessions to the site. Regularly some of the trash was burned and the rest was buried. The unpleasant sights and smells caused no problem because nobody lived close by. Factories and some other industrial sites also had waste to be disposed of. Those located on rivers often just poured the unwanted remains into the water. Others built huge burners with chimneys to deal with the problem.

Several facts make these choices unacceptable to modern society. The first problem is space. Dumps(垃圾场), are most needed in heavily populated areas. Such areas rarely have empty land suitable. Farm areas are refusing to accept rubbish from elsewhere, cheap land in major city areas to dispose wastes is nonexistent(不存在的). Awareness of pollution dangers has resulted in more strict rules of waste disposal. Pollution of rivers, ground water, land and air is a price people can no longer pay to get rid of waste. The amount of waste, however, continues to grow.

Recycling efforts have become a commonplace(常见的事), and many towns require their people to take part. Even the most efficient recycling programs, however, can hope to deal with span>only about 50 percent of a citys reusable waste, so more people should be involved in recycling programs.

【1】The most suitable title for this passage would be .

A. Places for Disposing of Waste B. Waste Pollution Dangers

C. Ways of Getting Rid of Waste D. Waste Disposal Problem

【2】 During the 18th century, people disposed of waste in many ways except for .

A. burying it B. recycling it

C. burning it D. throwing it into rivers

【3】What can be inferred from the third paragraph?

A. Farm areas will continue accepting waste from the city.

B. There is cheap land to bury waste in modern society.

C. It is difficult to find space to bury waste in modern society.

D. Ways to deal with waste in modern society stay the same.

【4】The main purpose of writing this article is to .

A. select a suitable dump site B. warn people of the pollution dangers

C. call on people to take part in recycling programs D. tell people a better way to get rid of the waste


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】The suits are ________good quality and are worth ________(buy).

【2】The students need to be able to read ________(active) and thoughtfully instead of accepting whatever they are taught passively.

【3】The teacher has devoted all his spare time to ________(help) his students with English during the past few years.

【4】________(found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art.

【5】In the dark street, he had no one to turn________ for help.

【6】The year 1949 ________(see) the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

【7】In time we reached a stage ________ we had more young readers than old ones.

【8】—I’m going to vote ________ Jackson in the next election. How about you?

—Me, too. He’s the best man for the position.

【9】You should give a hand to one who is ________trouble.

【10】________ after he knew the truth did he realize how silly mistakes he had made.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Ammie Reddick from East Kilbride, Lanarkshire, was only 18 months old when she had the accident that had scarred (留下创伤) her for life. The child reached up to get a hot bottle in the family kitchen and poured boiling water over her body.

Her mother Ruby turned round and, seeing Ammie badly burnt, rushed her daughter to a nearby hospital. Twenty percent of Ammie’s body had been burned and all of her burns were third-degree. There, doctors performed an operation that took about six hours to control her injuries. Over the next 16 years, Ammie received 12 more operations to repair her body.

When she started school at Maxwelton Primary at age 4, other pupils said cruel words or simply wouldn’t play with her. “I was the only burned child in the street, the class and the school,” she said, “some children refused to become friends because of that.”

Today, aged 17, Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars; pain is a permanent part of her body. She still has to have two further operations. Yet she is a confident, outgoing teenager who offers hope to other young burns victims (受害者).

She is a member of the Scottish Burned Children’s Club. This month, Ammie will be joining the younger children at the Graffham Water Center in Cambridge for the first summer camp. “I’ll show them how to get rid of unkind looking from others,” she says. Ammie loves wearing fashionable(时尚的) clothes, and she plans to show the youngsters at the summer camp that they can too. “I do not hide my burns scars,” she says, “I gave up wondering how other people would say years ago.”

【1】What did other children do when Ammie first went to school?

A. They were afraid of her.

B. They showed pity to her.

C. They were friendly to her.

D. They looked down upon her.

【2】Ammie will teach the younger children at the Graffham Water Center to ___________.

A. live a normal life

B. recover quickly

C. face others’ unkindness bravely

D. hide their scars by proper dressing

【3】 What does the underlined word “permanent” in the 4th paragraph mean?

A. Necessary. B. Life-long.

C. Difficult. D. Important.

【4】 What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Burned Pains For a Girl

B. A Seriously Burned Girl Survives

C. A Seriously Burned Angel of Hope

D. Ways to Get Rid of Unkind Looking


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】 《蝴蝶夫人》是意大利音乐家普契尼以日本为背景创作的又一世界名剧。(world-famous; set in)

【2】 经过二十多年的发展,这个古老的城市呈现出从所未有过的崭新面貌。(take on)

【3】 贝尔是一个值得信赖的朋友,他总是言而有信。( reliable; keep/break ones promise)

【4】 听到这对新婚夫妇分手的消息,朋友们都感到震惊。

【5】在未来五到十年内,我省沿海将被改造成一个现代化的化工生产基地。( be transformed into; chemical industrial base)

