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One Day Fly-Fly Rock Art Tour

Operator: Adventure North Australia Destination: Cooktown Departing: Cairns

Prices(AUD): Adults: $ 549.00 Child: $ 390.00

Family(2 adults and 2 children): $ 1,669.00

Tour Description

A truly unique experience, voted as one of Australia’s Must-Do-Experiences. Treat yourself to an amazing day out with Aboriginal Elder Willie Gordon.

Depart Cairns Domestic Airport for the Skytrain Flight to Cooktown. Flight departs Cairns at 6:45 a.m.

Enjoy a 45-minute flight with wonderful views from Cairns to Cooktown as you fly along the coast between the World Heritage rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef. On arrival in Cooktown you’ll be met by Willie Gordon, the traditional storyteller of the Nugal-warra trible.

Willie Gordon takes guests to his ancestral rock art sites, set high in the hills above Hope Vale, outside Cooktown. Here he shares the stories behind the art. Hell explain how the paintings speak of the most basic and important quality of life and the knowledge of his people.

The tour takes you through an impressive view of six rock art sites, including an ancestral Birth Cave and the Reconciliation Cave. It includes a 30-minute bush walk on generally easy terrian(地形). (PS: Covered closed-on shoes must be worn.)

Return to Cooktown at 1:15 p.m. where Willie will take you to the Nature Power House Museum, Cooktown’s Visitor Information Centre. Lunch is included at the Verhandah Cafe.

The rest of the afternoon is free to explore historical Cooktown before your transfer to Cooktown airport and return flight to Cairns. Flight arrives at Cairns Domestic Airport at 6:40 p.m. Own arrangements on arrival in Cairns.

【1】Tourists will go to_________ after viewing the rock art.

A. the World Heritage Rain-forest

B. the Great Barrier Reef

C. the Nature Power House Museum

D. the Reconciliation Cave

【2】 From the passage, we know that Willie Gordon______.

A. acts as the guide of the tour.

B. is the owner of the Verhandah Cafe.

C. works in the Nature Power House Museum.

D. is the manager of Adventure North Australia.

【3】Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Tourists arrive in Cooktown by air

B. The whole tour lasts about twelve hours.

C. Tourists can visit historical Cooktown free of charge in the afternoon.

D.A couple taking the tour with their three children will pay at least $2,059.

【4】The tour is designed to let the tourists__________.

A. learn about the custom

B. involve themselves in rock music

C. expeience the local lifestyle

D. enjoy the ancient art








【1】细节理解题,根据 Return to Cooktown at 1:15 p.m. where Willie will take you to the Nature Power House Museum,可知答案为C。

【2】细节理解题。根据On arrival in Cooktown you’ll be met by Willie Gordon, the traditional storyteller of the Nugal-warra trible.可知Willie Gordon是给我们讲述旅游景点典故的人,即我们的导游故选A。

【3】细节理解题根据The rest of the afternoon is free to explore historical Cooktown before your transfer to Cooktown airport and return flight to Cairns.返回机场离开之前,即1点15分之后的时间是免费,而不是整个下午,故C描述不正确所以答案为C。



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The manager finally agreed to our new marketing proposals.

It never occurred to me _______ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.

A. which B. what C. that D. if


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 赤道与北回归线之间;向北移 B. 赤道与北回归线之间;向南移

C. 赤道与南回归线之间;向北移 D. 赤道与南回归线之间;向南移


A. 昼长夜短,且昼长变长 B. 昼短夜长,昼长变短

C. 正午太阳高度角不断变小 D. 日出时间不断提前


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


The need for love is deeply rooted in the human psyche(灵魂). 1 Separateness, according to psychologists, means to be cut off, helpless and alone in the world. It is the source of all anxiety.

1 It can be selfish and possessive, or unselfish and giving. Abraham Maslow distinguishes between two kinds of love: B-love or "being love" means love for another person; unselfish love not dependent upon your own needs. D-love or "deficiency-love" is a selfish possessive love which is based upon someone else’s ability to satisfy your needs.

D-love is conditional. It depends upon whether personal needs continue to be met. But B-love is unconditional. 3 Furthermore, as it depends upon who you are, it is possible only when you allow yourself to be known to the other person.

The psychologist Erich Fromm also distinguished between two types of love. 4 Symbiotic union is an immature love based upon the satisfaction of needs and is similar to Maslow’s concept of D-love.

Mature love, on the other hand, is a relationship that allows individuals to retain (保持) their independence, their identity, and their integrity. In mature love people can overcome their sense of separateness yet continue to be themselves. The immature lover would say, "I love you because I need you," but the mature one: ____5____

A. Every one of us needs love.

B. There are two types of love.

C. I need you because I love you.

D. Love is a way of overcoming the feeling.

E.It depends not upon what you do, but who you are.

F. These two types are quite different from each other.

G. They are immature love, called by him symbiotic union, and mature love.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 该圈层只是由气体组成的圈层

B. 该圈层中没有生物生存

C. 该圈层是自然地理环境中最活跃的圈层

D. 该圈层的物质密度自下向上递减


A. 地球内部各圈层的密度是均匀的

B. 发现地球内部存在物质性质有较大差异的不连续面

C. 地球的外核为液态物质,该层物质是火山活动中岩浆的来源

D. 自地表至地心都是由坚硬的岩石组成


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:













科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:












I am Peter Hodes , a volunteer stem cell courier. Since March 2012, I’ve done 89 trips—of those , 51 have been abroad. I have 42 hours to carry stem cells(干细胞)in my little box because I’ve got two ice packs and that’s how long they last. In all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor(捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, we’ve got 72 hours at most. So I am always conscious of time.

I had one trip last year where I was caught by a hurricane in America. I picked up the stem cells in Providence, Rhode Island, and was meant to fly to Washington then back to London. But when I arrived at the check-in desk at Providence, the lady on the desk said:“Well, I’m really sorry, I’ve got some bad news for you—there are no flights from Washington.” So I took my box and put it on the desk and I said:“In this box are some stem cells that are urgently needed for a patient-please, please, you’ve got to get me back to the United Kingdom.” She just dropped everything. She arranged for a flight on a small plane to be held for me,re-routed(改道)me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally scheduled.

For this courier job, youre consciously aware that in that box youre got something that is potentially going to save somebodys life.

【1】Which of the following can replace the underlined word courier in Paragraph1?

A. provider B. delivery man

C. collector D. medical doctor

【2】Why does Peter have to complete his trip within 42hours?

A. He cannot stay away from his job too long.

B. The donor can only wait for that long.

C. The operation needs that much time.

D. The ice won’t last any longer.

【3】 Which flight did the woman put Peter on first?

A. To London. B. To Newark.

C. To Providence. D. To Washington.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Cloze 3(河北省衡水冀州中学2017届高复班第二次阶段考试)












The other evening we had a knock at the door. It was a 1 neighbor who introduced himself and his boys to us. He also invited us to a block party as a way to know the people in the 2 as well as celebrate the first anniversary of his two 3 sons coming to live with him.

We’ve lived here for almost six years and no one has ever come to 4 themselves. I suppose we should have 5 it on to introduce ourselves to people moving in, but we haven’t. In my opinion, it took the initiative(首创) of a young 6 and his adopted sons to show me how I could 7 better attention to my own community. We have many local friends but I have to 8 that I haven’t usually been the one to develop the 9 in my own neighborhood.

This 10 reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was 11 to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to 12 my town. I couldn’t change the town and as a(n) 13 man, I tried to change my 14 . Now, as an old man, I 15 the only thing I can change is myself, and 16 I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact(影响) on my family and 17 on our town. The impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the 18 ."

For those of us who want to make a(n) 19 in the world, it’s important we remember what Bucky Fuller said, "Think globally, but act 20 ." For me, I’m going to make it point to meet more of my neighbors-staring now.

【1】A. familiar B. friendly C. new D. old

【2】A. town B. neighborhood C. company D. city

【3】A. accepted B. adopted C. adapted D. appointed

【4】A. help B. treat C. introduce D. enjoy

【5】A. put B. focused C. turned D. taken

【6】A. man B. student C. woman D. mother

【7】A. draw B. fix C. offer D. pay

【8】A. forgive B. admit C. agree D. consider

【9】A. habit B. concern C. friendship D. business

【10】A. accident B. activity C. thought D. experience

【11】A. convenient B. possible C. interesting D. difficult

【12】A. make out B. concentrate on C. get into D. refer to

【13】A. older B. younger C. smarter D. wiser

【14】A. student B. family C. friend D. mind

【15】A. realize B. forget C. recognize D. regret

【16】A. suddenly B. happily C. actually D. luckily

【17】A. ever B. even C. only D. still

【18】A. environment B. world C. village D. lifestyle

【19】A. decision B. adjustment C. difference D. discovery

【20】A. carefully B. selflessly C. immediately D. locally


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

(2017届河南省重点高中高三质监)Today I spent time 41 (talk) to an old friend about some of the choices that we have made in our lives. We both agree that life has 42 (basic) been good to us. And we are very 43 (appreciate) of what we have been blessed with.

Today I would like you to think about your journey and where you see yourself in the next five years. Do you see that you have become exactly who you set out to be? If you are like me, you are working daily on those goals. I work on my 44 (aim) because I am excited about that opportunity. However, I do realize that sometimes life can get 45 the way of our goals. I remember when my friend 46 (decide) to buy her first home. She was ready and had everything 47 (line) up. But during this time her father died and she had to move home 48 (help) take care of her mother. Her goal was delayed, but she didn't give it up completely. And that's exactly 49 key to this all. In order to achieve your goals, you have to keep working on 50 .

