精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情


【1】图示地区大力发展种植业易造成( )

A.地下水枯竭 B.土地荒漠化

C.水土流失 D.植被破坏

【2】为保障粮食供应的稳定,图示国家应( )













科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


--- Im as busy as a bee these days.

--- To be honest, I do not your job.

A. appreciate

B. admire

C. enjoy

D. envy


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】世界上台风发生最频繁的地区位于( )

A.太平洋东部 B.太平洋西部

C.大西洋西部 D.印度洋北部

【2】2007年10月超强台风罗莎袭击了我国台湾、福建和浙江等地。下列海域最有可能生成罗莎台风的是( )

【3】罗莎台风影响时,福建沿海某地测得风向由西北风转为东南风,判断台风在此地移动的方向大致是( )

A.由南向北 B.由东向西

C.由北向南 D.由西向东


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】We don’t doubt ________ we will complete all the project before the year 2013.

A.when B.if C.that D.whether


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


(1)判读图中各点的地形(山体部位):A__________,B_________, D__________,E__________。





科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】The cultural industry is _______ to the national economy. It is expected to account for 10% of our countrys

GDP by 2015.

A. valuable B. vital C. vague D. valid


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life, mostly for the better. However, social changes are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for a change in attitudes. An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending college. Surveys (调查) on this topic suggests that parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat” overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories. The same surveys also indicate that the rate of parental involvement is greater today than it was a generation ago. This is usually interpreted as a sign that today’s parents are trying to manage their children’s lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate.

However, greater parental involvement does not necessarily indicate that parents are failing to let go of their “adult” children.

In the context (背景) of this discussion, it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents’ involvement with their grown children. If parents of earlier generations had wanted to be in touch with their college-age children frequently, would this have been possible? Probably not. On the other hand, does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasn’t present a generation ago? Many studies show that older parents - today’s grandparents - would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier.

Furthermore, studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children. The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home. This phenomenon is neither good nor bad; it is a fact of college life, today and in the past.

Thanks to the advanced technology, we live in an age of bettered communication. This has many implications well beyondthe role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for college. But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from the technology and not some imagined desire by parents to keep their children under their wings.

【1】The surveys inform us of ______.

A. the development of technology

B. the changes of adult children’s behavior

C. the parents’ over-protection of their college children

D. the means and expenses of students’ communication

【2】The writer believes that ______.

A. parents today are more protective than those in the past

B. the disadvantages of new technology outweigh itsadvantages

C. technology explains greater parental involvement with theirchildren

D. parents’ changed attitudes lead to college children’s delayedindependence

【3】What is the best title for the passage?

A. Technology or Attitude

B. Dependence or Independence

C. Family Influence or Social Changes

D. College Management or Communication Advancement

【4】Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】图中陡崖M的相对高度最有可能是(  )

A.50米 B.90米

C.155米 D.220米

【2】如陡崖M在甲村正南方,则可知乙村旁的河流大致流向是(  )

A.由东南向西北 B.由东北向西南

C.由西南向东北 D.由西北向东南

【3】在N点(  )





