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【题目】Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also our thinking.(2011 .湖北)

A. direct

B. limit

C. change

D. improve


【解析】句意:如果我们想要成功,学识很重要,但是它们也可能会限制我们的思维。 limit限制。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】Did you_________________________ (亲眼看到那次事故)?

【2】 She was called as a ___________________(被告证人).

【3】He ____________(作证) to having seen the man enter the building.

【4】I'm just ____________________(整理文件) that can be thrown away.

【5】We've got a few little problems ____________(要解决).

【6】______________(别嚷了),can't you!

【7】The crowd __________________(高声叫喊) encouragement at the players.

【8】She __________________(对她的孩子大喊大叫).

【9】The lake has a ________ (深度) in the middle of 300 feet.

【10】He went to America to study Medicine ________(深入地).

【11】 Father constantly ______________________(激励我努力学习).

【12】I ________________(举手) to show that I had a question.

【13】We will never ________________(放弃我们的梦想),no matter what happens.

【14】When I ________ (在厨房帮忙), nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted.

【15】The Ministry of Transportation praised the railway builders for fulfilling their task three months________(提前).


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



【1】She looks sad. Could you please tell me why it is that prevents her from being as happy as before?


2You can’t imagine how excited were they when they received these nice Spring Festival presents.


3She told me that she has been seen off by her friends at the bus stop.


4He asked me what is the matter with me.


5Mary’s mother asked her if he had finished her homework.


6I want to know how many he spent on his car.


7Do you happen to know that her address is?


8Excuse me, but can you tell me how can I get to the library?


9John asked me I would like to visit his uncle’s farm with him.


【10More and more students and teachers have begun to know how importantly the foreign language is.



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



【1】D__________ with your boss is dangerous, but holding different opinions is important to the progress of the company.

【2】David d__________ his job and is looking for another one.

【3】If you want to know how to get along with others, please read the following t__________.

【4】A t__________ is someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old.

【5】This is an important grammar i__________ in English; for Chinese learners, it is a difficult grammar point.

【6】I liked her blue notebook and she liked my red one, so we __________ (交换).

【7】I’m very __________ (感激的) to you for your kindness, and I’m sure to come to see your concert.

【8】This dictionary is __________ (正是) what I need to help me increase my words and improve my spelling.

【9】The teacher asked the students to choose a __________ (伙伴) for the next activity.

【10】She seemed upset but quickly __________ (恢复) herself.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is said that Toms sister fell off her bike on her way to school, _____ in the left leg.

seriously damaging

B. hurting badly

C. breaking seriously

D. badly hurt


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】We are badly in need of waiters ________; could you come and help us out?

A. at once B. at presentC. at the end D. at first

2 Many are finding that the most pleasant way to travel is a ________ on a ship.

A. travel B. voyage C. tour D. road

3 ________ the bad weather, the boy couldnt go out to play, which made him unhappy.

A. Such as B. Instead ofC. Because of D. Because

4To us, Mr. Zhang is ________ a teacher. He is also a friend.

A. not more than B. no more thanC. more than D. not less than

5 On seeing her new classmate, she ________ and said with a smile, Glad to meet you.

A. came up B. made upC. look up D. put up

6 Toms father serves in the army while Johns father is a(n)________ in the government.

A. official B. officer C. waiter D. boss

7 They tried their best to ________ good use of the chance that their school offered to study hard.

A. make B. take C. catch D. look

8 During the ________ part of November, there will be a series of activities.

A. latest B. late C. later D. latter

9What surprised me was not what he said but ________ he said it.

A. the wayB. in the way that

C. in the way D. the way which

10 The famous film is ________ a Chinese old story and directed by a famous director.

A. basing at B. based onC. bases on D. to base at

【11 Let children speak their own ideas, ________ they are different from your own.

A. until B. even ifC. unless D. as though

12Our monitor, as a student, is excellent, who does very well in sports and games, swimming, ________.

A. as B. like C. such as D. for example


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


I can hardly imagine myself _ monitor of our class.


B. to make

C. making

D. being made


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:




Today I have to do a piece of homework .


Our American teacher gets quite excited it to the topic of .


Our British teacher opened the present the moment he was it at the .


So, to clarify, if I married in the UK,I would _ a present, but if I got in Italy, I have to give a present.


Even though there are among traditions in the West, there are also among different countries.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】If you hadnt gone with Tom to the party last night, .

A. you would meet John already

B. you wont have missed John

C. you will have met John

D. you would have met John

