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Flying cars may soon become a 1 (real). The rideshare service Uber has asked 2 expert from NASA, the American space agency, 3 (help) the company develop cars that can fly.

Uber plans to use flying vehicles 4 the future to avoid traffic in and around cities. The company wants to use small, totally electric aircraft, 5 could take off and land like a helicopter on top of parking garages. Uber said its flying vehicles would be much 6 (quiet), cost less to operate and produce less pollution than helicopters.

One person in San Francisco 7 (write) on Twitter, “I used to think that flying cars was a ridiculous idea. 8 I changed my mind this morning when I sat in a heavy traffic.” Another person added from Mumbai, India “I’m reading about Uber 9 (hire) a NASA engineer to build flying cars, while Fm stuck in traffic. There is hope.”

The expert predicts there will be several early models of cars that can’t fly 10 (they) but with human pilots within one to three years.




【3】to help



【6】quieter/more quiet







【1】 考查词性转换。不定冠词后跟名词,故用reality。

【2】 考查冠词。根据句意:曾经来自NASA的一名专家,故用an。

【3】 考查非谓语动词。此处动词不定式to help表示目的,故用to help。

【4】 考查介词。In the future“在未来”为固定搭配,故用in。

【5】 考查定语从句。此处which代替前面的一句话,故用which。

【6】 考查形容词的比较级。much用来修饰形容词的比较级,故用quieter/more quiet。

【7】 考查动词的时态。此句表达的是过去的事,故用一般过去时态wrote。

【8】 考查连词。根据前文I used to think that flying cars was a ridiculous idea.语境可知此处形成转折,故用But。

【9】 考查非谓语动词。此处Uber与动词之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用hiring。



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Science classes are difficult for many students. Fortunately, there are ways to get good grades.

Write it down.

Taking note what is being taught helps a lot more than you would imagine. 1 . You’ll have something ready to refer to if you need a quick refresher(进修). You’ll also be able to catch things your professor might say that won’t be in your textbooks.

2 .

Your professor will do or say things that aren’t in the reading materials. Usually, these provide the professor’s personal understanding on the matter. These enrich your learning and help you apply the theories to everyday life.


Science is a matter of practice. 2 . How? It may sound like your mother’s nagging(唠叨) from your elementary school days, but do your homework! Professors give homework for many reasons, and giving you the opportunity to practice is one of them.


Of course, the foundation of whatever you take up in your science class is the textbook. No matter what, the lesson will always take you back to that thick paper. 4 .


Learning is a lot easier when people are helping each other out. Form a study group, or even just study in the same room as a bunch of your classmates. 5 .

A. Pay attention

B. Focus on your method

C. It’s all a matter of smart schooling

D. The trick is to manage your reading time

E. You’re free to write things in a language making the lesson understandable

F. The best way todrive the facts into your brain is to repeatedly work on them

G. If ever you hit a difficult problem, someone will be around to clarify things for you


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】人类在探月过程中发现,月球表面覆盖着厚厚的月壤。月壤的形成主要是由于月球表面( )

A.平均温度过低 B.平均温度过高

C.温度变化无常 D.昼夜温差过大

【2】2018年我国将发射嫦娥4号飞行器,实现人类首次在月球背面软着陆。飞行器在月球表面会受到诸多来自宇宙空间的威胁,其中人类难以估计的威胁可能是月球表面( )

A.空气太稀薄 B.宇宙辐射太强

C.陨石撞击太多 D.月球引力太小


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】9152204分,搭载天宫二号空间实验室的长征二号F T2运载火箭,在我国甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射,约575秒后,天宫二号与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,发射取得圆满成功。据此完成下列各题。


A. 地月系 B. 太阳系 C. 银河系 D. 河外星系


C.天宫二号空间实验室和分离后的火箭 D.分离前的火箭


A. 太阳辐射 B. 月球引力 C. 太阳活动 D. 流星雨


A. 仅从地球自转速度来说,酒泉发射火箭的条件比文昌好

B. 酒泉、西昌、太原、文昌四地地球自转的角速度相同

C. 酒泉、西昌、太原、文昌四地地球自转的线速度相同

D. 酒泉、文昌、西昌三地地球自转的角速度依次增大


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1下列发射场中最有利于卫星发射的是(  )

A. 拜科努尔(46°N) B. 肯尼迪(28°N)

C. 酒泉(40°N) D. 库鲁(5°N)

2地球同步卫星的绕地公转速度与地面对应点的地球自转速度比较,它们的(  )

A. 角速度和线速度都相同 B. 角速度和线速度都不同

C. 角速度相同,线速度不同 D. 角速度不同,线速度相同


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Not until then did they begin to realize that they had to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional ________.

A.competence B.intelligence

C.consequence D.independence


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Venice, 1 small waterside(水边的)city in northeast Italy, boils with happiness and excitement once every year. Between February 21th and March 4th, the carnival (狂欢节) hits the streets. For most people the carnival means large parties and feasts. But in Venice, it also means 2 (tradition) masks and costumes.

These costumes were 3 (original) meant to hide personal identities. Then, different social classes could mix in a sea of happiness.

Today, people in Venice still dress up in the strangest ways as armed soldiers, butchers and fishermen, for example.

Bars and cafes are filled with party-goers 4 come to show off their strange costumes. Their designs and creations 5 (make) by special studios. Ready-made costumes are not acceptable.

"In the months 6 the carnival we work overtime to meet the demand," said a mask maker. "Many kilometers of silk and lace are made 7 costumes. For shopkeepers, the carnival is the 8 (good) time of the year."

The Venice carnival dates back to the Middle Ages. At that time, the city was 9 of the wealthiest in Europe. Now the Venice carnival attracts huge crowds from all over the world.

The city certainly benefits a whole industry 10 (build) up around the carnival’s masks and costumes.

"The Venice Carnival is a magical time! It’s such great experience," said one French tourist.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


A learned man always has a lot of riches in himself.

Simonides,a famous Greek poet,once made a tour around the wellknown cities of Asia.Years later,he decided to 1 to his native land by sea.

However,he boarded on a ship,which got 2 in a terrible storm.Together with its own poor condition,the ship began to 3 into the sea.Some passengers was busy 4 together their bags,and their 5 belongings.To everyone’s surprise,Simonides was a(n) 6 .One who was 7 curious,asked,“Are you going to save 8 of your property,Simonides?” He made a reply.“All my possessions are 9 me.”

While a few made their 10 by swimming,the majority,being weighed down by their burdens,disappeared in the sea. 11 ,some thieves made their appearance,and stole 12 the few lucky people had saved,leaving them nothing.

Clazomenae,an ancient city,chanced to be near the beach.Here lived a wealthy man 13 the pursuits(追求) of literature.He had often read the poems of Simonides,and was a very great 14 of him though he had never seen Simonides. 15 ,Simonides was saved by this man shortly after he got to the beach.Knowing who he was from their brief conversation,the man 16 Simonides into his house with the greatest pleasure,and 17 him with clothes,money,and attendants.The other 18 meanwhile were carrying about their bowls,begging for food in the same city.One day,Simonides 19 to meet them.With much sympathy,Simonides remarked,“I told you that all my property was about me;what you have 20 to save is lost now.”

【1】A. return B. get C. visit D. come

【2】A. hit B. caught C. struck D. seized

【3】A. break B. drown C. fall D. sink

【4】A. gathering B. keeping C. joining D. carrying

【5】A. common B. formal C. precious D. previous

【6】A. millionaire B. example C. fool D. exception

【7】A. slightly B. extremely C. gradually D. generally

【8】A. nothing B. few C. none D. no one

【9】A. about B. around C. of D. for

【10】A. effort B. effect C. escape D. attempt

【11】A. In fact B. In brief C. After all D. Worse still

【12】A. that B. what C. which D. when

【13】A. related to B. adapted to C. determined to D. devoted to

【14】A. adviser B. listener C. admirer D. buyer

【15】A.Unluckily B. Fortunately C. Naturally D. Frequently

【16】A. ordered B. forced C. received D. begged

【17】A. provided B. offered C. showed D. afforded

【18】A. villagers B. writers C. stealers D. survivors

【19】A. hoped B. happened C. managed D. demanded

【20】A. struggled B. failed C. encouraged D. succeeded


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


















