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(1)判断图中F3 F4的地质构造并说明理由。




【答案】(1)断层。 F3F4两侧的同一岩层发生断裂位移。

(2)山谷 向斜

(3)岩层断裂后遭受侵蚀而成。 该河沿线多急流瀑布,不利于航运;沿断层发育的河流,其河水沿断层面流失,导致其水量小,地表水资源不足。








科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 围海造陆 B. 围垦湿地 C. 热带雨林的破坏 D. 过度灌溉


A. 山石开挖 B. 岩层断裂抬升 C. 火山喷发 D. 外力侵蚀


A. 南京此日昼短夜长,且昼渐长夜渐短 B. 悉尼此日正午太阳高度增大

C. 雅典气候炎热干燥 D. 新几内亚岛盛行西北季风


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 地层陷落,河流侵蚀 B. 地壳下沉,泥沙堆积

C. 地壳上升,河流下切 D. 土层疏松,河流侵蚀


A. 雅丹地貌 B. 丹霞地貌 C. 沟壑地貌 D. 喀斯特地貌


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 大小均匀

B. 层状结构

C. 棱角明显

D. 磨圆度好


A. 流水堆积、流水侵蚀、冰川侵蚀、冰川堆积

B. 冰川堆积、冰川侵蚀、流水侵蚀、流水堆积

C. 冰川侵蚀、冰川堆积、流水堆积、流水侵蚀

D. 冰川侵蚀、冰川堆积、流水侵蚀、流水堆积


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


(1)该科技产业园的区位优势有( )。



(2)该科技产业园对当地的影响主要有( )。

①促进产业升级 ②减轻交通压力③缓解用地紧张 ④增加就业机会



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 北美洲 B. 大洋洲 C. 非洲 D. 南美洲


A. 甲湖泊对丁河流的流量起到调节作用 B. 乙湖泊属于咸水湖

C. 丙河流在该地冬季时流量最大 D. 丁河流下游无结冰期


A. 该海域的洋流属于风海流 B. 与暖流交汇形成海雾,影响航运

C. 该处海洋等温线向低纬弯曲 D. 造成图示海岸处形成沙漠气候


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1】(小题1下列关于①②③④所代表的内容,搭配正确的是(  )

A. ①﹣﹣土壤比热容减小 B. ②﹣﹣地面蒸发的水量减小

C. ③﹣﹣地面植被覆盖率增加 D. ④﹣﹣气温年较差变大

2】(小题2①环节导致“大气温度变幅减小”,蕴含的地理原理是(  )

A. 大气的保温作用增强 B. 大气的保温作用减弱 C. 地理环境的差异性 D. 地理环境的整体性


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Facebook users may feel socially successful in cyberspace(虚拟空间) but they are more likely to perform poorly in exams,according to a new research into the academic impact of the social networking website.

About 83% of British 16 to 24yearolds are thought to use social networking sites such as Facebook,MySpace and Bebo(视频博客),to keep in touch with friends and organize their social lives.

“Our study shows people who spend more time on Facebook spend less time studying,”said Aryn Karpinski,a researcher in the education department at Ohio State University.“Every generation has its distractions,but I think Facebook is a unique phenomenon.”

Karpinski and a colleague questioned 219 US undergraduates and graduates about their study practices and general Internet use,as well as their specific use of Facebook.

They found that 65% of Facebook users accessed their account daily(刷新个人主页),usually checking it several times to see if they had received new messages.The amount of time spent on Facebook at each login varied from just a few minutes to more than an hour.

The Ohio report shows that students who used Facebook had a“significantly”lower grade point average—the marking system used in US universities—than those who did not use the site.

“It is the equivalent of the difference between getting an A and a B,”said Karpinski,who will present her findings this week to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

Some UK students have already spotted the potential danger.Daisy Jones,21,an undergraduate in her final year at Loughborough University,realized the time she was spending on Facebook was threatening her grades—prompting her to deactivate(注销) her account.

Jones is among the few to have recognized the risks.According to Karpinski's research,79% of Facebookusing students believed the time they spent on the site had no impact on their work.

Facebook said,“There is also academic research that shows the benefits of services like Facebook.It's in the hands of students,in consultation with their parents,to decide how to spend their time. ”

1According to the passage we know that most present students like to get in touch with their friends by ________.

A. sending short messages B. chatting online

C. Facebook site D. sending emails

2The study shows that compared to ones who avoid websites,the school results of the students who use social networking sites are ________.

A. the equivalent of the difference between getting an A and a B

B. not less grades in all studies

C. more ambitious to succeed in their studies

D. just the same

3Researchers' survey aimed at students on the following EXCEPT ________.

A. their study practices

B. their general Internet use

C. their specific use of Facebook

D. their habits of living

4In your opinion,this research result will appear as ________.

A. news B. text

C. report D. essay

