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【题目】A food chain is a simple way of explaining how each living thing gets its food.For examplea simple African food chain might consist of three parts(1)trees and bushes(2)giraffes; and(3)lions.Each link in a food chain is food for the next link.Food chains always start with plants and end with animals.

Plants are at the bottom of the food chain.Scientists call them producersbecause they use light energy from the sun to produce food from carbon dioxide and water through photosynthesis(光合作用)Animalsunlike plantscan't produce their own food.Insteadthey must eat plants or other animals.This is why scientists call them consumers.

Consumer animals fall into three categories.Herbivores eat only plants.Carnivores eat only other animals.Omnivores eat both plants and animals.In addition to producers and consumersthere are also decomposers.These organismssuch as bacteria and fungifeed on decaying matter.They help the food chain by speeding up the decaying process that releases minerals back into the soil to be absorbed by plants as nutrients.

Most food chains have only four or five links in them.As you go up a food chainthe amount of energy at each level diminishesbecause some of the energy is lost in the form of waste or is used up by the organism at that level.That is why it takes many plantsfor exampleto feed a few giraffes who in turn feed one lion.

Most animals are part of many different food chainsbecause they must eat more than one type of food to satisfy their energy needs.All of these interconnected food chains form a more complex structure called a food web.Humansfor exampleare at the center of a very complex food webbecause we tend to eat many different types of plants and animals.

【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章以食物链为话题,分析说明了自然界中动植物相互依存的关系,并提出了食物链中的主体——食草动物、食肉动物和草肉皆食动物。

1Which of the following tells us the African food chain?

ATreesgiraffes and lions live on one another.

BGiraffes eat lions and lions feed on bushes.

CLions live on giraffes and giraffes eat trees.

DBushes live on lions and lions eat giraffes.

2In the second paragraphthe author is mainly to________

Aemphasize the importance of the plants

Bcompare the plants and the animals

Cpresent the scientists' different views

Dexplain the producers and consumers

3The underlined word diminishes(in Paragraph 4)probably means________

Achanges Bdecreases

Ddisappears Dincreases

4Those that may lie in the centre of the food chain are______

Athe omnivores Bthe decomposers

Cthe herbivores Dthe carnivores

5What would be the best title for this passage?

AThe types of plants and animals

BThe differences among the living things

CThree categories of the consumers

DThe food chain in the natural world








1C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的最后两句“Each link in a food chain is food for the next link.Food chains always start with plants and end with animals.”可知,非洲食物链的依存关系。

2D 主旨大意题。很明显本段中主要介绍了食物链中的生产者和消费者。

3B 词义猜测题。根据下文中的“...because some of the energy is lost in the form of waste or is used up by the organism at that level.”可以推知,该词的意思是“减少”。

4A 推理判断题。根据第三段第四句和最后一段作者所列举的例子可知,既食草又食肉的动物位于食物链的核心。

5D 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了大自然中的食物链。


herbivore n. [] 食草动物

carnivore n. [] 食肉动物

omnivore n. [] 杂食动物;不偏食的人

interconnect v. 互相联系

【长难句分析】 Most animals are part of many different food chainsbecause they must eat more than one type of food to satisfy their energy needs.大多数动物是许多不同食物链的一部分,因为它们不只吃一种食物以满足自己的能量需求。

该句为复合句。句中because引导原因状语从句。另外,more than one意为“许多”;satisfy意为“使满足”。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1我国最需加强“海绵城市”建设的地区是( )

A. 东北地区 B. 西北地区 C. 华北地区 D. 青藏地区

2不属于造成城市“一雨即涝”的人为原因是( )

A. 城市用地改变了土地性质 B. 城市扩展破坏了原有的水系

C. 城市发展减少生物的种类 D. 城市建筑改变了原有的地貌

3下列活动不属于建设城市“海绵体”的是( )

A. 扩大城市绿地 B. 铺设透水路面

C. 建设地下雨水收集和储存系统 D. 扩建下水管道


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



①产业结构单一 ②环境污染严重 ③科学技术发展快 ④矿产可开采量减少

A①②③ B②③④ C①③④ D①②④







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A热量 B水分 C土壤 D光照


A蒸发量大 B多虫害

C地温低 D太阳辐射强


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


In most citiesrich or poor__1_ is the poorer that are most at risk from floods and natural disasters.It was __2_ poor of New Orleansnearly a third of the population_3__ lived in the lowestlying parts of the city and suffered most _4__ hurricanes.Similarlyit was the urban poor of Honduras and its neighbors __5_ were struck hardest by Hurricane Mitch in 1998.And it is the people of the slums(贫民窟) more widely in Latin America who are most likely to be attacked.

In some placestoo little waternot too much_6_(be) the problem.China's thirst for industry and _7__(irrigate) has combined with climate change to drain the aquifers(蓄水层)Droughts seem _8__(be) even more frequent in northern Chinaand southern cities such as Guangzhou are affectedtoo.Rivers are drying up: the Yellow River now flows to the sea for only a few weeks a year.And the rainwhen it comesis acid.To make matters __9__(bad)the glaciers that China and India _10_(part) depend on are melting.Benefits from extra water supplies will be shorttermand damaged by floods.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Two brothersone a bachelorthe other marriedowned a farm whose rich soil yielded(生产)a lot of grain.____of the grain went to one brother and half to the other.

All____well at first.Then every now and thenthe married man began to wake from his sleep at night and think:“This isn't____.My brother isn't marriedhe's all____and he gets only half the produce of the farm.Here I am with a wife and five kids____I have all the security(安全)I need for my old age.But who will____my poor brother when he gets oldHe needs to____much more for the future than he does at the presentso his need is____greater than mine.

____that he would get out of bed____over to his brother's place and pour a sackful of grain into his brother's granary(粮仓)

The bachelor brother____began to get the same____.Every once in a while he would____from his sleep and say to himself:“My brother has a(n)___and five kids and he gets only half the produce of the land.Now I have no one except myself to____.So should my poor brotherwhose need is clearly greater than minereceive____as much as I do?” Then he would get out of bed and pour a sackful of grain into his brother's granary.

One night they got out of bed at the same time and____to meet on the wayeach with a sackful of grain on his____

Many years laterafter their deaththe____leaked out(泄露)So when the townsfolk wanted to build a churchthey____the spot at which the two brothers metfor they could not think of any place in the town that was better than that one.

【语篇导读】 在收获的季节,兄弟俩总是平均分配劳动成果,但是即使这样,他们都在互相为对方着想。兄弟俩之间所发生的故事让很多人感动。

1A.Some BMuch CHalf DMost

2A.left Bwent Cended Dchanged

3A.fair Btrue Cfine Deasy

4A.rich Bstrong Chonest Dalone

5A.or Bso Cfor Dbut

6A.know about Bdepend on Ctalk with Dcare for

7A.spend Bearn Csave Daccept

8A.obviously Bfinally Cslowly Dluckily

9A.For BOn CWith DAt

10A.turn Bsteal Cjump Dlook

11A.even Bstill Cnever Dtoo

12A.worry Baward Cresult Dchance

13A.suffer Bhear Cwake Dreturn

14A.classmate Bwife Cfriend Duncle

15A.blame Bpersuade Cencourage Dsupport

16A.hardly Bnearly Cexactly Dalmost

17A.happened Bagreed Crefused Ddecided

18A.way Bhead Chand Dback

19A.joke Bstory Chumor Dhistory

20A.avoided Bdesigned Cchose Denjoyed


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Oncea rabbit built a fantastic warren(大杂院)He____very happily there.He had designed it so well that____a great rainstorm arrivedwhich flooded nearly the whole woodand the homes of many animalshis____untouched.

Soonone after anotherthe____animals came to his doorasking if they could spend that___with him in his warren.He__each visitor inand the warren filled up____until there was no room left.This discomfort didn't____the rabbitbecause he felt he was being generous.

One day in springwhen all the animals had returned to their____homesthe rabbit was hopping along so absentmindedly that he didn't___that a lynx(山猫)was lying in wait for him.__ __of the animals who had spent the winter in the rabbit's warren saw thisand warned the rabbit of the danger____in time.He offered a warm invitation to the rabbit to live in his home with him___.

The lynx destroyed that home____the rabbit managed to escape and run to hide in the home of____friend.For a whole daythe lynx____the rabbit from cave to cavebut the rabbit___managed to save his skinhelped all the time by the friends he had offered shelter to in the winter.

He felt very____not only for having escaped the lynxbut also____having made so many friends in the forestthanks to his own____to others.In his life he always tried his best to offer kindness to anyone in trouble.

【语篇导读】 在暴风雨之后,好多动物无家可归,是兔子收留了它们;当兔子遇到困难,是它收留过的动物给予帮助,为此,兔子很感动。

1A.worked Blived Cslept Dstudied

2A.while BuntilCbefore Dwhen

3A.became BgrewCremained Dseemed

4A.homeless Bfearless Ccareess Dhelpless

5A.spring BsummerCautumn Dwinter

6A.forced Bstopped Cinvited Ddrove

7A.gradually Bquickly Csuddenly Dsecretly

8A.interrupt Binjure Cenjoy Dbother

9A.large Bold Cbroken Dmodern

10A.realize Bagree Cunderstand Dexplain

11A.Some BMany COne DNeither

12A.still Bjust Ceven Dalso

13A.for sure Bon time Cin relief Dat once

14A.but Band Cso Dfor

15A.last Bnext Cother Danother

16A.searched Battended Cfollowed Dprotected

17A.never Balways Chardly Doften

18A.moved BsurprisedCworried Dpuzzled

19A.on Bwith Cfor Din

20A.patience Bkindness apology Dexcuse


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A有革命圣地延安及特色窑洞景观 B地处温带草原和荒漠过渡地区

C受降水影响形成深厚土层和沟壑 D农业地域类型为传统稻作农业







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



In June 2013, a five-year-old boy, Toby, was walking home from school thinking about the long summer ahead. Money was tight that year and Toby’s parents had told him they would not be able to afford a holiday.

Instead of dreaming about foreign travel, he had been reading a book, Letter to New Zealand, where the author explains what happens in an envelope’s journey from England to the other side of the world. As they neared their house, Toby asked his mum, Sabine, if he could write a letter to New Zealand. After a few more steps, he was struck by an even better idea. “Can I write a letter to every country in the world?”

Sabine says she often wonders what would have happened if she had replied differently that day. “It was just one of those typical questions that five-year-old have,” she says. “If he had asked me in the evening when I was tired, I might have refused. But as parents you realize there’s a lot of power in just allowing kids to have a go. Also, it seemed a nice way to do some armchair exploration. So I told him” Let’s see how far you get.”

The answer was very far indeed. Toby has since written and posted letters to all 193 UN member states, as well as numerous other bad-conditioned areas with comforting ones.

To date he has written 681 letters—the best of which have been selected to appear in a new book called Dear World, How Are You? - although so productive is Toby’ pen that the number will have risen by the time you read this.

“Writing these letters has made me realize that the world isn’t actually all that big,” he says with a grin.

In the future, part of him would like to be a musical director to turn his beloved Star Wars into a ballet. Of course, he also hopes to travel the globe in person to see some of the countries where his letters have ended up.

“We’re so lucky to have this wonderful world, and I hope we can live on planet Earth in peace.”

【1】Why did Toby want to write letters to other countries?

A. He was good at writing.

B. He got inspired by a book.

C. He was eager to go abroad.

D. He wanted others to help his family.

【2】From Toby’s mother’s words, we know that at first____.

A. she got tired of her son’s request

B. she believed her son would succeed

C. she thought her son’s idea was of no value

D. she thought she should give her son a try

【3】What’s the influence of writing letters to Toby?

A. He has to put his letters into a book.

B. He understands more about the world.

C. He becomes productive in writing stories.

D. He has traveled to 193 UN number states.

【4】How can we describe Toby?

A. Clever and persistent.

B. Brave and strong-willed.

C. Ambitious and kind-hearted.

D. Hardworking and humorous.

