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【题目】A Garden That’s Just Right for You

Have you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you, where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum(总和) of its parts? 【1】 . But it doesn’t happen by accident. It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.


Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses of color. Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers(肥料). 3 . However, there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden. One of them comes from our earliest years.

●Recall(回忆) your childhood memories

Our model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood. Grandma’s rose garden and Dad’s vegetable garden might be good or bad, but that’s not what’s important. 4 --how being in those gardens made us feel. If you’d like to build a powerful bond with your garden, start by taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth. 5 then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden. Have fun.

A. Know why you garden

B. Find a good place for your own garden

C. It’s our experience of the garden that matters

D. It’s delightful to see so many beautiful flowers

E. Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plants

F. You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, too

G. For each of those gardens, writer down the strongest memory you have









【1】根据前两句提出:你是否参观过那些让你非常好的花园?你也可以自己弄一个属于你自己的花园,故F 符合上下文串联。

【2】根据前两段可知不同的园艺有不同的原因,再倒数第二句“然而有很多原因解释了你为何要做园艺”可知我们首先明白为何做园艺,故A 符合逻辑。





科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



If you know something is bad for you,why can’t you just stop?About 70% of smokers say they would like to stop.Drug and alcohol abusers struggle to give up the bad habits that hurt their bodies and destroy families and friendships.And many of us have unhealthy weight that we could lose if only we would eat right and exercise more.So why don’t we do it?

Some scientists have been searching for answers.They’ve studied what happens in our brains as habits form.They’ve found answers to why bad habits,once formed,are so difficult to kick.And they’re developing ways to help us make the changes we’d like to make.

Habits are a normal part of life,and are often helpful.“We wake up every morning,shower,comb our hair or brush our teeth without being aware of it,” Volkow says.We can drive along familiar routes without really thinking about the directions.“When behaviors become automatic,it gives us an advantage,because the brain does not have to perform the action on purpose,” Volkow says.This frees up our brains to focus on different things.

One way to kick bad habits is to focus on your unhealthy habits.Then try your best to stop them.For example,habits can be linked in our minds to certain places and activities.You could develop a plan,to avoid walking down the hall where there’s a candy machine.Try to avoid going to places where you’ve usually smoked.Stay away from friends and situations linked to problem drinking or drug use.

Another helpful way is to replace unhealthy habits with new,healthy ones.“It doesn’t work for everyone,” Volkow says.“But certain groups of patients who have a history of taking drugs can do something else like running and it helps them stay away from drugs.”








科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:








A.太阳内部 B.日冕层 C.光球层 D.色球层


A.两极出现极夜现象 B.莫斯科出现极光

C.无线电短波通讯受到影响 D.我国地震频发


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is observed that Internet addicts spend most of their time surfing the Internet without a certain purpose. __【1】_ The Internet is one powerful network, which holds the potential to keep you hooked on for hours. Here is some advice on how to get over Internet addiction.

●Accept that you are addicted to the Internet. It's the first step towards getting over it. Internet addiction is one of the most dangerous forms of addiction, because, at first, you don't even realize that you're an addict. Analyze your daytoday routine, and cheek it. _【2】__

●Develop a hobby. Our mind always needs something to keep it engaged. Learning to play an instrument, paint, sing, dance, etc., can be of great help to keep yourself positive. The time spent practicing an art is worthwhile. __【3】__

●Use reference books. These days, school students are making use of Internet sources for completing homework and project work. Using readymade notes to do your homework would not only make you lazy and addicted to the Internet, but also weaken your analytical ability. _【4】_ The process of reading and analyzing information can also keep them away from the Internet.

●Go to bed early. Staying up late is one of the main reasons most people get hooked on the net. _【5】__ By going to bed early, you can get rid of this addiction, and it will also keep your mind and body in a healthier state.

A. Scientists advise students to develop a hobby at first.

B. This behavior is widely believed to be a dangerous habit.

C. Before you surf the Internet, you should set the time limit first.

D. Students must be encouraged to make good use of reference books.

E. Only then can you take some positive steps towards getting over this habit.

F. Once we get into the habit of sleeping late, we tend to search for things to do online.

G. When you are doing something worthwhile, the mind becomes relaxed and more focused.



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 原料 B. 技术 C. 市场 D. 政策


A. 耕地面积广大 B. 运费低廉 C. 区域专业化生产 D. 劳动力素质高


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:













A.中心商务区 B.接近消费者的居民区

C.商业区 D.交通方便的城乡结合部







科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】The tourist bus winded its way into a mountainous area.When it was __ to make a turn, two passengers a __ of young lovers were so attracted by the beautiful scenery that they __ a stop to get down.They were left behind and the bus went __. Suddenly they heard a loud boom __ of the road.It was a huge rock rolling down in the landslide that hit the bus and fell with it into a deep valley. The lovers were greatly __ by the news that no passengers on board __. When they calmed down they __ and expressed their feelings in a few words.

The above story was told by a guide when we were riding a tourist __ to a scenic mountain.He asked us to guess what the lovers said __ after the disaster that they had narrowly escaped.

Often we read reports about traffic accidents, among which there were __ ones who missed the bus and____the disaster.Those people usually said with a sigh of __. “Fortunately I was not on board.” On our bus the passengers’ __ to the guide were various.

But the answer was quite out of our expectation. “If we hadn’t got down and __ the bus, it would have __ the dangerous spot and all the passengers would have survived.”

The story passed from person to person as a sort of wit(智慧) test, but I think _. It actually serves as a (n)__ of a person’s mind.I pay my heartfelt respect to the couple who, instead of feeling lucky, __ themselves for causing the loss of lives.People all have heart for __, but it is often a flashing thought across one’s mind that decides whether it is good or evil (邪恶的).

【1】A. ready B. Time C. asked D. about

【2】A. couple B. Group C. party D. row

【3】A. got to B. called for C.caught sight of D. looked for

【4】A. away B. In C. on D. by

【5】A. along B. ahead C. across D. opposite

【6】A. shocked B. scared C. moved D. confused

【7】A. died B. saved C. survived D. witnessed

【8】A. shouted B. screamed C. fought D. sighed

【9】A. car B. bike C. road D. bus

【10】A. immediately B. even C. only D. ever

【11】A. lazy B. selfish C. lucky D. strange

【12】A. missed B. avoided C. caused D. remarked

【13】A. sorrow B. innocence C. relief D. regret

【14】A. emotions B. expressions C. replies D. attitudes

【15】A. caught B. delayed C. missed D. took

【16】A. seen B. passed C. jumped D. overlooked

【17】A. otherwise B. more C. whatever D. seriously

【18】A. examinatio B. change C. quality D. state

【19】A. thought B. blamed C. enjoyed D. helped

【20】A. happiness B. excuse C. honor D. Mercy



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:













科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】浅层地能主要指地球浅层地表数百米内的土壤砂石和地下水所蕴藏的低温热能。据专家测量,我国近百米内的土壤每年可采集的低温能量达1.5万亿千瓦,是我国目前发电装机容量4亿千瓦的3 750倍,而百米内地下水每年可采集的低温能量也有2亿千瓦。由于储量大,分布普遍,被喻为绿色聚宝盆。据此回答下列各题。


A.地壳 B.地幔 C.地核 D.软流层


A.太阳辐射 B.地面辐射 C.大气辐射 D.地球内部

