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When you are living a fully-scheduled life, every minute counts. No matter how many ways you divide your _ there-s never enough time in a day to catch up.

Six years ago, I was - with a care-free, stop-and-smell-the-roses type of . When I needed to rush out, she was taking her sweet picking out a purse and a shining crown. When I needed to have a 1unch, she'd stop to speak to the elderly woman who looked like her grandma. Whenever my child caused me to deviate(偏离) from my main , I thought to myself, we don-t have time for this. , the two words I most commonly spoke to my little lover of life were: " !"

Then one day, things _ . We'd just picked up my older daughter from kindergarten and were getting out of the car. Seeing her little sister not going fast enough for her liking, my older daughter said, "You are so . " When the older one crossed her own arms, it dawned on me that her annoyed look - that of mine. I saw the damage my hurried existence was doing to _ . of my children.

Though my to slow down was made almost three years ago, Living at a slower pace still takes great effort. My younger daughter is my living of why I must keep trying. In fact, she reminded me once again the other day. When I thought my little child was going to eat the last of n ice cream, she held out a spoonful of it. "I saved the last for you," she said. At that moment, I I'd just got the deal of a lifetime. I gave my child a little time, and unexpectedly, , she reminded me that things taste and love comes easier when you stop through life.

Pausing to delight in the simple joys of daily life is the only way to truly live. Trust me, I learned from the world's born in joyful living.

【1】A. attention B. memory C. love D. experience

【2】A. bored B. blessed C. content D. patient

【3】A. sister B. grandma C. son D. daughter

【4】A. time B. ice cream C. step D. lunch

【5】A. big B. quick C. nutritious D. joyful

【6】A. goal B. responsibility C. schedule D. interest

【7】A. Consequently B. Frankly C. Surprisingly D. Unusually

【8】A. Cheer up B. Pull up C. Shut up D. Hurry up

【9】A. improved B. changed C. appeared D. worsened

【10】A. silly B. excited C. careful D. slow

【11】A. silenced B. contradicted C. mirrored D. encouraged

【12】A. both B. all C. some D. neither

【13】A. demand B. offer C. promise D. mistake

【14】A. reminder B. memory C. image D. example

【15】A. half B. bite C. cup D. piece

【16】A. wondered B. realized C. recognized D. valued

【17】A. in conclusion B. in short C. in return D. in fact

【18】A. hotter B. softer C. sourer D. sweeter

【19】A. rushing B. going C. getting D. suviving

【20】A. scientist B. magician C. expert D. designer
























【1】A考查名词。A.注意力B.记忆力C 爱D.经历。句意:无论你用多少种方法把你的注意力分开来,每天的时间都是不够的。选A。

【2】B考查形容词。A.厌烦的B.祝福的C.满足的D.耐心的。be blessed with是固定搭配,意为幸运地享有。选B。


【4】A考查名词。A.时间B.冰淇淋C.步伐D.午饭。句意:她慢腾腾地拿出钱包和闪闪的花冠。take one’s time:不着急,慢慢来,固定搭配,选A。







【11】C考查动词。A.安静B.反驳C. 映照;反映D.鼓励。句意:她那生气的表情映照了我的表情,选C。


【13】C考查名词。A.要求B.提议C.承诺D.错误。句意:尽管三年前我做了要放慢节奏的承诺,选C,make a promice.









科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


推广太阳能、核能 降低化石能源占一次性能源消费的比重

减少森林面积 提高单位GDP能耗

A①② B①③ C②③ D②④


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Do you think you could learn a language in an hour?

We know, we know! We would expect you to be skeptical. It’s ridiculous to think you can learn a language in 60 minutes. You wouldn’t even get through the As in a bilingual dictionary in that amount of time! Best-case situation: in an hour, most of us could probably stuff a few words and ready-made phrases into our short-term memory (with a high likelihood of forgetting it all by the following day). Accomplishing anything more than that in one hour? Impossible. Unless…

We posed the one-hour language challenge to four polyglots(通晓数种语言的人) who are experts on how to study languages. To keep the challenge from becoming completely impossible, we gave them a bit of a break: to learn Romanian in one hour. Why Romanian? Because it’s a Romance language and shares many similarities with the languages that the polyglots already know: French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. And to make sure their hour of learning was as effective as possible, all of them were assigned a personal Romanian tutor to help coach them on their way to success.

Although each polyglot has a different technique for picking up and remembering a new language, all four methods offer valuable insights to anyone, from casual learners to hard-core language enthusiasts.

Alex Rawlings UK

"I’m a bit nervous. This is probably the craziest language-learning thing I’ve ever done, but learning languages has always been about fun. I expect that, after this, I’ll be prepared to have a simple chat over a coffee in Romanian. Is that reasonable?"

Method: Learn the verbs first

With only an hour until he had to start demonstrating his grasp of Romanian, Alex knew he had to start talking quickly. He chose to focus first on commonly used verbs and how to conjugate(动词变形) them. Once he had some verbs down, he could start collecting nouns from his tutor and plugging them in to make more interesting and relevant sentences.

Luca Lampariello Italy

"Every time I have a conversation with native speakers, it really motivates me. Human contact is really important when learning a language."

Method: Start speaking right away

Speaking doesn’t mean speaking perfectly. Speaking even a little bit is a huge confidence boost. When you can say something in a new language and people actually understand you, it’s very motivating. Yes, you’ll make mistakes, but you’ll also learn faster than if you try to get it all perfect in your head first.

Michael Youlden UK

"We all speak a variety of Romance languages which I think will help us get into Romanian quickly."

Method: Write everything down

Language learning is about recall; there’s no use learning something if you don’t remember it. Speaking new words aloud is very important, but so is writing them down after all, words exist as sounds and in written form. Taking notes is a proven way to put new vocabulary and grammar into your memory. Writing supports memorizing which supports speaking... it’s a cycle. Plus, you have an easy reference when you want to review what you’ve learned.

Matthew Youlden UK

"I’m going to look for the patterns and similarities with languages I already know. We won’t be able to speak fluently after an hour of study, but we should be able to get by with some basic vocabulary and phrases."

Method: Look for cognates

Cognates are words in different languages that look and sound similar and have the same meaning, due to a common origin. Almost every language combination contains cognates (even if two languages aren’t seemingly related), but languages from the same language family have many more. Whichever language you are learning, identify the familiar words and then use them to anchor the new words that aren’t so familiar. To use English as an example, because it’s a sort of Germanic-Romance hybrid, English already has many words that cognate with German, Dutch and Swedish on one hand, and on the other hand it also has lots of words that cognate with French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and, of course, Romanian!

Learn a language with courses designed by the experts. Start here, today!

Pick a language to learn. German, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, and Swedish.

Four Learning Methods From Four Language 1】:How To Make Meaningful Progress In Your First Hour

The people who are 2】

Four polyglots who are good at learning languages

The language they are to study


3】 limits 1 hour

1 hour

The reason for choosing the target language

Romanian has much in 4】 with their familiar


The 5】to learning

the language

the language Alex: give 6】 to commonly used verbs; add some 7】to make sentences

Luca: attach great 8】to speaking; don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Michael: take notes to keep new words and grammar in


Matthew: try to10】 similar words and patterns with familiar languages


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A原料供应充足 B交通运输便捷 C市场庞大 D技术领先


A原料产地 B廉价劳动力 C消费市场 D先进技术


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A.初秋 B.春季

C.寒冬 D.深秋


A.东北平原 B.江淮一带

C.珠江三角洲 D.四川盆地


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】据央视新闻4月17日报道,江苏常州外国语学校近500名学生被检出血液指标异常、白细胞减少等症状,罪魁祸首疑为学校北边的一片化工厂旧址。环境检测结果显示:该地块地下水和土壤中的氯苯浓度分别超标达94799倍和78899倍。涉毒地块的那些化工厂已经搬走,但它们的余毒仍在。 有时候为了省事,不光将有毒废水直接排出厂外,还将危险废物偷偷埋到了地下



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The secret to happiness is keeping busy, research has found.

Keeping the mind with tasks—no matter how meaningless— negative emotions. However, the bad news is that humans seem born to be in order to save energy, according to Professor Christopher Hsee, a behavioral scientist at Chicago University.

In a study 98 students were asked to two surveys. After they had completed the first they were made to wait 15 minutes to the next one. They were given a choice of handing in the first survey nearby or at a more distant they had to walk to. option they chose, they received a chocolate bar. Two-thirds (68 per cent) chose the option. Those who had taken the walk reported happier than those who had put. Prof Hsee keeping busy helped keep people happy.

He said the findings, in the journal Psychological Science, had policy implications. “Governments may increase the happiness of idle citizens by having them build bridges that are actually ”, he proposed.

At the individual level, he advised: “Get up and do something. . there really is no point to you are doing, you will feel better for it. He : “Incidentally, thinking deeply or engaging in self-reflection counts as keeping busy, too. You do not need to be running around, —you just need to be , either physically or .

【1】 A. taken B. occupied C. filled D. crowded

【2】A. breaks away from B. takes away from C. keeps away from D. gets away from

【3】 A. hardworking B. lazy C. clever D. foolish

【4】A. perform B. attend C. do D. complete

【5】A. show B. win C. earn D. receive

【6】A. neither B. either C. nor D. both

【7】A. location B. situation C. discussion D. competition

【8】A. Whatever B. Wherever C. However D. Whichever

【9】A. anxious B. eager C. lazy D. laborious

【10】A. looking B. feeling C. sounding D. appearing

【11】A. remained B. stayed C. waited D. kept

【12】A. considered B. regarded C. concluded D. proved

【13】A. stated B. declared C. announced D. reported

【14】A. useless B. useful C. imaginative D. creative

【15】A. Anything B. Something C. Nothing D. Everything

【16】A. As if B. Even if C. Even as D. Ever since

【17】A. which B. what C. whether D. where

【18】 A. described B. added C. remained D. predicted

【19】A. connected B. informed C. engaged D. concerned

【20】A. generally B. mentally C. usually D. normally


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

All houses should have a kitchen window. At least,for me,there is a lot to see in the view from my kitchen window.

It was a spring day,and I was washing the dishes when I happened to of the kitchen window into the backyard. My husband,Mike,was out cultivating the garden with a . Our son,Jeremy,who was four years old at the time was right him. Mike was moving the plough very in order to do a good job of breaking up the soil for . My son was just inches behind my husband and each time Mike took a step,Jeremy took a step. He would carefully put his own small in the huge footmark from my husband’s boot. He took a with his right foot and then his left and then he would wait for when it would be time to take the next step. Although Jeremy didn’t know it,his father had been over him all the time,even when he stumbled (绊) and . That view from my kitchen window has in my mind until this day. In one way it is a of the need of a child for a father’s good example.

It is also an illustration for all of us. How many times I have walked ahead of my father, to find dry and hard ground that I couldn’t because it hadn’t been ploughed yet. I got into because I didn’t wait for my father to go before me and the way.

At other times,I became of waiting for the next step and began looking around at all the rocks of the world that led me to my road. Like Jeremy,all I needed was to turn around and my eyes on my father who had also been watching over me all the time.

1】A. turn outB. make outC. carry outD. look out

2】A. stickB. tractorC. ploughD. cow

3】A. behindB. besideC. beforeD. above

4】A. quicklyB. slowlyC. eagerlyD. simply

5】A. plantingB. growingC. harvestingD. watering

6】A. handB. footC. bodyD. head

7】A. hitB. providedC. builtD. made

8】A. walkB. restC. stepD. chance

9】A. patientlyB. unpleasantlyC. angrilyD. honestly

10】A. staringB. glancingC. spyingD. watching

11】A. satB. fellC. criedD. shouted

12】A. enteredB. pressedC. stoppedD. remained

13】A. pictureB. lookC. playD. model

14】A. usuallyB. onlyC. generallyD. surprisingly

15】A. tryB. changeC. standD. manage

16】A. resultB. conclusionC. troubleD. experience

17】A. quitB. protectC. prepareD. point

18】A. afraidB. separatedC. worriedD. tired

19】A. findB. missC. preventD. continue

20】A. spreadB. drawC. fixD. put


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



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