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【题目】The average income of the Changzhou, though still well below that of Suzhou, has been on the increase and is three times ________it was in 2001.

A. that B. which C. what D. How


【解析】考查倍数比较的表达。句意:常州的人均收入虽然仍低于苏州,但是一直在增长,现在是2001年的三倍。我们先分析句子,句中是The average income of the Changzhou,that of Suzhou 以及________it was in 2001的三者比较。从句意我们知道that of Suzhou “that”指的是收入,同理推出“________it was in 2001”中“________it was”这一部分肯定也是指收入的英文表达,所以空格中只能选what引导的名词性从句。例如:The college is twice what it was 5 years ago. 这所大学是它五年前的两倍大。故选C。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:







2月 6月~7月上旬





A.需就近加工 B.生产量小 C.使用量小 D.分布广泛


A.甲国产区纬度高于乙国产区 B.冬季气温甲国产区高于乙国产区

C.甲国产区纬度低于乙国产区 D.冬季气温甲国产区低于乙国产区


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】The “selfie” is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone. Someone takes about 10 selfies each time he does, and he only ends up 【1】 (post) one or two of those. He picks the one that he feels make him look the 2 (good).In that picture, he gains confidence. For that moment, everything bad or terrible that has happened to him 3 (remove), because that smile is what gives him the 4 (determine) to love himself.

I read 5 poem recently and the young man said, “If I ask you 6 you love, the answers will most likely roll off your tongue. You love to read. You love to write. You love your mum, you daughter, or your best friend. How long do you think you can go on and on before you say ‘I love 7 (I)’?”

That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve struggled with confidence all my life. I still do. And in 8 way am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway 9 confidence. 【10 , the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves.



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A1 B2 C3 D4


A.恒星、行星、卫星 B.星云、恒星、行星

C.行星、恒星、小行星 D.恒星、小行星、流星体

【3】It is not just a planet, It is our home.这是对地球在宇宙中地位的恰如其分的评价。地球的特殊性表现在(

A.体积是八大行星中最小的 B.质量是八大行星中最大的

C.是太阳系中唯一有生命的行星 D.既有自转运动又有绕日公转运动


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】All her time________ experiments, she has no time for films.

A. devoted to do.

B. devoted to doing.

C. devoting to doing .

D. is devoted to doing.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】________, I think, and the problems could be settled.

A. If you double your efforts

B. So long as you keep up your spirits

C. Making greater efforts

D. A bit more efforts


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



A. 不变 B. 调慢半小时 C. 拨快半小时 D. 拨快1小时


A. 不变 B. 减少半小时 C. 增加半小时 D. 增加1小时


A. 朝鲜此日昼短夜长

B. 此时地球公转速度较快

C. 此日直射点位于北半球且正向北移动

D. 此时南极附近出现极夜现象


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Given the tradition of students bringing apples to their teachers, it somehow seems fitting that an old apple barn(谷仓) will find a new life as a one-room schoolhouse. And it is just as fitting that a retired schoolteacher will become the caretaker of that historic treasure.

My friend Velma, a teacher for more than 30 years, has been retired for some time now, but that doesn’t stop her giving history lessons at the old Englewood School, located on her family’s California farm. The lovingly restored building was constructed around 1850 as a home for a woodsman and later was used as apple barn. Then, in 1870 it began a new life as a schoolhouse.

Originally located in the nearby Englewood meadow, it was now moved its current site in 1978 by Velma’s late husband and his brother, Robert and Richard, who thought it would help keep Velma busy in retirement. No nails had been used in the original construction, so each piece of wood had to be carefully marked and the building was reassembled(重装)on its new site. The brothers worked with much care and hard work to ensure a perfect fit of mitered(斜接的)corners.

After the relocation, Velma and her family furnished the school with some of its original desks. They also added a collection of schoolbooks, the oldest dating back to 1845. Perhaps the school’s most cherished souvenir is the diploma of student Hettie Essig, who graduated on June 30, 1904. Hettie’s daughter, Flora, presented Velma with the precious keepsake.

Nowadays Velma gives tours to local schoolchildren and other groups, who learn what it was like to attend school back in the good old days. She has kids ring the school bell, recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing “Good Morning to You” as they might have done in days gone by. Then, with twinkling eyes and much enthusiasm, she tells the history of the school, and gives a short sample lesson.

【1】The Englewood School was originally built as ________.

A. a man’ s house

B. a schoolhouse

C. a restroom

D. an apple barn

【2】Which word can best describe the school’s being relocated?

A. Inspiring.B. Refreshing.C. Fashionable.D. Challenging.

【3】What does the underlined part “the precious keepsake” in Para.4 mean?

A. The school’s original supplies.

B. The collection of schoolbooks.

C. The oldest schoolbook.

D. The diploma of Hettie Essig.

【4】Which can serve as the best title of the passage?

A. The Good Old Days in the Schoolhouse

B. A Mysterious Building with a Long History

C. A Historic One-room Schoolhouse

D. A Teacher Devoted to Restoring Old Buildings


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Id appreciate _______if you could come and help me once more and I always appreciate _______me with my English in the past.

A. this; you to help B. that; your helping

C. it; you to help D. it; your helping

