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Max Vernon Mathews has been called the father of computer music. He created electronic tools so that people could use computers as musical instruments. He had a huge influence on the development of electronic music and how it is written, recorded and played.

In 1957, Max Mathews wrote the first computer program that enabled a computer to create sound and play it back. At the time, he was working as an engineer at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey. His computer program was called Music. It enabled a large IBM computer to play a seventeen-second piece of music that he had written.

The computer was so slow that it would have taken an hour to play the piece of music in seventeen seconds. For that reason, Mathews moved the work to a tape player, which could be sped up to play the music at a normal speed. He later said that the sound quality of the musical notes was not great, but the technical importance of the music was huge.

The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke visited Bell Laboratories in the 1960s. He heard a computer “sing” the song “Daisy Bell” on devices and programs developed by Max Mathews and other engineers. Clarke noted this technology in his book “2001: A Space Odyssey,” which was later made into a movie.

Mathews continued creating other versions of the Music program. He became interested in how computers could help musicians outside recording studios.

Max Mathews had a long and productive career. He worked with composers like John Cage and Edgard Varese. He helped create a center for research in computer music in Paris. And he taught at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics in Stanford University in California.

Mathews believed modern musicians were not making full use of the power of computer music. He said a violin always sounds like a violin, but with a computer, the way a violin sounds is unlimited. He said he did not want computer sounds to replace live music. But he said he hoped laptop computers would one day be considered serious instruments.

【1】 How did the program Music work according to the computer?

A. It helped design a computer program.

B. It made sound and play it on a computer.

C. It could record a seventeen-second piece of music.

D. It enabled a large IBM computer to work faster.

【2】 Mathews was likely to think that .

A. the first computer music was technically important.

B. the first piece of computer music was too short

C. the IBM computer was fit for creating slow music

D. the first piece of computer music wasn’t music indeed

【3】Which of the following is true?

A. Clarke helped develop computer music.

B. Mathews became a character in a movie later on.

C. Computer music was mentioned in Clarke’s book.

D. Clarke saw Mathews operate a singing computer.

【4】 It is implied in the last paragraph that .

A. Mathew wanted computers to take the place of live music.

B. a violin does make much better sounds than a computer

C. a computer can help improve sounds of traditional musical instruments

D. laptops are more suitable to be used as serious musical instruments








【1】细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句His computer program was called Music. It enabled a large IBM computer to play a seventeen-second piece of music that he had written.可知,它可以让电脑弹奏音乐。故 选B。

【2】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句He later said that the sound quality of the musical notes was not great, but the technical importance of the music was huge可知,马修斯认为第一曲计算机音乐虽然不尽如 人意,但是其意义重大。故选A。

【3】细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句Clarke noted this technology in his book " 2001 :A Space Odyssey," which was later made into a movie 可知,克拉克在他的书中提到了计算机音乐。故选C。

【4】推理判断题。根据最后一段句子He said a violin always sounds like a violin, but with a computer, the way a violin sounds is unlimited 和最后一句But he said he hoped laptop computers would one day be considered serious instruments.可推断,电脑有助于改善传统乐器的音效。故选C。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:








Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank you with your kind help. Before you came to teach us, I had not interest in English. My pronunciation was terribly. I could only speak a few words. But one and a half year later, I now think English fun to learn. I got a lot from your encouraging words. I would always remember what you said. “If you try to, you can be No.1!” I hope you’ll have a pleasant journey home but will come to China again sometimes in the future, I will write again and send you photos we take together.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


No sooner he got home than he found that a thief had broken In.


B. did

C. has

D. does


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


More than 1,250 lit stalls(货摊)brighten the center of Thailand’s capital city, 41 (provide) a multicolored sight. The shelter, 42 is designed for the thousands of traders and shoppers at Bangkok’s night market, has become an 43 (attract) itself.

The market, which 44 (call) Train Night Market Ratchada in English, was opened in January 2015 and has become 45 popular spot for locals and tourists. Software engineer Prasad Ambati visited the market and took the landscape photographs from a nearby car park. "Those 46 (color) tents and people shopping, eating at stalls and the flashing lights were great. The tents made me think of a giant painting."

This is 47 (primary) a market that sells yesteryear(旧时) goods, old-fashioned 48 (collection) of clothes, motorbikes, and second-hand toys. There are also plenty of general market things for sale, 49 cheap clothes, shoes, bags, and other fashion items. But above all it’s one of the best places for street food, open-air bars with live music frequently 50 (perform) all over.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Are you going into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in at this hotel during the winter. Why? Because this hotel is built every December. It has 32 rooms and 80 people can stay there each night. The hotel even has a movie theatre, art gallery, and church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made out of ice.

Because this hotel is so unusual, it is becoming very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designed ice dishes and experience the unique atmosphere. Some couples have even gotten married in the hotel's ice church. But all these guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between 2℃ and 5℃. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep the room cozy until morning.

【1】What is the best title of this passage?

A.How the Ice Hotel is built

B.What makes the Ice Hotel special

C.Why the Ice Hotel is made of ice

D.The services of the Ice Hotel

2What can't you do in the hotel according to the passage?

A.Watch a movie. B.Get married.

C.Eat an interesting meal. D.Go swimming.

3Why is sleeping NOT a problem in the hotel?

A.The rooms are warm.

B.The temperature is -2℃.

C.The sleeping bags are warm.

D.The furniture is warm.

4In which part of the hotel would you probably find “plates”?

A.The church. B.The restaurant.

C.The rooms. D.The art gallery.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Paris has some great museums ______ visitors can see fine works of

impressionist painters.

A. where

B. which

C. that

D. when


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



In the United States, there were 222 people 【1】_________(report)to be billionaires(亿万富翁)in 2003. The 2__________(rich)of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money 3__________starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old4_______he first helped 5________(set up)the company in 1976. He was a billionaire by then. 6_________, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even 7________(young)ages. Other young people who have 8________(strike)it rich include Jackie Cogan and Shirley Temple. Both of these child actors made over a million dollars 9________(act)in movies before they were 14. But the youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited(继承)a billion dollars when he 【10_________(turn)18!


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】If you want to slow down,you must ________ harder on the brakes.

A.take B.press C.sweep D.carry


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】请你以The power of humor为话题写一篇短文,谈谈幽默在生活中的重要作用。


