精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情


Dont use words and expressions or phrases only to people with specific knowledge.

A. being known

B. having known

C. to be known

D. known




科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】--- Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me.

--- Sure. (2012~2013.浙江温州龙湾中学高一第一次月考)

A. What help?

B. What is this?

C. What is it?

D. What do you want?


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Jack and Joan decided to get married. As the big day was coming, they grew upset because each of them had a problem they had never before ____ with each other.

Jack decided to ____ his father for advice. “Father,” he said. “I am ____ concerned about the success of my ___. I love Joan very much, ____ you see, I have very ____ feet, and I'm afraid that Joan will be put off by them.”

“No problem,”said Dad. “All you have to do is to ____ your feet as often as possible, and always wear socks, even to ____.”Well, to him this seemed to be a solution (解决办法).

Joan decided to take her ____ up with her mom. “Mom,” she said. “when I ____ in the morning my breath is truly terrible.” “Honey,”her mother comforted her. “Everyone has bad ____ in the morning.” “No, you don't understand. My morning breath is so bad that I'm afraid Jack will not want to sleep in the same room with me.”

Her mother said simply, “Try this. In the morning, ____ straight out of bed, and head for the bathroom and brush your teeth. The key is, not to ____ a word until you've brushed your teeth.”

The loving couple were finally married. Not ____ the advice each had received, he with his socks and she with her morning ____, they got on quite well. But six months ___, the husband woke with a start to ____that one of his socks had ____. So, he madly searched the bed. This woke his bride and without ___, she immediately asked, “What on earth are you doing?”

“Oh, no!” he cried. “You've swallowed (吞) my ____!”

【1】A. worked B. enjoyed C. shared D. took

2A. ask B. want C. expect D. think

3A. widely B. highly C. hardly D. deeply

4A. happiness B. marriage C. life D. family

5A. and B. but C. or D. then

6A. strange B. big C. strong D. smelly

7A. clean B. hide C. wash D. cover

8A. bed B. room C. home D. house

9A. thought B. question C. decision D. problem

【10A. go to sleep B. wake up C. go to bed D. rise up

【11A. rest B. smell C. breath D. air

【12A. get B. go C. take D. make

【13A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say

【14A. forgetting B. remembering C. knowing D. having

【15A. happiness B. silence C. joy D. pleasure

【16A. late B. latest C. later D. latter

【17A. see B. find C. discover D. invent

【18A. come up B. come out C. come in D. come off

【19A. moving B. waking C. thinking D. sleeping

20A. breakfast B. feet C. food D. sock


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


The moment she heard of the news that her son was involved in the crime,

she pale.

A. went

B. got

C. changed

D. appeared


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.

A Not only they brought

B. Not only did they bring

C. Not only brought they

D. Not only they did bring


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】I didnt see you at the meeting. If you , you would have met my brother.

A. has come

B. did come

C. had come

D. came


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Its obvious that the Beijing Olympic Games a great success.

A. kept

B. showed

C. proved

D. remained


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Unfortunately, not everyone has realized the important part that healthy diets in their daily life.

A. play

B. playing

C. to play

D. are playing


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】 (2015 福建) It is said that body language ________ 55 per cent of a first impression while

what you say just 7 per cent.

A. lies in B. accounts for

C. consists of D. goes with

