精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情



【1】D__________ with your boss is dangerous, but holding different opinions is important to the progress of the company.

【2】David d__________ his job and is looking for another one.

【3】If you want to know how to get along with others, please read the following t__________.

【4】A t__________ is someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old.

【5】This is an important grammar i__________ in English; for Chinese learners, it is a difficult grammar point.

【6】I liked her blue notebook and she liked my red one, so we __________ (交换).

【7】I’m very __________ (感激的) to you for your kindness, and I’m sure to come to see your concert.

【8】This dictionary is __________ (正是) what I need to help me increase my words and improve my spelling.

【9】The teacher asked the students to choose a __________ (伙伴) for the next activity.

【10】She seemed upset but quickly __________ (恢复) herself.














科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Your senses become alert and you suddenly find the answer to a problem ________ solution has long escaped you as a brilliant thought crosses your mind.

A. which B. that C. whose D. when


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



【1】She had led a life of luxury and ________(特权).

【2】I was just ________(想知道)about that myself.

【3】Everyone in the class is expected to ________(参加) in the discussion.

【4】He ________(调整) himself very quickly to the heat of the country.

【5】Much new knowledge is ________(远的) from the immediate interest of the ordinary person.

【6】He insisted three years is not enough for a good ________(翻译).

【7】We have made all the ________ (安排)for the conference.

【8】These facts are ________(有关) to the case.

【9】She is not very clever, but ________(在其他方面) she's a nice girl.

【10】I see them about once a ________(两周).


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


I was looking at a picture recently and noticed there are something different. The frame was _______. The overall picture still looked good but I couldnt _______ whether or not changing the frame would make it better.

From this an interesting _______ came to mind. At times when I was _______ I would spend money on clothes. Maybe I spend it on other things as well.

Because I have a love for _______, I thought I would feel good. However, the feeling was always _______. Why? Because doing this didnt _______ the real issue. What I needed to do was to pay attention to what was bothering me on the inside _______ trying to cover up my problems by making changes on the outside. I was changing the frame but the picture on the _______ was still the same.

We may change the _______ of our hair or even buy new clothes. There is nothing wrong with doing this _______, but if it is being done for the wrong reasons, it may not _______ to how we really feel. If you _______ there is something wrong, try to change that; this way you will truly feel better on the inside. _______ time with family, having a conversation with a friend, or even letting your pen write your innermost feelings can _______. Eventually, you will get true peace and joy inside. This way, not only will you be better able to _______ your life but also display colorful images of love for others.

So _______ necessary, dont just change the frame. Change the picture. Getting a new picture may be _______ and may take time; however, with _______ it can be accomplished. In the end, playing your part in building a _______ of even more fine art in this world would be worth it!

【1】A. touched B. changed C. covered D. cleaned

【2】A. decide B. discuss C. imagine D. answer

【3】A. story B. thought C. message D. concept

【4】A. high B. up C. down D. slow

【5】A. food B. music C. architecture D. fashion

【6】A. worthless B. priceless C. sensible D. momentary

【7】A. break B. solve C. release D. confuse

【8】A. instead of B. in case of C. because of D. in spite of

【9】A. inside B. surface C. spot D. top

【10】A. width B. color C. number D. structure

【11】A. suddenly B. finally C. occasionally D. gradually

【12】A. make a difference B. get through C. take a chance D. work out

【13】A. wonder B. care C. sense D. appreciate

【14】A. Devoting B. Spending C. Killing D. Affording

【15】A. work B. happen C. return D. appear

【16】A. lengthen B. share C. enjoy D. spare

【17】A. unless B. although C. since D. when

【18】A. convenient B. difficult C. simple D. necessary

【19】 A. help B. permission C. effort D. effect

【20】A. temple B. place C. court D. museum


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


【1】我们应该关心那些需要帮助的人。(in need)




3尽管这辆小汽车价值不菲,但他们没有别的选择,不得不买下来。 (purchase)





科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


--- How did you learn to speak English so well?

--- By practicing English I had a chance.


B. however

C. whenever

D. whoever


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also our thinking.(2011 .湖北)

A. direct

B. limit

C. change

D. improve


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



When I was starting my own business, I always those successful businessmen either offline __【1】__ online about their experiences. The best advice I ever got was similar to this statement: You are __【2】__ (respond) for you own experience.

Soon I realized that this is true for everything in life.

In my opinion, one of mistakes that we make as __【3】__ (human) is to look up to someone as our “role model”. Although the concept of “role model” is good, __【4】__ it can potentially lead to can be dangerous. We always try to convince __【5】__ (we) that if we copy their success story then we will be naturally end __【6】__ with the same success. This isnt true at all. Its their experience that made them what they are. You cant repeat that. Once I __【7】__ (open) a firm to make electronic devices, and I regarded Bill Gates as my role model. I had thought that years later I would be as successful as him. But the result was just contrary to my __【8】__ (expect), and I failed. As time went on, I realized that different persons have different strong points, abilities and capabilities. So stop __【9】__ (try) to copy others experiences, but build your own. Enjoy what life throws at you and make the __【10】__ (well) out of it.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour. The thinking is that they can then return to the places that ____ them. Its not true! What you see from the ___ of a moving bus is ____ . Its different from the real sights, sounds, and ___ outside.

Be adventurous (冒险的)! The best ____ to experience any place is on foot and with completely no travel plan. ____ go wherever your feet and your interests ____ you. You finally will get to the ____ places that are on the bus tour—the museums, city hall—but you will have seen much more. You will have ____ the present life of the city.

“But what if I get lost?” people might ask. No one ever gets ____ lost in a big city. At last, you can find your way back to a(n) ____ place. If it makes you afraid of being____”, just find a taxi and go back to where you started. However, the ____ things can happen if you are lost. You ____ at a café to sit and relax. You can ask the local (当地的) people at the next table for directions. And ____ they don’t speak your language, your trip becomes more interesting because of the ____. Here are two more ways to help you. Know before you go. ____ a few hours before your trip learning about the history and culture of your destination (目的地).

Move around like a ____. Use the subway and buses of the city that you’re ____. You’ll not only ____ money, but you’ll also learn how people really live.

【1】A. helped B. concerned C. interested D. satisfied

2A. insideB. front C. back D. center

3A. real B. true C. unreal D. common

4A. views B. cities C. towns D. smells

5A. use B. way C. group D. voyage

6A. Just B. Never C. Hardly D. Especially

7A. lead B. move C. tell D. help

8A. differentB. wrong C. right D. same

9A. left B. felt C. lived D. led

10A. terribly B. possiblyC. hopelessly D. finally

【11A. unknown B. well-knownC. strange D. familiar

【12A. lost B. decided C. left D. went

【13A. worst B. hardest C. nicest D. happiest

【14A. reach B. get C. rise D. stop

【15A. in case B. as a resultC. in fact D. even if

【16A. experience B. conversationC. talk D. trip

【17A. Take B. Spend C. Pay D. Use

【18A. graduate B. tourist C. native D. foreigner

【19A. seeingB. visiting C. going D. walking

20A. organize B. bend C. saveD. flow

