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【题目】That is the only way we can imagine __________ the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.

A. reducing

B. to reduce

C. reduced

D. reduce


【解析】句意:这是我们能够想到的减少学生们在浴室过度用水的唯一办法。分析句子结构可知,we can imagine 作定语,修饰先行词the only way ,这里动词不定式也作定语修饰名词短语the only way.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】The difficulty we now meet with is ________ we can persuade him to tell the truth.






科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:









科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】________ the English examination, it will be put off till tomorrow.

But for

As for

In spite of

Because of


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:




科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】加点字用法完全相同的一项是 ( )

A.使快弹 一曲红绡不知

B.自言本京城女 天涯沦落人

C.拢慢捻抹复挑 商人重利别离

D.满座重闻皆掩 座中下谁最多


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Electric cars are dirty. In fact, not only are they dirty, they might even be more dirty than their gasoline-powered cousins.

People in California love to talk about “zero-emissions vehicles,” but people in California seem to be clueless about where electricity comes from. Power plants most all use fire to make it. Aside from the few folks who have their roofs covered with solar cells, we get our electricity from generators. Generators are fueled by something — usually coal, oil, but also by heat generated in nuclear power plants. There are a few wind farms and geothermal plants as well, but by far we get electricity mainly by burning something.

In other words, those “zero-emissions” cars are likely coal-burning cars. It's just the coal is burned somewhere else so it looks clean. It is not. It’s as if the California Greens are covering their eyes — “If I can’t see it, it’s not happening.” Gasoline is an incredibly efficient way to power a vehicle; a gallon of gas has a lot of energy in it. But when you take that gas (or another fuel) and first use it to make electricity, you waste a nice part of that energy, mostly in the form of wasted heat — at the generator, through the transmission lines, etc.

A gallon of gas may propel your car 25 miles. But the electricity you get from that gallon of gas won't get you nearly as far — so electric cars burn more fuel than gas-powered ones. If our electricity came mostly from nukes, or geothermal, or hydro, or solar, or wind, then an electric car truly would be clean. But for political, technical, and economic reasons, we don’t use much of those energy sources.

In addition, electric cars’ batteries which are poisonous for a long time will eventually end up in a landfill. And finally, when cars are the polluters, the pollution is spread across all the roads. When it’s a power plant, though, all the junk is in one place. Nature is very good at cleaning up when things are not too concentrated, but it takes a lot longer when all the garbage is in one spot.

【1】 What does the underlined word“clueless” mean in paragraph 2?

AThe California Greens are covering their eyes.

BPeople in California love to talk about zero-emissions vehicles

CPeople in California love to have their roofs covered with solar cells

D. People there have no idea that so far electricity mainly comes from burning coal, oil, etc.

【2】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Electric cars are not clean at all.

B. Electric cars are better than gasonline-powered ones.

C. People cast doubts on electric carsbatteries.

D. Gasonline is an efficient way to power a vehicle.

【3】 The electricity we get from a gallon of gas may make our car run __________.

A. not less than 25 miles.

B. more than 25 miles.

C. no less than 25 miles.

D. not more than 25 miles.

【4】According to the passage, electric cars _________.

A. do not burn fuel and more environmental.

B. are toxic and it is difficult for nature to clean it up when their batteries are buried in one spot.

C. are very good at cleaning up when things are not too concentrated

D. are poisonous for a long time and will eventually end up in a landfill

【5】 It can be inferred from the passage that __________.

A.Being green is good and should be encouraged in communications

B.Electric cars are not clean in that we get electricity mainly by burning something.

C.Zero-emissions vehicles should be chosen to protect our environment.

D.Electric cars are now the dominant vehicle compared with gasoline-powered cousins.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】对下列常识解说不正确的一项是( )

A.左迁:贬官,降职 青衫:唐代低级官吏穿的服装

B.善才:指琵琶师 命酒:叫(手下的人)摆酒

C.管弦:指音乐 铁骑:身披铁甲的战马

D.教坊:唐代管领音乐杂技、教练歌舞的机关 击节:打拍子


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】In this skit(滑稽短剧)the main character says that his cock has just _________ an egg.





