精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情


--- How do you like your teacher of English?

--- Well, no one teaches here.

A. well

B. typical

C. best

D. better


【解析】 no. . better没有更好的了。它相当于the best。


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1. ___________________________(她感到很难过) on hearing the news.

2. I will go to ___________________(去理发) tomorrow.

3. She ________________________(没有理睬父母的劝告) and got into trouble.

4.The nurse _____________________(让小男孩平静下来) by giving him some candy.

5.We _________________________ (非常担心父亲的健康).

6. _____________________(就我个人而言),Im against the plan.

7.You ____________________(本应该昨天完成这项工作).

8. ____________________________(为了能够按时完成任务),they worked day and night.

9.Its the first time________________(我访问中国).


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1.We will talk about this later when you’re feeling ________ (更冷静).

2. I tried to tell her but she ________ (不理睬) me.

3. I’m rather ________ (关心) about my brother’s health.

4. If a tooth feels very l________, your doctor may advise that you get it taken out.

5. When the night came, they drew the c________ and locked the doors.

6. She was deeply ________ (心烦的) about the way her father treated her.

7. She used to________ (分享) my troubles as well as my joys.

8. After a ________ (系列) of exercises, he has finally passed the driving test.

9. He went to town for the ________ (目的) of buying a new television.

10.We were woken in the night by ________ (雷).


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Now plastics have wood, iron and steel in many fields.

A. taken place

B. in place of

C. instead of

D. taken the place of


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


On one of her trips to New York several years ago, Eudora Welty decided to take a couple of New York friends out to dinner. They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes, another customer was approaching their table.

"Hey, aren’t you from Mississippi?" the elegant, white-haired writer remembered being asked by the stranger. "I’m from Mississippi too."

Without a second thought, the woman joined the Welty party. When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair.

"They began telling me all the news of Mississippi," Welty said. "I didn’t know what my New York friends were thinking."

Taxis on a rainy New York night are rarer than sunshine. By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside. Welty’s new friends immediately sent a waiter to find a cab. Heading back downtown toward her hotel, her big-city friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi.

"My friends said: ‘Now we believe your stories,’" Welty added. "And I said: ‘Now you know. These are the people that make me write them.’"

Sitting on a sofa in her room, Welty, a slim figure in a simple gray dress, looked pleased with this explanation.

"I don’t make them up," she said of the characters in her fiction these last 50 or so years. "I don’t have to."

Beauticians, bartenders, piano players and people with purple hats, Welty’s people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends, from walks through the streets of her native Jackson, Miss., from conversations overheard on a bus. It annoys Welty that, at 78, her left ear has now given out. Sometimes, sitting on a bus or a train, she hears only a fragment(片段) of a particularly interesting story.

【1】What happened when Welty was with her friends at the cafe?

A. Two strangers joined her.

B. Her childhood friends came in.

C. A heavy rain ruined the dinner.

D. Some people held a party there.

【2】 The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 6 refers to Welty’s.

A. readers B. parties C. friends D. stories

【3】What can we learn about the characters in Welty’s fiction?

A. They live in big cities.

B. They are mostly women.

C. They come from real life.

D. They are pleasure seekers.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


Seans strong love for his country is in his recently published poems.

A. relieved

B. reflected

C. responded

D. recovered


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】The explorer got a disease in blood for the of fresh vegetables and fruit.

A. sake

B. lack

C. ignorance

D. benefit


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



People with bad manners are rejected in the world of work. They do not get good jobs or promotions. Their business do not succeed. 1 They are liked and supported. They have friends, luck and success. When you improve your manners, you improve your chances of success. The following are several examples of good manners.

Be polite to everyone you meet. 2 For example, when you go on a job interview, be polite to the desk clerk as they can affect you chances of success. Use these magic words as often as possible: Hello, Please, Excuse me and Sorry, and use the two most important words: Thank you.

Use good manners in all of your communications. Examples: Return telephone and email messages within 24 hours; If you receive a rude message, do not respond with rudeness, but be polite; Do not interrupt people. _____3_____

4 Cutting in front of other cars only gains you a few seconds of time. If you are polite, patient and calm, you will arrive safely and feel more relaxed. A good sense of humor shows good manners. 5 Before starting important conversations, meals or meetings, turn off your mobile phone. Ignoring people while you use your phone is impolite.

A. Use good manners when driving.

B. People with good manners are accepted.

C. It is better to make a careful plan before you take action.

D. You should learn good manners from people around you.

E. Tell jokes or pass on humorousstories that everyone will enjoy.

F. Make sure people are ready to listen to you before you start talking.

G. You will never regret being polite, but you might regret being rude.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】My parents strongly _________ my _________ to go to college out of Beijing, because they don't like my being

far away from them.

A. enjoy; wish B. oppose; attempt

C. advocate; effort D. object; desire

