精英家教网 > 高中地理 > 题目详情



1. The students __________ often__________(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs.

2. The old man is ill. He__________(must send) to the hospital.

3. Vegetables, eggs and fruits__________(sell) in this shop.

4. —I don’t suppose the teacher knows who broke the vase.

―Well, surprisingly she does. Tom has been called and __________( question) now.

5. Little Tony__________(take care of) by his aunt because his parents are both busy with their work.

6. Preparations__________(make) for the 2020 Olympic Games at present.

7. What makes me angry is that the goods in my shop__________ (always steal).

8. A talk on Chinese history__________(give) in the school hall next week.

9. Where to have the meeting __________(discuss) now.

10. It is said that the lost boy__________(not find) so far.


1. are; told 2. must be sent

3. are sold 4. is being questioned

5. is being taken care of 6. are being made

7. are always being stolen 8. will be given

9. is being discussed 10. has not been found



科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



How to become a better reader

Language and literacy (读写能力) are among humans’ greatest inventions. Evolving(演变) over the course of human history, languages are a reflection of our cultural and societal attitudes. Today, surrounded(包围)by social media, television, movies, and, of course, books, the ability to read and write is important to expressing one’s feelings. Most humans acquire language in early childhood and speak fluently when they are about three years old, but our continued relationship with language gives shape and meaning to our lives. 1

(1) Take it slow. Many readers feel that they read too slowly, especially compared with others. 2 The best readers are flexible(灵活的)— slowing down when needed and always have a dictionary at hand.

(2) Read aloud. When humans first began reading written words, it was unusual to read in silence. 3 Try listening to the author reading their own work you’ll be surprised to find how clearly it comes through on the page.

(3) Write. Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you read affects how and what you write, and the best readers often make the best writers. But while much can be learned from close, repeated readings, there are many pleasures to language that can only be experienced through the practice of writing. 4

(4) Tell your friends. All of the literature is essentially communication from an individual’s inner voice to an audience. 5 It’s a good way to see the world from someone else’s eyes and, in the process, carefully examine your own reaction to what you’re reading.

A. But the truth is that the faster you read, the less likely you are to understand fully what you’re reading.

B. Can you remember the first piece of writing that transported you to another world?

C. There is something magical about sharing books with friends or a book club.

D. Try writing every day for a month, and you will never read the same again.

E. Reading out loud is one of the best ways to improve your reading ability.

F. Here are 4 ways to become a better reader.

G. In no time, you’ll be appreciating novels like fine wine.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:

【题目】Passage 2











(2016·四川)Basketball Statistician Help Wanted

The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2016, Winter 2016-17 and Spring 2017 semesters. Students in this position will be keeping live statistics during basketball games. Students must meet all of the following requirements:

Good computer skills

Available evenings and weekends

Knowing basketball rules and statistics

Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their respective(各自的) campuses.

TP/SS Athletic Coordinator, Michael Simone,240-567-1308

Rockville Athletic Coordinator, Jorge Zuniga,240-567-7589

Springfield Athletic coordinator, Gary Miller,240-567-2273

Germantown Athletic Coordinator, GavriChavan, 240-567-6915

【1】When will the job start?

A. In May 2016.

B. In May 2017.

C. In September 2016.

D. In September2017.

【2】Who is more likely to get job?

A. Sam, English major ,member of the college basketball team.

B. Judy, IT staff with night classes, children’s basketball team coach.

C. Ted, computer major, basketball fan, free on evenings and weekends.

D. Molly, part-time programmer, high school basketball player, new mother.

【3】Whom should you contact if you want to apply for the job in Rockville?

A. Michael. B. Jorge. C. Gauri. D. Gary.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1. 这所学院于1895年由她的家族创办。

The college ________________ by her family in 1895.

2. 错过了这趟车意味着再等一个小时。

Missing the bus ________________ for another hour.

3. 他们用和平方式解决了这个问题。

They settled the problem ______________________________.

4. 汤姆是我们班第一个养宠物的学生。

Tom is ________________________________ keep pets in our class.

5. 你是投票赞成还是反对他的决定?

Do you ________________ or ________ his decision?

6. 当我处于困境时就求助于朋友们。

When I am ________________, I will ______________ my friends for help.

7. I think you should (树立一个好榜样) to your brothers.

8. You (本应把此事告知老师) but you didn’t.

9. Why not (阻止他们污染那个湖泊)?

10. You are kind and (做你的朋友我感到骄傲).

11. (在我看来),the plan is practical to carry out.

12. (我第一次采访他时),he looked a bit nervous.

13. Only when you receive a good education (你才能找到一份好工作).


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


The cost of keeping tigers alive in the wild is about $80 one square meter per year, say conservationists(自然资源保护论者) but only about $50m per year is being guaranteed. The figures come from a new assessment(评估) that suggests targeting efforts in 42 selected breeding sites.

About 3,500 tigers remain in the wild, and only about 1,000 breeding females. Although conservation programmes are operating in some countries, notably India, the tiger has actually disappeared from vast areas of Asia where it used to live.

Once found from Turkey to the eastern coast of Russia, it is now concentrated in small areas of South and East Asia, though even here it is extinct in some countries such as Pakistan and down to fewer than 50 individuals in others, including Cambodia, China, Laos and Vietnam.

The animals are found in only about 7% of their historical range. But the new study suggests conservation would benefit from concentrating efforts into still smaller areas specifically, into 42 source sites that make up only about 6% of the tigers current range, or about 0.5% of the area it used to span.

The immediate priority, however, must be to ensure that the few breeding populations still in existence can be protected and monitored. The figure of $80m per year is the cost of safeguarding and monitoring populations in these key sites. More than half of the figure is already being provided by the range states themselves, by international donors and by conservation groups.

The big hope this year is the Tiger Summit, to be hosted by Russias Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg. Originally planned for this week, it has been postponed until November in the hope of attracting a greater number of national leaders.

【1】Tigers have disappeared in ___________.

A. India B. Cambodia C. China D. Pakistan

【2】 Whats the primary task of conservationists according to this passage?

A. Enlarging the areas of tigers

B. Assessing the situation of tigers further

C. Providing more money for tiger protection

D. Protecting and monitoring the breeding female tigers

【3】How much is lacking to protect one tiger in the wild one square meter per year?

A. About $80. B. About $50.

C. About $30. D. About $20.

【4】 What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. Russia does best in tiger protection in the world.

B. Plans for tiger protection are difficult to carry out.

C. Some national leaders pay less attention to tiger protection.

D. More money is sure to be provided by Asian countries to protect tigers.

【5】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. There are about 3,500 tigers in the world.

B. Tigers mainly appear in South and East Asia nowadays.

C. The tigers current range decreased by 99.5% than it used to be.

D. More than half of the money used to protect tigers comes from the governments at present.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



in cash rely on be familiar to play jokes on dream of to be honest based on

as well as break up or so

1. I shouldnt ________ doing such a thing.

2. We dare not ________ Mr. Wang for fear that he should become angry.

3. The workers received their wages ________.

4. The language adopted in the book must ________ young children.

5. We can ________ him to help us.

6. The film ________ a novel written by Mo Yan.

7. The employer ________ the employees wishes for a holiday.

8. Our school will ________ tomorrow.

9. There are 300 students ________ in this middle school.

10. ________, I do not like this kind of music at all.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:






A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.②④


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:



My friend had a chance to make a trip to Hong Kong on August 15, 2016. He had dreamed 1 visiting it since his boyhood and it was the first time that he 2 (be) there. The following was what he had seen.

3 (arrive) there, he was impressed by its beautiful scenery and tall buildings. It is said that Hong Kong has the 4 (many) skyscrapers (摩天大楼) in the world. Wherever he went, he saw many smiling faces. People in Hong Kong were kind, easygoing and ready to help others. Much to his surprise, he saw that people there always kept order in public 5 (place). Though crowds of people were waiting for the next train at the subway station, they were talking in such 6 low voice as not 7 (disturb) others.

Chinese and English are the 8 (office) languages of Hong Kong. English 9 (use) in governments, markets, service centers and other fields.

Staying there for a week was a good experience for him, 10 he would never forget.


科目:高中地理 来源: 题型:


1. I lived in _____________________and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.


2. ____________________ theyre called the Winter Olympics.


3. No other countries could join in, ______________________ slaves or women!


4. ________ in the Summer Olympics ________ you have the running races,together with swimming,sailing and all the team sports.


5. Theres __________________ competition among countries to host the Olympics ________ to win Olympic medals.


6. I had to sit down and rest __________________________.


7. So just how do you __________________________?


8. He will __________________________across the Atlantic.


9. You can swap out one system and ______________________.


10. But I also ______________________ he would probably not find my answer very helpful.


