科目: 来源: 题型:
【题目】下列词语中加点的字,读音全都不相同的一组是( )
A.亵渎/赎罪 孝悌/涕零 遛鸟/溜达 戛然而止/弃甲曳兵
B.悼念/泥淖 伺候/伺机 昭告/诏令 濒临绝境/捷报频传
C.镣铐/瞭望 猿猱/杂糅 蜕变/兑现 不可估量/量体裁衣
D.旋风/旋涡 狙击/诅咒 牛虻/氓隶 义愤填膺/真赝难辨
科目: 来源: 题型:
【题目】The man who was used to ______up early had his leg broken.
A. getting
B. get
C. got
D. have got
科目: 来源: 题型:
【1】 Though she is not a n English speaker, she can speak English very fluently.
【2】 Nowadays, a number of tall buildings have e for people to go up and down.
【3】 If we c someone to do something, that’s to say, we order them to do it.
【4】 Though they have not seen him for many years, they could r him immediately when they saw him in the crowd.
【5】 John and Tom are brothers. The former is a teacher; the l is an engineer.
【6】 The villagers were all (出席的)at the party that evening.
【7】 Her report is written in the (官方的)style and is only for officers.
【8】 She failed in the English exam because of her poor English (词汇)。
【9】 We made a (请求)for help because of the flood.
【10】 Luckily, their health is (逐渐地)improving.
科目: 来源: 题型:
He came home after midnight, and______, he was drunk. That made his parents very angry.
A. what is more
B. on the other hand
C. in my opinion
D. in another word
科目: 来源: 题型:
【题目】下列词语中,加点字的读音完全正确的一项是( )
A.涎(xián)皮 怂(sǒng)恿 轴(zhóu)线 咬文嚼(jué)字
B.迤(yǐ)逦 蓬蒿(gāo) 寒砧(zhēn) 茕茕孑(jié)立
C.簪笏(hù) 踹(chuài)水 付梓(zǐ) 得鱼忘筌(quán)
D.酒馔(zuàn) 岩岫(yòu) 矜(jīn)育 锱(zī)铢必较
科目: 来源: 题型:
He did better in the exam not only than ______ m his own class but also than______in mine.
A. any other student;any student
B. anybody; anybody
C. anybody; anybody else
D. the other;others
科目: 来源: 题型:
【题目】下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一项是( )
A.旖旎/绮丽 市侩/污秽 强迫/倔强 复辟/辟邪
B.媲美/包庇 殉情/徇私 处所/惩处 储存/贮藏
C.驻扎/包扎 盘桓/城垣 模样/模仿 悲恸/惘吓
D.舟楫/编辑 噱头/戏谑 开拓/拓本 档案/当铺
科目: 来源: 题型:
The theory he had stuck ______ to be true.
A. proved
B. to proving
C. to prove
D. to proved
科目: 来源: 题型:
【题目】下列词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一项是( )
A.韶光(sháo) 缱绻(qun) 拗不过(niù) 气量褊狭(piān)
B.龟裂(jūn) 趿拉(tā) 撂挑子(tiāo) 间不容发(jiān)
C.辟谣(pì) 槎桠(chá) 差不多(chā) 忝列门墙(tiǎn)
D.露馅(lù) 答应(ying) 胳肢窝(gā) 铩羽而归(shā)
科目: 来源: 题型:
______ water to grow is well known.
A. That trees need
B. These trees need
C. That tree needs
D. Trees need
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